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  1. Twoslabs

    New music discussion 2024

    Absolutely love these guys and the new album is an absolute banger. Saw them last year at Rebellion in Blackpool and was highly impressed. Also a nice nod to Madness' One Step Beyond at 1.45
  2. Twoslabs

    ColLOLingwood tries to sweep their failed netball team under the rug…literally

    AFL club sweeps unsuccessful franchise in another sport under the rug ..... wonder if there's a precedent ......
  3. Twoslabs

    Loudest gigs/concerts

    Apart from me predictably saying Motorhead, the most ear shattering show I went to was Killing Joke at the Hi Fi Bar/Wall Street late 2003. Took days for the ringing to stop
  4. Twoslabs

    Game 2023/24 Off Season Ladder (current leader Naarm)

    So if I can get this right ..... more points personally for Clary due to the allegedly unlicenced driving. Mods can we split this? one option for Clary, one for Naarm, looks like 1 & 2 at this stage :think:
  5. Twoslabs

    Optus is the ars*hole of ISP's

    NAB late 2010, systems were down for 5 days, all because some nuffy didn't run the BSB check on the payments file :rolleyes:
  6. Twoslabs

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

    So you'll be condemning the attacks on innocent Israeli citizens? ........ I'll wait
  7. Twoslabs

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

    your point ?????
  8. Twoslabs

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

    Squeeee so we just go with with a Sunni Muslim theocracy, still at least they don't have a "fake veneer" of anything so that makes it okay .... the "Lions of Monotheism" would disagree that for example Palestinian Christians should have a say to in what is also their traditional lands. Rapt...
  9. Twoslabs

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

    Simple question for the usual apologists ..... does Israel have the right to exist or not? no semantics, no what about isms, a simple yes or no? Just remember a possible two state solution was proposed way before WW2 by the British as a result of the Peel Commission google it .... who opposed...
  10. Twoslabs

    Willy Rioli is a violent thug

    Underated post, after all he was apparently on "Easey"St .... woops my bad freudian slip "Easy" st
  11. Twoslabs

    Western Bullflogs tell high-priced recruit, Rory Lolb, to GAGF

    This guy and what he did to your club? The one the only Stephen O'Reilly (sans paper bags in this this photo)
  12. Twoslabs

    Post here if you're above Geelong on the ladder

    1996 Fitzroy checking in, at least they had a win after Rd 3 ;)
  13. Twoslabs

    NSW NSW State Election: 25th March 2023

    Might just be me but I can see the similarities between the current LNP and the ALP of the 1950s where there is a traditional side and a "religious wing" of the party. After the DLP/ALP split there was a long time in the wilderness federally for Labor and even longer here in Vicrtoria. This is...
  14. Twoslabs

    Your upcoming gigs

    Apart from a brief trip to Adelaide to see The Damned due to my daughters deb ball that night in Melbourne...... I've bitten the bullet and will be attending Rebellion in Blackpool this August, has always been on my to do list so I thought f it I'm going !!!
  15. Twoslabs

    Teammates that didn't like each other

    Old post and odd question but are talking two Adelaide punk bands that despised each other even though they shared a member?
  16. Twoslabs

    January 26

    So basically go back to a pre 1994 model where it was on the closest Monday? Used to love a long weekend in late Jan :cool:
  17. Twoslabs

    Best Band You Have Seen Live

    In rough date order but no preference ..... The Clash Dead Kennedys Models U2 Killing Joke (all 3 tours, can never fault them) The Damned (5 out of 6 tours (was skint in 87), can never fault them) The Cramps (all 3 tours, could never fault them) Transvision Vamp (Metro) Public Image Ltd...
  18. Twoslabs

    Aged Care Royal Commission and its negative effect on the industry

    My question is what to RN's bring that will instantly make things better? They won't do PCA tasks for that money while carrying a HECS debt, nurses of the 1950's are different kettle of fish to modern nurses. I just helped my Mrs get out of the system thanks to family contacts after 10 yrs...
  19. Twoslabs

    Overweight and Obesity in Australia in 2023 and future projections.

    My story 53 turning 54 this year. 180cm tall and at my peak hit 125kg, now at 81kg. Covid has actually been a blessing to me, worked in a CBD office and junked everyday for lunch, these days still WFH, so rather than something deep fried washed down with coke and kit kats, it's something home...
  20. Twoslabs

    Off-topic Festivas songs: Good ones only.

    Christmas time is here again, Macc Lads have a ball, All the crack are stood in line and shagged against the wall Lots of ale and Christmas snogs and puking up in the Bear's Head bogs Jingle bells, Muttley smells, Beater's on his back Stez has got a hard-on and he's shagging all the crack...
  21. Twoslabs

    Ain’t nothing like the sound of the Rickenbaker - what are your favourites?

    Paul Gray one of my faves 1977 Then Sydney with The Damned in 2019, in this video the bass overpowers everything else, geez he can rock a Rick
  22. Twoslabs

    Business & Finance What is a 'good salary' in Australia in 2022?

    I'm on 6 figures, Mrs Slabs gets around $50K for a two day a week job. We have no mortgage, no other debt so based on that I believe we are on a "good" income. "If" we were carrying $500K of mortgage I'd probably think differently :think:
  23. Twoslabs

    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    Must admit I'm surprised if it stays this way, as a Pakenham local a couple of things I look forward to .... The local crime theft and racism page melting down (LOL), and even better Monica Smit streaming more hostage type videos from the car on Main St :p
  24. Twoslabs

    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    This one's a cracker !!!! exactly 18,267 each as of 4 hrs ago with 81.5% counted
  25. Twoslabs

    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    5 votes diff in Pakky 17956 ALP Vs 17961 Lib. Expect it to go to Libs as the road resurfacing started too late to election day :think:
  26. Twoslabs

    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    I'll admit my "reborn" seat of Pakenham could be interesting. On last election it was ALP 52.2 v LNP 47 by booths Difference is this time we have strong independent who could conceivably finish second and he if does he wins :think: will be one to watch.
  27. Twoslabs

    Have Geelong become too powerful?

    Seriously well run club wins flag ........................... cue outrage :rolleyes: Geelong late 90s massive debt, poor management, Costa comes along with and good management got them out of that, appointed Bomber stuck with him and seven years later a flag. Scarily similar to my club with...
  28. Twoslabs

    Off-topic Parkour

    Okay when it's in a Stranglers video and Psycho is miming the words :think:
  29. Twoslabs

    News Andrew Thorburn is retaining legal counsel for wrongful termination by the Essendon Football Club. NOW WITH BIG BANGS

    What I still can't get over is despite the religious BS this "man" should never have been put in charge of another organisation bigger than a lemonade stand. His corporate governance is non existent and yes as per his demand the buck did stop with him #Woops. This person was literally...