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  1. Maddox

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    BREAKING NEWS: Man found dead with two Weet-Bix shoved up his arse. Police suspect a cereal killer. ;)
  2. Maddox

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    This one may be a tad inappropriate... Boy: There's 20 letters in the alphabet yeah? Girl: No there's 26. Boy: Oh I forgot U-R-A-Q-T. Girl: Aw that's so sweet. But that's still only 25 letters. Boy: Don't worry. You'll ge the D later :cool:
  3. Maddox

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    Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other "You drive, I'll man the gun". Okay that one was bad :oops:
  4. Maddox

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    Hopefully this one doesn't go over everyone's head. Q. What rhymes with Snoop Dogg? A. Dr Dre.
  5. Maddox

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    Q. How do you circumcise a whale? A. Send down four skin divers.
  6. Maddox

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    Q. What do you call a Mexican who can't find his car? A. Carlos
  7. Maddox

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    Q. What do you call a Mexican leaving a hospital? A. Manuel
  8. Maddox

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    Q. What's red and smells like blue paint? A. Red paint.
  9. Maddox

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    For Sale: A dead Budgie. Not going cheap.
  10. Maddox

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    How to speak Irish: Whale Oil Beef Hooked (Say it fast)
  11. Maddox

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    Haha try reading them in the office and trying not to burst out in laughter :D
  12. Maddox

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    Yeah he's great. I love how he just keeps baiting people and they fall for it everytime :p
  13. Maddox

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    That is one of the best :thumbsu:
  14. Maddox

    Post your funnies: here... Everything by this guy.