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  1. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    And hey thanks everyone. Thanks mods for not following up reports. Thanks to the `clique' (lol as if we needed more proof there isn't one) for pitching in when the `hurr hurr look at the lamo weirdo' crew descended to empathise with Scooter. Chiwigi, thanks for at least being willing to go...
  2. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    I have the feeling you think your definition of outrage is someone sitting down, tapping their chin and going "Oh, what should I do next, shall I masturbate or perhaps I'll be outraged today. Mmm, well I've already had a go three times today, lets try outrage" I mean I can imagine that might be...
  3. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    You don't know my life. Hardly anyone knows any of it, because I've seen how often trans people get doxxed online. `Funny' transphobia is still transphobia. You voluntarily deleted the video from your original post because of a word used in the title, a word universally used by people attempting...
  4. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    You've made it extremely clear already that this is a blindspot in your empathy, so its not surprising that you'd reach that conclusion. Disseminating transphobic jokes, and endorsing transphobic views, absolutely makes you transphobic. Or racist, or sexist. Technically a woman? What? The...
  5. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    You don't care except that you post a blatantly transphobic video here mocking transgender people, and are pretty firm on deciding what some college students gender is for him. For all that the people at his college may have done, at least they did it in reaction to his self-declaration; you...
  6. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    You do realise your `thats hilarious' about the article is coming from the perception that the person who transitioned isn't an actual man, right? Its given away in the video by the constantly mixed pronouns and: 8:37 in the video, I quote: "Like as if she's really a white man. Why are we...
  7. Portia


    "And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide."
  8. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Break it down and explain what is preposterous about it. So when you post it here, you recognise that you're being purposefully offensive, yeah? Anything he's saying is part of what you're posting.
  9. Portia


  10. Portia


  11. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    I reported it, just as I would if you had Even the video's title is a breach of Bigfooty's rules.
  12. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Really? Original article: Title of job is: multicultural affairs coordinator, whose job is to promote a “culture of diversity” on campus. FYI not `Diversity Officer'...
  13. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    so its 1x4+1=5, 2x5+2=12,3x6+3=21,5x8+5=45 based on is it a plus or a times sign so do both being the ****ed up logic
  14. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Mmm not sure how to say it Even on issues he's mostly OK, he always manages to include a wtf element to his take that makes it terrible.
  15. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Joe Hildebrand has the worst takes on everything
  16. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    The only chuggers I even acknowledge are the ones I can remotely believe might say hello or otherwise acknowledge my existence if they didn't want money from me So none of them. Actually maybe a few Anzac Day badge sellers now I think back
  17. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    He did a good villain in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. too.
  18. Portia

    Joe Atley

    I think I said that in one of the podcasts #first
  19. Portia

    Mega Thread The Port Store Mega Thread

    the geelong short sleeves are designed by Cotton On, their apparel people, to reveal less shoulder the same organisation that designed the women's guernseys to reveal more shoulder Enjoy ur patriarchy sleeves k thx
  20. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Definitely posts on this board
  21. Portia

    AFLW General AFLW Talk Thread

    Eddie Dingle?
  22. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Yeah where was the ACDC bogan with shitty teen moustache and 4 inch rat tail Ugh I miss my cousin now
  23. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    my like was casting jd as tintin, equally less interesting than his supporting cast
  24. Portia

    Roast The media....*Shakes Head* Part 5

    Disagree, he's an AFL player with insider knowledge, and he's had nearly every September off so he could watch finals really really hard
  25. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    ****ing hipster *looks for almond milk*
  26. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    I reckon that the long expiry dates has to be the biggest part of the success of A2 milk, its always got ages left on it
  27. Portia

    Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 4: Shitizens on Pootroll

    Dear milk companies If you are making a new milk to sell in the supermarkets, please know that only think I care about on your packaging is that the Use By date is as far away as possible.