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  1. WowWeee

    The career questions and advice thread for students or those wanting a change

    Graduated with a Bachelor in Civil Engineering last year.... Did some minor structural work for work experience.... Finally got got a grad job with a construction company as a 'project asssistant/jnr CA' (0 experience in this field) working under PM/CA/site supervisor..... Can any PM/CA give me...
  2. WowWeee

    Engineering Degree?

    fking shit!!!!!!!! (also a civil grad :()
  3. WowWeee

    Tertiary and Continuing Which degrees are useless/useful?

    just graduated and got my Beng (civil/structural). Really wish i was born a bit earlier as its kinda tough to find a grad job atm :(. Hopefully it picks up soon due projects like the eastwest link being approved