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  1. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Ok fine, he's neither a boomer nor gen X. He's secretly a gen Z. Makes sense why he reacted the way he did tonight
  2. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    3 years shy, do u really wanna take Ken as a gen X? I'd pass him off as a closet boomer if i were in his age range.
  3. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Here's a wild idea you might be able to wrap your head around. They are both immature, stupid campaigners. The difference is one is 21 and one is 57
  4. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Sure. Kenny was 100% getting fired if they lost but he didn't give a shit until he heard that comment and then he said "boys, you better ****ing win" [emoji849]
  5. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    I wasn't saying LT was the exact same as Ginni, nor do I like Ginni. He's a w***er. But Ken is a bigger w***er off the back of tonight. He's lost his shit because he was 4 points away from being sacked
  6. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Sure. Or you could say it was the expected result of 2nd vs 7th in a home final. If just hating one campaigner was enough to turn a game we would have beaten Port handily the last 2 years
  7. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    If that made a difference to their motivation then they have much bigger problems. Losing a home final by 14 goals after finishing 2nd should have been motivation enough. They were embarrassed and pathetic last week. It was an all time collapse Every team has pests. Lindsay was a pest for us...
  8. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Agree but you judge the 57yo harsher than the 21yo. One is a stupid kid. The other is a boomer fool acting like a stupid kid
  9. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Pretty pathetic from a 60yo. Shows why his team is so mentally fragile
  10. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    He's as classy as he is good at winning finals Ken. Belongs in Adelaide
  11. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    BT interviewing koch in the aftermath, is there a bigger pair of flogs in the industry?
  12. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    This is the best thing to come from tonight. Kenny keeps his Job. No port flag while he's in charge.
  13. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Pretty fitting. Last two finals between these two hawks have won by 3 points. Now Port reverse it
  14. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Oooh sicdog. Big kick here
  15. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    Ok JHF has torn his hammy. Now I want port to win the flag [emoji23]
  16. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    I'm very torn here between wanting port to lose and not wanting hawthorn to reach a prelim haha
  17. Jay-Z

    Game Day The Finals 2024 - Nekgame Giants v Lions

    He's a jet in the way Nathan Buckley was a jet. Jason is about Jason and not about his team winning. Long may he reign
  18. Jay-Z

    Certified Legendary Thread Sympathy for *essendon III - 4 Sept 2024 marks 20 years since *Essendon have won a final; Coached by the anti “RESULTIST”, RIP D2D and T_S

    Yeah the slide from 3rd to 9th from round 20 to 24 was quite remarkable. Something I thought only my club and a select few others were capable of. Sorry for your loss
  19. Jay-Z

    Certified Legendary Thread Sympathy for *essendon III - 4 Sept 2024 marks 20 years since *Essendon have won a final; Coached by the anti “RESULTIST”, RIP D2D and T_S

    As the bombers and Roo boys celebrate mad Monday today, it occurred to me that Essendon's shock 1pt win over freo a month ago ultimately handed their arch rival Carlton a spot in the 8 [emoji23]
  20. Jay-Z

    Trades 2024 Fantasy Round 22 Trades

    After 21 weeks of fading him and hoping he'd ping a hammy, I'm finally gonna get some Zork on my fork. Apologies to all owners as he'll probably break now just to f**k with me. Simpkin - Zorko Evans - 200k
  21. Jay-Z

    Game Day 2024 Fantasy Round 21 Discussion

    2488. Best score of the season. Pou fell just short of a ton but still a nice downgrade from dowling
  22. Jay-Z

    Game Day 2024 Fantasy Round 21 Discussion

    Took on treloar (116) with xerri C (150) and now J Cameron (who would have been traded out two weeks ago if not for injuries) goes 120. Not a bad day at the office 1251/10+C
  23. Jay-Z

    Player Watch #44: Cameron Zurhaar - has re-signed until the end of 2029 - finishes 6th in the 24' SBM

    I had a similar thought. LDU will sign. His comments recently about sticking with souv, jye, etc. Surely just a matter of $$
  24. Jay-Z

    Player Watch #44: Cameron Zurhaar - has re-signed until the end of 2029 - finishes 6th in the 24' SBM

    That video tells you how important this signing is. Comments like "now we've got the core signed up", "can't wait to hold up the cup with you" etc. Huge!
  25. Jay-Z

    Trades 2024 Fantasy Round 20 Trades

    If I had a list of all the bad decisions I'd made this season, it would definitely be in the top 100
  26. Jay-Z

    Trades 2024 Fantasy Round 20 Trades

    Kerch, Dawson, Fisher all out with injuries means I'm stuck keeping Jeremy Cameron for another putrid week 😡 Traded out Sheezel at round 10 for $1million bucks when someone somehow convinced me he'd only avg 90 playing mid/fwd so i'm finally bringing him back at the bargain price of $920k after...
  27. Jay-Z

    Game Day 2024 Fantasy Round 19 Discussion

    2217. Fwds shocking + traded in the wrong bulldog (Bont)
  28. Jay-Z

    Trades 2024 Fantasy Round 20 Trades

    Dawson started the season as my M1 and has slid all the way to M8 as I prepare to trade him out this week
  29. Jay-Z

    Game Day 2024 Fantasy Round 19 Discussion

    Somehow when setting my captain to McAulliffe to take Whitfield's VC, I lost my def emergency (had it on Evans). Now I have a bad feeling Kerch doesn't play and this move costs me 80+ points
  30. Jay-Z

    Game Day 2024 Fantasy Round 19 Discussion

    Well the good news out of tonight is I can start planning trades. Caldwell and Dawson to ? & ?