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  1. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

    If he thought it was still 1992 he'd be near right. It is the economy. There's nothing in it for the average joe and the Dems aren't going to change that as they are completely captured by the corporate giants. Granted Trump and co aren't going to do anything for average joe, but they'll lie...
  2. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

    Politics as sport. Bad enough when people calling themselves progressives or whatever and are fans of UK or local Labor. Biden is basically John Howard and has lefty fans. lol.
  3. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

    You think the Dems care about any of that? There are a handful of progressives in the entire party and they have no power.
  4. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

    The US Dems are to the right of where the Liberal party typically are. No idea why they have fans on the nominal left in Australia. Their whole job is to prevent progressive people getting anywhere near power. Absolute shit stains.
  5. Theseventhhamster

    Bolivian Coup Attempt

    Whatabouting the School of Americas horrors is peak shitbaggerry IMO.
  6. Theseventhhamster

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    I haven't seen the new Mad Max yet, put that shit in spoilers!
  7. Theseventhhamster

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

    That dude tells on himself like it's his full time job.
  8. Theseventhhamster

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

    Can't say I'm an expert on the topic, just someone has seen shit unfold over a few decades. Obviously Israel have a massive soft power influence structure going on and it's a well played out feature of history that victors largely get to write history. Having said that though, when we look...
  9. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    Reckon you'd find the average high end crook (and Trump himself in his earlier days) would hire the best silks to get away with it. Got to remember he's stiffed so many lawyers over the journey (and the rest have been instructed to do things that would get them disbarred) that he was defended in...
  10. Theseventhhamster

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

    On the one side a pretty typical East Euro country with very racist elements particularly in it's frontline defense corps in one area defending against an attacker that has been attempting to end them for many years. On the other side an invading force built around a literal ideology of ethnic...
  11. Theseventhhamster

    Australia - US Relationship (If Trump Wins 2024)

    I guess if Trump gets in we could drop the AUKUS dud and figure out a new path with a **** load of extra defence cash to spend elsewhere.
  12. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    That can't be real. My Way and him molesting the flag. Ah **** it, I never know with this lot anymore. ****ing morons.
  13. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    I've specifically stated in a post above that both are too old. I have no love for either side in the US as a lefty rather than a pretend centreist given that the choices are right and far right. What you're doing is projecting while ignoring the content of my posts. Have a good one bro.
  14. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    Agreed. It's a clown show having anyone so many decades removed from their prime in a position where in a crisis they could be required to do 80 hour weeks for months in a crisis or whatever. The dementia stuff on Biden while he's driving around and riding bikes amongst other things shows that...
  15. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    I'm just pointing out that you're responding to propaganda like a trained seal. Trump being stupid is obvious, you're ignoring the salient point that Trump bragged about a dementia test because he's actually losing his mind and just regurgitating the Biden stuff because you're failing to think...
  16. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    You know the "Biden has dementia" stuff exists as a counter to Trump being stupid enough to both admit to needing to take a dementia test and being stupid enough to brag about passing it like it was some kind of super IQ test, you know this right?
  17. Theseventhhamster

    Is he dead? Yes he is! - Kissinger dead at 100

    His longevity in the war crimes game has to have him in the GOAT conversation.
  18. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    "I'm not giving you a ****ing cent, but you can turn up where I eat dinner and I'll give you 15 minutes of promotion if you shut the **** up."
  19. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

    There's limits to everything baby. He's been a tubby bastard forever but he's possibly only been on fancy meth for a decade. If he should be 250KG and he's only 140, that's the good stuff doing it's thing.
  20. Theseventhhamster

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 3

    Guessing some he thought was backing him switched sides for a bag of cash and/or someone got to his family in Russia.
  21. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

    I imagine he'd get to choose yeah, probably would have vetted guests and no private conversations. No more tweeting or whatever it is he does.
  22. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

    Guessing he gets some kind of home detention punishment.
  23. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

    haha he got judge Cannon again. This ones going to take a while.
  24. Theseventhhamster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

    wonky eye, the beak. Reckon in profile she'd fit the bill.
  25. Theseventhhamster

    Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 3

    This is the real game changer. Top down bureaucracy from an evermore distant vantage point. There's going to be no way to respond intelligently and timely against all the various testing of the defensive lines. All of the wins are going to rapid and huge I reckon.