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  1. Brishawk

    Pre season Watch - Training Updates Etc

    Hey, don't get me wrong here, I like the Lions but there is only one team for me - the Hawks! But thanks for the offer :) But living in Brisbane and going to a lot of games and asscoiating with a lot of people who follow the Lions, it is hard not to take an interest. I am a football lover and...
  2. Brishawk

    Pre season Watch - Training Updates Etc

    Thanks Xplo!
  3. Brishawk

    Travis Johnstone in 2008

    TJ is one of my favourite players to watch when on song. In short, the term flawed genius is probably an apt description of the man except I wouldn't tell him that. He demonstrates a savant-like ability to read the play at times and that is the key to his ball winning ability and the secret as...
  4. Brishawk

    Pre season Watch - Training Updates Etc

    Merritt is a monster!! That not be a man but a remorseless spoiling machine! Sherman looks good - very fit. It will be good to see him playing well next season as he is an exciting player to watch. Any one know how TJ is going at training? In about 2002 he polled 16 votes in the Brownlow and I...
  5. Brishawk

    Break outs

    For me, Mills will never hurt teams on the scoreboard playing as a forward. I don't know if any team can afford the luxury of playing forwards who don't kick goals. If you compare him to other lead up players, most successful teams have a midsized player performing that role who push a little...
  6. Brishawk

    Break outs

    Hi Lions fans. I hope you don't mind me posting here - I live in Brisbane and watch a lot of their games. If you can really have a second team I guess they would be mine. I am new to bigfooty and I have found some supports get overly sensitive to foriegners on their boards. I hope that is not...