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  1. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    Says the person who comes up with following in depth commentary as a reply to others…..
  2. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Yes, when the CIA want to assassinate someone, they’re going to get someone who will be covert, has intelligence, blends in with the crowd and disappears silently into the night. Everything this degenerate was….
  3. Visions

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

    Does this mean Trump will publicise his hate for Nicky Jam a few days after loving “her”?
  4. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Very peaceful. My personal favourite was Trump assassinating the 2nd most powerful man in Iran on a whim which then led to a 737 civilian passenger aircraft being shot down killing all on board, and Trump telling Iran any retaliation would mean the destruction of 52 significant Iranian sites...
  5. Visions

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

    Just waiting for Trump to get wind of this and come out with the I HATE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN! tweet or whatever the **** he calls it on on his scam network platform.
  6. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    In 1990, Iraq had the 4th largest army in the world with over 1.5 million combatants, 5000 tanks, 3000 artillery pieces and 700 military aircraft. Didn’t do them any good.
  7. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    Reports a few days ago suggested Ukrainians crossed the border at yet another point a long way NW of the current war zone within Russia in the Khomutovka area. Now they are evacuating towns in the area. Seems the goal is to stretch Russian forces, who need to be sent to try and stop these attacks.
  8. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The surprise here is that there is still a third of women voters who intend to vote for a rapist.
  9. Visions

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

    No shots fired, do we really know he was there for Trump? Maybe he was there to shoot some wild life.....
  10. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    The biggest red line (the 30th or so in succession) was crossed when Western tanks invaded Russia proper in Kursk, and American HIMARS were fired on Russian towns, along with F16 jets firing missiles at Russian locations in Russia itself. Striking at the heart of Russian imperialism, the...
  11. Visions

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

    He will be the same age as the man he bleated about a few months ago being too old to be president. Also might have to do his campaigning from prison once those trials actually get going.
  12. Visions

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 20: The Decline of Donald

    Is he sure he isn’t talking about the amount he has lost in DJT share value since Swift made the announcement?
  13. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Where's the videos of Democrats outraged about Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock endorsing Trump...........
  14. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    Mmmm. Would think that the cargo planes were there to pick up the Shahed drones and ballistic missiles. If anything they may have brought across air defence units or the like as an exchange, but highly doubt any sophisticated type offensive weaponry as Russia can't afford to give it away.
  15. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    With what weapons is Russia arming Iran with? They don’t have enough on their own to spare. You have it the wrong way around. The purpose of the visits was to beg Iran to provide Russia with ballistic missiles and drones/technology for them to use on Ukraine. If Iran was preparing to go to war...
  16. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    Russians channels seem to have starting panicking about this new offensive front by the UAF in Kursk. But don’t worry, the genius that is petrie pie assured all of us yesterday that the Russians are in control and it will all end in 2 weeks…
  17. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    And yet despite all the talk and words you write, you never post anything to back it up….. So in your mind you can say all the BS you want, never be accountable for it, but keep on hoping everyone believes you. Just like Donald Trump and Putin.
  18. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    a) If you even bothered to read his initial post, you will see that I restored it with the accurate narrative, not the BS conspiracy he spouts. b) You are wrong. Just because Yeltsin and Putin asked the question of joining NATO, it doesn't mean they wanted to join despite your claims. They never...
  19. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    You have the grammar level of a grade 3 kid with plenty of mistakes but I will correct some parts for you. NATO didn't reject anything because Putin never had Russia apply to join NATO.
  20. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    Didn’t realise misguided attempts at conspiracy theories were considered the trith? So you say you will be proven correct and then post these zingers! I look forward to you being “correct” and if not i look forward to reminding you about it.
  21. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    If you go by Tom Cooper, Ukraines response is to launch another offensive from Ukraine over the border west of the current frontline. According to him, Ukraine has already captured the towns of Novy Put, Obukhovika, Veseloye, Obod, Volfino and Medvezhe. This would lead to the Russians in the...
  22. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    Its been a shocker since day 1 of the war. Remember the SIMS 3 incident at the start? That had to be the funniest attempt at failed propaganda in history.
  23. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Amazing how that poll (and the numerous other fictional ones he mentioned) were conducted in only 10 minutes after the debate as he went into damage control in the spin room.
  24. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Why would he want another debate? You cant come up with zingers and knockout blows like people are eating cats and dogs every time you step up on stage!
  25. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    That would require thought processing. Something the village idiot of the thread is bereft of.
  26. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Don worry about the betting markets, this is the biggest indicator on whether people think Trump will win. The lower the share price, the less chance people think he has.
  27. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    I won the debate, but everyone involved with it needs to be fired just because. He wasn't underprepared, I'm pretty sure his team would have told him to not act like a ****wit. That's on him.
  28. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    What's even funnier is that Russian trolls around the world are being paid handsomely for spreading Kremlin propaganda even though they know it is BS. This village idiot is doing it for free because he actually believes it.
  29. Visions

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    The conspiracy is strong in this one. You must be tired having hijacked the protest today waving that Russian flag. Okay, now they have been upgraded to the best army in the world according to "most commentators who know of these things." Can you name 2 commentators that aren't Russian trolls...
  30. Visions

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Yeah they allowed him to continue talking over his time limit so he could put his foot in his mouth. How unfair!!!