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  1. B

    and who mite this be ??? a tip rat ??

    and who mite this be ??? a tip rat ??
  2. B

    i have been told spreyton are looking fit under lowe and people are talking about fulton ?? but...

    i have been told spreyton are looking fit under lowe and people are talking about fulton ?? but what about toddy b kicked a ton last year stewy ryan macey
  3. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    yes i agree with everthing u have said sir at least there is some one out there with a brain peter fulton did say the wrong thing but if umpire ricky youd did not have this disability would there even be a probblem here no i dont think so ????? so there for he should not be in control of a game...
  4. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    na champ it was the umpire that was gobbing of to the other umpire saying he was going to punch his head in ?? but we are short on umpire's so lets just turn a blind eye to that hey ???
  5. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    sorry didn't know this was a spelling comp Footy 7 lol whats a matter dont u like new people coming on board must of hit a neve with that and be carefull what u say someone my take that coment the wrong way its happend be4 :-)
  6. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    na just know some people up that way u know how the talk is ?? got some mates that play at dev and ulv am i wrong thats just what i got told ??
  7. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    well whats the dif than playing and geting abused champ nothing its a choice that we make knowing what the out come may bring but when a umpire is going around during a game telling the other umpire that he is going to punch his f#@king head in during a game of under 17 as i have seen on vid...
  8. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    dport got some one to run the club and look what happened 2007 k479 in debut 2008 k504 that was a good job if they ran the place them self i dont think it would of been that bad
  9. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    well if thats the case of him having a dissabilitie then mabey he should be running the boundry or goal ump not in controll of the game peoples lives are in his hands out there so mr youd has to be on top of his game to be incontroll of 36 player's and if thats not the case then i am sorry for...
  10. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    have u got any goss on ulverstone who coaching ???? i got told mark fagan
  11. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    does that include that wiggo bloke case i got told he did f%@k all there except big note to the popular blokes ?????
  12. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    yeah prob the country is going to be strong next year better than the ntfl i reckon
  13. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    was talking to fults and he dose not miss any games next year if found giulty it dise not carry over to that comp
  14. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    yeah sorry about that but did'nt think we were at school :-) are u a teacher lol
  15. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    dont know about that one i will ask him tonight we are doing weights so will find out the goss and get back to u north wester
  16. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    and no to u mate fults only called him a half wit ???? is that so wrong if u go to footy i think u would of heard somthing worse than that???? to bad its not finished with yet lets see what happens old mate
  17. B

    Who will coach Devonport?

    and no champ if u knew what was going on u would know that its going throw an apeal at the moment so he has not got anything at the moment so matt is wright :-)