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  1. The Sloane Ranger

    James Hird: Should Essendon honour his employment contract?

    Surely even the most die hearted bomber supporter has to recognise that Hird needs to start putting the club first By thus I mean Hird and his Wife would have had their eyes wide open knowing the timing of the interview, the impact on the club and the impact on the team coming in to round 1...
  2. The Sloane Ranger

    List of Essendon players who suspected they'd been given AOD, Thymosin or both: Hun 1/3/14

    Hird should never be allowed to return no doubt that the Weapon is largely responsible however proportioning all the blame to the Weapon smells of making a scape-goat to save Hird there is no doubt in my mind that if Hird's name was Matty Knights the club would not have saved their coach and...
  3. The Sloane Ranger

    Should the named players be allowed to take the field for Rd1?

    I feel for the 12 players named however the silver lining is that it does take the scrutiny away from the other 28 players, personally if I was one of the other 28 players I would be frustrated with being linked to the supplements saga knowing I had done nothing wrong
  4. The Sloane Ranger

    Should the named players be allowed to take the field for Rd1?

    unfortunately for the players the WADA and ASADA rules are very clear that is the responsibility in full is on the athlete not the coaches to ensure what they are administering in their body is legal and complies with the anti doping laws AFL football is no different than athletics or swimming...
  5. The Sloane Ranger

    The Cult of Hird in Essendon fan speak

    Bottom line is if this had happened under Matty Knights watch both club would ave stood down Knights and the supporters would have called or his head on the stick The issue is that the Hird name is so iconic with the club both club and supporters are failing to see the real key issue and are...
  6. The Sloane Ranger

    Mega Thread AFL to investigate Essendon for controversial fitness program - PART3

    So why has the weapon been stood down however Hird who is accountable for the entire football program has not FFS Hird was in the room when the players were asked to sign waivers