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  1. hoianbulldog

    Coronavirus: eradication or suppression?

    I would like to know the starting point of that modelling. When Oz was down to 350 active cases they were a lot closer than 4-6 months from eradication.
  2. hoianbulldog

    Coronavirus: eradication or suppression?

    Vietnam has had no community transmissions for 90 days. Repatriation flights are limited, but ongoing so the govt doesn't lose control. Back when Australia got down to 380 active cases nationally the end game was close. They just needed to hold firm for a bit longer and enforce stricter...
  3. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    I'm thinking that famous shower scene from........ Rambo
  4. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Not having a go but compromises ain't gunna cut it. Sacrifices are what is needed now, compromise boat sailed about 2 months ago.
  5. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Make America great again.........oooops, I meant Australia
  6. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Or you could eliminate the virus from the country. Not many people speak of that as an option which shows how low the bar is being set. Mostly for political reasons.
  7. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Or the army. Pretty sure they aren't fighting any conflicts at the moment. Edit. My bad, i read afp
  8. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Yes you can stop it. It has been done and the population roams free without a care of covid.
  9. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Infected security guards is a failure in implementing quarantine surely. I live in a country that had over 70.000 people in quarantine at one point, in army bases, hotels etc. Suburbs were also lockdown where there were outbreaks, nobody was allowed out. Country wide lockdown lasted only 3...
  10. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    If they had remained locked down for longer or went into lockdown earlier Australia would be in a situation where there are no community transmissions. Victoria has to pay the price now both politically and economically.
  11. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Seriously stupid comments. Do you want to stop covid or not? Australia should be covid free now, it's not. Govt started weighing up short term political impact and short term economic impact. They backed the wrong dog.
  12. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    I dont agree. You don't need to block all streets. You block all major roads and tell people if they wanna play chicken their arse will be in quarantine at Puckapunyal army base for 14 days. And if people wanna protest about human rights violation then tell them to gagf'd and throw their arses...
  13. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    They would move the baracade to one side.
  14. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Hugging your mum when you visit is bad. Hang out with 6 thousand people for whatever cause is okay. Yep, that's Gunna get the people behind you. Frkn idiots
  15. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Baracades. Police etc. Don't tell me it can't be done. It's a quarantine zone.......
  16. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    Who was leading the people prior to lockdown? Two steps to clean of covid is clear courageous leadership and the people being onside. If you don't have number 1 you ain't getting number 2. See BLM protest for beat example.
  17. hoianbulldog

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier?

    You can lock down suburbs to contain the virus. 1. Don't tell everyone before hand so they can load the campervan up and go and stay at a friend's place. 2. Baracade the suburb. Nobody in and nobody out. It is pretty simple.
  18. hoianbulldog

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    You only need one it you turn them just enough. I know of a bloke who did it ok
  19. hoianbulldog

    The House Price Thread

    I purchased a 3 bed 1 bathroom house in inner nw suburbs of melb in nov 99. Sold it last week at auction. Rented it out since 2003 so it has had little money spent on it. Capital appreciation over 17.5 years was $1,225 per week. That is frkn insane in anyones language. That rate cannot be...
  20. hoianbulldog

    Double Dissolution Election; July 2. Budget now on May 3rd

    Take care of yourself and don't be offended by idiotic comments.
  21. hoianbulldog

    Bill Shorten - how long?

    Get a farkn room.
  22. hoianbulldog

    Bill Shorten - how long?

    How about you both move Miranda Divine debate to PM's.
  23. hoianbulldog

    Political Cartoons Thread (International & National)

    Not a cartoon but it would make a good one. K
  24. hoianbulldog

    Rudd vs Gillard reprised: The Killing Season, ABC TV

    Two things struck me as odd from Tuesday's episode. 1. The four you mentioned were all very inexperienced in parliament yet when they planned to oust Gillard not one off them thought to discuss the situation with the cabinet members who had manyyears experience. Cabinet seemed to be the only...
  25. hoianbulldog

    Halal Fees- Jacqui Lambie

    If the info in this video is close to the mark I don't think ISIS would be too concerned if Jacqui Lambie managed to stop the possible $148.37c flowing from Halal certification from Oz. Note: I made up that...
  26. hoianbulldog

    Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

    So you think that the leader of a party that has been the primary focus of an election campaign doesn't influence a voter when they get to the booth? Really?
  27. hoianbulldog

    Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

    We will (probably) have 3 elected prime ministers in succession who don't make it to their first election. Italy aside, has this ever happened anywhere before?
  28. hoianbulldog

    Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

    I think the liberals need to understand what the electorate are "necessarily in favour of" and learn the lesson from the last 18 months. Turnbull is a vote winner with the swingers in the middle and they are the only ones that count.
  29. hoianbulldog

    Arise, Sir Prince Phillip!

    I think Abbott may have had a few bucks with Sportsbet on shorten to be the next prime minister. I can't see this being received well by many.
  30. hoianbulldog

    Abbott; the GP co-payment and related backflip(s)

    Find a doctor that follows Hawthorn. It will give you something in common to natter about for the other 8 minutes of the consult.