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  1. Androo

    Bernie Banton passes away

    It will always be the battler that earns my deepest repect. RIP to one of the best of 'em
  2. Androo

    Kevin Andrews needs to resign.

    Howard should have left after the last election, while still on top but I think arrogance pushed him to go after Menzie's record.
  3. Androo

    Kevin Andrews needs to resign.

    Good question, Don't know the answer though......
  4. Androo

    Kevin Andrews needs to resign.

    I believe the biggest thing hurting Howard, and I hope the one that will lead to his downfall is the feeling of we don't trust Howard, he is only in it for himself and it's time for a change. That is why everything the Gov. does has no affect on the polls, it's not the party, it's not the...
  5. Androo

    Kevin Andrews needs to resign.

    Well, one of us is going to be wrong, and I'll be more than prepared to eat humble pie if I am wrong. But I am hoping like hell that I am not, surely the majority of Autralian's are intelligent to see through this government by now.
  6. Androo

    Kevin Andrews needs to resign.

    My vote is firmly in the full of shit column.
  7. Androo

    Howard & The Brethren

    I'd rather be seen with a stripper than a member of the exclusive brethren
  8. Androo


    I do often come to read, very rarely comment, but lately I have felt the need....
  9. Androo


    hey it's just a question, your opinion is so close to theirs and so different to what seems to be the general opinion of Australian voters you either have no idea of what is really going on e.g. Ackerman and Bolt or a regualr pay cheque from the Liberal party.
  10. Androo


    Dry Rot are you Piers Ackerman or Andrew Bolt?
  11. Androo

    How US Army Hummer Drivers Treat Iraqis

    would be interesting to know what sort of vehicle this was.. an ambulance perhaps, it seemed most drivers were able to get out of the way, and the taps from the behind were not hard and did no damage. Who knows what this about. I'm not for the war in Iraq, but this video did not seem...
  12. Androo

    ROFL howard sprung on another lie

    yeah, like the US does when it bombs them from overhead, or their soldiers rape and murder them in cold blood, or abuse and humiliate them in Iraqi jails:eek:
  13. Androo

    Trapped Miners

    best news I've heard all week. I hope they get them out safely.