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  1. D

    Angels Stadium

    Nice place to watch games. As with most stadiums along the 1B line is prime territory but I liked watching from the RF seats in the outfield when I went out there. Wish I could help with the cost etc but I honestly can't remember. I do remember being told that I shouldn't expect too much from...
  2. D

    MLB Offseason 2010-2011

    Scary rotation for Philly indeed. Like they say on SI, not snce Maddux, Glavine, Smoltz & Neagle has there been a better one on paper. As a Sox fan this is almost the best result of the Lee sweepstakes, including if we'd signed him. The only thing better would be if he'd signed with...
  3. D

    MLB Offseason 2010-2011

    According to SOSH we might have Martin but Downs (lefty reliever) may be Angels bound. Sux to be the Angels. They started out thinking they were in on Lee, Crawford & Beltre. So far all they have Downs. Hopefully they get Beltre, I'd like to see him do well again with a relevant team next year.
  4. D

    MLB Offseason 2010-2011

    Not quite. We keep the Detroit pick and Rays get our Rd 1 pick. The good thing now is that the pen help we need (Downs) won't cost us a rd 1 pick anymore. Good times. Now if only Cliffy would sign with Texas...
  5. D

    MLB Offseason 2010-2011

    Would love Beltran. I'm also intrigued by Martin.
  6. D

    MLB Offseason 2010-2011

    Werth is gone which is a bit disappointing. I doubt they go for Crawford now because his price just went WAY up with that ridiculous Werth deal. The catching will be Salty & Tek. But Russell Martin being cut loose does offer some intrigue. I don't think he'll end up in Boston but you never...