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  1. Mattrox

    Mega Thread Senior Coach Discussion - Neeld v the alternatives

    As an Adelaide supporter, I (and others) see similarities with Adelaide's 2010 & '11 game plan. Zoning off to cover grass...... Sideways ball movement, until there is a free man. (Problem is the game has moved on and only elite sides can play keepy-offies, and not as a game plan, but part of...
  2. Mattrox

    Opinion Something Mark Neeld needs to be careful of!

    But at least he is an expert at fitness. You guys will be able to run all day soon.
  3. Mattrox

    Opinion Something Mark Neeld needs to be careful of!

    If the supoorters and members show confidence in Neeld and back him, even when the going gets tough and games are lost, then he will have a chance to change the club culture. I hope that once he shows he can be tough and do what is needed, he can show he is flexible. We (Adelaide) did well...
  4. Mattrox

    News Jason Mifsud apolgises to Neeld re: indigenous players claim

    Funny how he offered up Rendell so quickly for a sacrifice, but has kept mum about this. If indeed it were an ex-club official that said stuff, it would prove very interesting and further call into question Mifsud's judgement. A person in his role should be working on such sensitive issues...
  5. Mattrox

    News Jason Mifsud apolgises to Neeld re: indigenous players claim

    Are you sure there is a rat at Melbourne? I reckon Mifsud is misunderstaning and misinterpreting things that people say off the cuff or in private. He clearly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He Tweeted asking for comment on who made a bigger impact Watts or Jurrah. When someone replied...
  6. Mattrox

    News Jason Mifsud apolgises to Neeld re: indigenous players claim

    Is it possible that Mifsud, while talking to a Melbourne player misunderstood what he heard, then misinterpreted it (and blabbed without thinking) to the media? Pretty sure that is what happened with Rendell. He misunderstood the racially inappropriate hyperbole as Rendell's policy rather...
  7. Mattrox

    News Jason Mifsud apolgises to Neeld re: indigenous players claim

    Mifsud used bits a private conversation and eaked just the bits he wanted the media to hear. = Rendell thrown under the bus Now GT has leaked info from a private conversation. I wouldn't be the first to think its a tit for tat to give Mifsud a taste of his own medicine.