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  1. Brishawk

    The Cricket Thread

    What an amazing first session today. Complete and utter annihilation. Hard to recall another innings like that from our bowlers.
  2. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    Trump cards are also pretty good 😉
  3. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    He did start a trade war but yes he should be commended for his non-war starting achievement. But people worry about what he might do on the way out even if it isn’t nukes.
  4. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    Neither of them could and yet they attracted record voters 🤷‍♂️
  5. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    You said everyone who didn’t get your point lacks the IQ...I assure you that the IQ of other posters isn’t the issue here.
  6. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    The only thing you proved is that you have a chip on your shoulder.
  7. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    I should clarify. They do teach neoclassical economics which is the inspiration for neoliberal economics. The difference being neoclassical economics in its pure form is accepted as having too strong assumptions and reality is quite different. It is a good learning tool and has value for...
  8. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    They don't teach their brand of 'economics' at university. I can promise you that much.
  9. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    Economists: 'You deed to tax pro-cyclical and spend counter-cyclical.This will help manage the budget and encourage investment and wage growth.' Libs: 'Tax! Spend! Deficit! BOOOOOOOO!!' COVID: 'Ahem...' Libs:'...ok I see the problem...lets subsidise non-viable gas projects and attack worker...
  10. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    I don’t think it is racial. Indigenous people get longer sentences on average. I’d suggest it is another example of the legal system not protecting women from domestic violence from an intimate partner.
  11. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    How do you permanently disfigure someone to the point they lose a finger and only get six months?
  12. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    There is no bigger sook on this board than you, tige. You haven’t stopped whinging since you joined. 🙄
  13. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    I think when it all comes out in the wash, people will try an pick at the bones looking for a casual link back to individuals but I think the likely explanation for the outcome will be a mix of bad behaviour of individuals, a very high number of returning citizens from overseas, combined with a...
  14. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    There is no evidence here immunity is possible. You can get the virus more than once.
  15. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    The numbers will keep going up rapidly until they exhaust the track and trace around the hot spots. We shouldn’t be so worried about the numbers but the locations of the positive tests. If they can’t connect positives to the hotspots then we have a containment problem.
  16. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    I remember only a few posts ago you said you didn’t cast insults at people but in this post you call people alarmists, scaremongers, and leftists. And you say that people are screaming about this stuff. Who is screaming "run for the hills"? Who are scaremongers? Who are alarmists? And what do...
  17. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Federal estimates are that jobkeeper improves the unemployment rate by ‘up to 5%’. That means up to 22% of people on jobkeeper are effectively unemployed if not for jobkeeper. The hospitality sector can’t function without a relaxation of social restrictions but retail has bounced back and...
  18. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    You have never substantiated that the cfr is actually falling or what that really means. You just use it like a dog whistle. You get a hard time on here because you lack the humility and integrity to accept you were wrong and instead just shift your ranting to some new battleground.
  19. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    I think we are stuck with some level of social restrictions until effective treatments are developed. Not putting much faith in vaccines as I don’t see any evidence yet that they will be effective. There are going to be outbreaks of it from time to time at which point social restrictions dial up...
  20. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    You have been banging on for days about the cfr and the fraud of Covid and that is all you have to say?
  21. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    hey tige19 if you like this post then you agree with me that your conclusions based on the cfr were spurious. 👍
  22. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Exactly my point. If you don’t control for confounding variables you make spurious claims. Of course they also have over 5,000 deaths and appear on my frontier of failure on a previous chart I posted.
  23. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    IF that is true, that is inexcusable. Hard to imagine non-housing commission residents treated the same way.
  24. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    You embarrass yourself again. Understanding the independence/interdependence of data isn't micro analysis and it isn't optional. By ignoring foundational concepts, you just come across as an angry, ignorant person. The very slight downturn in CFR is because the NEW cases are young and in low...
  25. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    It would certainly give them an advantage but I don’t think it is insurmountable. There will be a lot of economic pain out there and it will be up to the governments sell a message of hope against the current crisis.
  26. Brishawk

    The Serious News Thread

    A national/global crisis usually favours the government in polling and elections. 9/11 gave Howard a big boost from memory.
  27. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    It is about lowering probability of transmission, not eliminating the possibility. It is risk management not eliminating risk. If you lower the probability of transmission it makes track and trace a lot easier and effective. If you get sick and can only go to work and shops (with shops being...
  28. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    If the people getting infected are from a group that is young and less likely to have preexisting conditions the cfr will fall. The people most likely to take risks and ignore social distancing are young people with no preexisting conditions. Do you think 70 year old asthmatic, diabetic people...
  29. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    If it doesn’t work, they will have to confine people to homes so tell everyone you know to practice social distancing and stay home it sick.
  30. Brishawk

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Stop been argumentative. We have isolated the most vulnerable people and the vast majority of people are complying with social distancing. The death rate is NOT independent of social distancing. Is that difficult for you to understand? If it is, you have no business citing literature or...