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  1. Sanguinarius

    Top 3 games of the decade

    1. The Witcher 3 2. Total War: Warhammer II 3. Mass Effect 2
  2. Sanguinarius

    News 2019 Rumour File - discuss rumours here! (Part 2)

    Wasn't this the exact sane narrative last year with Luko and Rankine? And it'll be the exact same narrative every year unless they stop being such a basket case. The high point of GC's season is the ****ing draft night
  3. Sanguinarius

    Cummins Overrated?

    I'd lean more to the idea that they rate and injured Cummins over the fit 20th/21st/22nd player. If that meant that Cummins was able to focus on recovery and rehab rather than going and looking for a 9-5 job, I'm not complaining
  4. Sanguinarius

    Cummins Overrated?

    Probably shows that someone In CA is a better judge of talent than you
  5. Sanguinarius

    Roast Rory Atkins is...

    Amazing how chirpy the blue bangers get when they aren't sitting 18th. If only your boys fired as many shots over the last decade or so, ey lads?
  6. Sanguinarius

    The Law What a tragic story.

    You said that you were happy to have secret trials, hidden from public scrutiny! That is a massive over reach and reaction to this scenario. Show me this is a wide spread incident that actually needs a response? One or two isolated incident do not require a seismic systemic adjustment of the...
  7. Sanguinarius

    The Law What a tragic story.

    That's completely throwing the baby out with the bathwater! Are you insane? The tiny, tiny, amount of "good" this would cause is massively outweighed by the damage this would cause to victims and everyone else involved in the system at large. You can't build trust in the legal system by hiding...
  8. Sanguinarius

    Computers & Internet Tinder

    Majority of her photos use stupid animal filters? /swipe left
  9. Sanguinarius

    Warhammer Online

    War always had a kind of "softness" to command input that didn't change regardless of the latency (I played on oceanic, Na and euro servers on live) . It could be my memory but RoR doesn't feel noticeably worse. I'll have a look.
  10. Sanguinarius

    Warhammer Online

    What did that server have that RoR doesn't?
  11. Sanguinarius

    FTA-TV The Bachette: now with disingenuine bachelors and timmay the cafe enthusiast

    ... And I'm finally up to date. Thanks for the commentary guys, I'd never have made it through all that without you!
  12. Sanguinarius

    Streaming The Witcher

    To me, getting Cavill is amazing as a sign of intent. It shows that there is money being put into the show. Doesn't mean it will be good but it's a good sign.
  13. Sanguinarius

    List Mgmt. Draft Needs 2018 : Rankine/Lukosius/Rozee/Hately etc.

    Well that changes everything ..
  14. Sanguinarius

    FTA-TV Who Is America? - New Sacha Baron Cohen series

    Just watched the first episode on Stan. Holy shit those senators agreed to say that on camera?
  15. Sanguinarius

    MMA-UFC UFC 226 - Stipe v Corimer The Superfight

    It's a farce... But it will sell. Hell, I'll watch just to see Brock get his head caved in. For me, DC has earned the extra large pay day and is not as though the HW division is throwing up too many options right now .
  16. Sanguinarius

    Love Island

    I completely agree with you regarding Erin Eden I'm not so sure. He fired up a few times to be sure but I'm not sure they weren't justified. Take the last blow up at Grant for instance. The discussion was tense, but not an argument until grant brought up cassidy and Erin and attacked her...
  17. Sanguinarius

    Love Island

    I don't understand the reason everyone turned on Eden and Erin. The only real characters in the house imo. Don't understand the accusations of bullying either. Teddy went in their with the idea to piss Eden off, then had a cry when he did. They buried the hatchet and teddy was still overly...
  18. Sanguinarius

    List Mgmt. Operation : Bloody get Rankine

    I'm picking up some fairly strong Ravel Morrison vibes from this guy. All the talent in the world Too interested in playing the footballer than being the footballer
  19. Sanguinarius

    Love Island

    I think cas would be an OK chick on the outside, but she's really not cut out for this. Millie just wrecking her in every exchange. Don't blame her for shafting Taylah and grant though, those idiots deserve it. Another vote for the erin/Eden couple Seems like a good bloke and Erin is hilarious
  20. Sanguinarius

    Love Island

    I think that last episode showed why Natasha has had so little screen time. Just dumb and boring Erin is entertaining. Crazy. But entertaining. Agree re make model. He'll never live anyone as much as he loves himself. But it's hilarious watching him constantly failing to attract anyone.
  21. Sanguinarius

    Love Island

    I'll second most on here by saying obviously not as good as the British version, especially the last British season which was awesome. Still watchable though. It's always interesting seeing beautiful idiots in a scenario where they're not the direct centre of attention (see Natasha) and don't...
  22. Sanguinarius

    Love Island

    This is my trash
  23. Sanguinarius

    Strategy Lukosius All In POLL

    Can't wait for draft day after we've traded up to a high first and we select a Victorian with it.
  24. Sanguinarius

    SA The Adelaide Thread

    True, but generally they're not trying to stick their hands down your pants like those teal blokes
  25. Sanguinarius

    The Cold

    I work in a temp controlled environment so this thread is a little funny. It's cold 24/7!
  26. Sanguinarius

    Apple vs Banana: Which makes the most annoying sound when eaten?

    I've been eating bananas wrong all these years..
  27. Sanguinarius

    Universal Champion should be....

    I honestly have no idea why he got moved to main. He was kinda amusing in NxT, but even then only in small doses.
  28. Sanguinarius

    Universal Champion should be....

    No-Way Hose.
  29. Sanguinarius

    WWE Greatest Royal Rumble - April 28th 2am AEST

    I just made it through a five hour wrestlemania.... I cbf watching something this rediculously long again so soon Especially with a Roman / Lesnar main event. The two of them have clogged up the top of the card for too long