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    Certified Legendary Thread Sneaking in to the Grand Final............

    Many, many years ago a friend of mine at school took the case for his double bass or cello or whatever stringed instrument he played and just walked in behind the band. He had no prior knowledge of where the band would enter, but figured an instrument case could work if he were forced to make a...
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    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    The presence of the son of multi millionaire hoteliers may have also had something to do with the names being kept very hush hush at the time.
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    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    Jordan De Goey is dating a former big brother housemate (Aisha). She moved to Melbourne to be with him months ago and, given his profile and the interest in his private life, I'm very surprised it hasn't come out in the media (or maybe I'm just too old and TikTok has been rife with it for...
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    Status in Question Tyson Stengle

    I know someone* who takes it occasionally on weekends and they have a very different perspective. * that person is me
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    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    I never listened to List Cloggers, but I found Dan absolutely insufferable on 200plus. Is that not a common opinion?
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    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    He got 'sacked' (not pink slipped, but a parting of ways that probably wasnt completely mutual - he's spoken about it) from 3AW. He was living in an off the plan 2bdr apartment in North Fitzroy immediately post footy career, and is now on a big block in Eaglemont. That sacking is the best thing...
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    Rumour Jack Steven Stabbing Incident

    No, he has a primary school aged kid with an ex GF
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    Rumour Jack Steven Stabbing Incident

    Daisy Thomas's baby mumma is dating him (never seen a footballer she didn't like the look of)... hopefully Daisy is stepping up in the parenting game at the moment.
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    Rumour Bucks in deep financial strife?

    This is an interesting aside that i'd never considered. At the money he'd be on a couple of hundred with some extras for casual hours, and would quadruple that if he were a senior coach. Delaying $4+ million of earnings makes perfect sense.
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    Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

    If you're on a jury, you should try to have a completely open mind to many different scenarios. Whilst she's called by the Defence, the Prosecution will also have their opportunity to cross examine her as well - do you still disregard that testimony?
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    Rumour Tyler Brockman in trouble

    'Complex' usually refers to something beyond being sad about a family member passing away.
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    Rumour Sam Wick's - Teammates ex

    He had a nice cuddle and drink of water with McDonald and Amartey
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    Rumour Sam Wick's - Teammates ex

    A better thing to do would be check every goal kicked out the back this season to see if the player was ever not celebrated with by anyone. I'm sure there would be precisely zero occurrences. Next week, and subsequent weeks, they'll all make an effort because they'll know eyes are on them.
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    Rumour Sam Wick's - Teammates ex

    Young man dates young woman. Young man and young woman break up. Friend of young man starts spending time with young woman. Friend of young man, and young woman begin a non-serious relationship. Young man learns of this and asks his friend what is happening. Friend of young man is evasive...
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    Bloody hell, this is like reading ******** where everyone is just searching for double meanings in everything the police say. He's charged with murder - he hasn't accidentally hit her with his car and panicked.
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    If only they'd just stop wearing short skirts!!!!!
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    Also, anyone who was in the area would, naturally, have reached out to police to, firstly, tell them, and secondly, let them know if they'd seen anything suspicious. This whole phone ping palaver is a process of elimination at its most simple.
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    How'd that end up?!
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    The police wouldn't bother with these kinds of mental gymnastics
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    Not a lawyer but I don't think so. dangerous driving causing death, interfering with a corpse, but no premeditation so no murder...? And, I'm sure there would've been numerous instances over the years where someone has accidentally caused the death of another, panicked, and not reported it...
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    There's really not though. It's like the American panic about sex trafficking that comes up every now and then. It doesn't exist in the way people sometimes think it exists (I.e. local woman stolen off the street and put to work in a sex club immediately), and no offence to Samantha, but the...
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    Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

    Just my opinion, but if they thought she was alive then they'd have been tailing this bloke for days hoping he'd lead them to her. Maybe they have done this? Wouldn't think they'd be taking any risks and making an arrest if that meant opening up an opportunity for someone else (I.e. someone who...
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    Rumour Simon Goodwin resigning today?

    Watching Phil Davis do his fitness test on field, literally carrying one leg behind him and proppy as all hell, but then turn out for the first bounce was one of the worst things I've seen in a match. Incredible that no-one pulled him up on it...
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    Rumour Simon Goodwin resigning today?

    Hand picked by Roosy, who had the keys to the castle. No-one questioned a single decision he made in those couple of years he was there.
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    Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

    I don't know about illegal activities, but he's not some kindly gent just wandering around the bush having friendly chats with those he encounters. He actively seeks to creep people out and takes delight in their discomfort. If I'm travelling alone I will avoid areas where any trouble may lay...
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    Rumour AFL to buy / take control of regional AFL venue.

    Catching a train up there, enjoying a pub lunch and then strolling through the lovely streets of Rat City to Mars Stadium would be quite lovely. Absolutely spifflicating myself on schooners during the match, followed by a stumble to the train station and sleeping the whole way back to Melbourne...
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    Current Abduction of 4yo Blowholes Shacks WA *Terence Kelly Convicted

    At least it indicates that he didn't treat her dreadfully whilst he held her captive. Small wins etc
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    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    I was there too - got chased by three blokes absolutely off chops who thought we'd stolen drugs from them (we hadn't). Girlfriend at the time and I hid in swale on the eastern side of the car park. Dirty, disgusting but didn't get my/our heads kicked in. Found our way back in 45mins or so later...
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    Rumour Clayton Oliver

    Found this line near the end pretty yuck from Robbo: "If he was able to do an interview and talk about his issues and his pathway forward, there’s no question the public would have far greater understanding and far less condemnation of him" Come and sit on the couch with me Clarry. There's a...
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    Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

    Is this a day late being posted? Or did someone actually get on air with a rumour that they read in the Herald-Sun yesterday?!