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  1. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    I am happy for all those to be paid...players will stop soon enough. This game is hard enough to umpire as it is, asking umpires to determine force of the jumper tug before deciding just adds another grey area. It is against the rules so just pay it if you see it.
  2. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    Oh my lord, my sweet lord. Why oh why did you not mentiin tanking? Because that is blatant cheating and thats not how a dog rolls. I may keep an eye on you son, you seem lost in lifes journey. Edit: my bad, i just noticed your sweet lord, oh my lord
  3. hoianbulldog

    MRP / Trib. Eric Hipwood to tribunal - Result $2500 fine

    Give whateley some credit, he is eons ahead of the fox sports guys you talk about. I will bet good money on Whateley coming out and saying it should be a significant suspension but the laws do not cater for it. Think of him what you will but he isnt an idiot.
  4. hoianbulldog

    MRP / Trib. Tom Stewart - Result 4 week match suspension

    Lost his reputation when north had their first free kick paid against them when he started coaching. Dudes has got some loose wires.
  5. hoianbulldog

    MRP / Trib. Is Buddy in trouble for this hit on Cotchin?

    Id rather be slapped by Buddy than punched
  6. hoianbulldog

    You'll never guess what the 2021 free kick differential chart looks like

    4 weeks locked their hotel room can seriously screw up an yeaar baby.
  7. hoianbulldog

    15 metres - I give up.

    Umpires are at ground level, they dont see mowing strips. I hate the way 10 meter kicks are paid as marks, been my pet hate for many years.è
  8. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    Confirmation bias, frk off.
  9. hoianbulldog

    Toby Greene… again.

    They didnt ask foor permission to show the case from earlier in the year involving the melbourne player. Buddy's wig asked for and was granted permission to show cases from earlier in the year.
  10. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    They didnt love libba in his last 4 years. A much better comparison.
  11. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    Yeah but the question stands if you want to answer it.
  12. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    The good (or bad) old days. No sir, i got these injuries in a bar fight at the tunnel.
  13. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    Its a good feeling isn't it!
  14. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    serious question. Would you be okay for most stoppages where there is a group of players on the ground to have one player acting as Toby did last week? If you are okay with that then we want very different games.
  15. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    If you have seen the footage and still defend him it really says alot about you.
  16. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    I agree based on footage in OP. The footage on foxsports doesn't show much either. The c7 footage is the one you need to get a look at. TG is in a spot if bother.
  17. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    You havent seen the footage have you?
  18. hoianbulldog

    Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

    Is Michael Christian a bulldog supporter as well. He will get 2 for the hair pulling alone. What a dog of a player. You go on defending him.
  19. hoianbulldog

    “Be consistent you green maggot” - The Umpire Strikes Back

    He has been banned from a cheer squad ffs. They have a standard and good luck to them for setting an example. In other news the 70's are over.
  20. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    Have you got more comprehensive data than "i saw bont do it on the weekend"?
  21. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    How about you accept the fact that your team has under achieved in finals. You have a great record of making finals but have been underwhelming in your achievements in sept. Stop blaming the boogie man and face the fact that you guys have fallen short getting the job done. And i say that with...
  22. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    You learnt that today? Wow. Nothing gets past you. And what is the relevance to the 2016 finals campaign which has most people crying about in this thread, or free kick counts in general.
  23. hoianbulldog

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    I think we would have Essendon covered.
  24. hoianbulldog

    Robinson's been scammed...

    No way.......did they get his auntie Ethel aswell?
  25. hoianbulldog

    Question about Free Kicks

    Me too
  26. hoianbulldog

    AFL uses Hawthorn training session to trial new rules (zones, etc)

    4 men in the square at the bounce til ball leaves square. Maybe......just maybe 6 frw and 6 back til ball leaves square. Just some thoughts to be shot down Get rid of prior opportunity. Open up the game.