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  1. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

    She wasn't let go because of the David lesson according to the school. Florida principal let go after failing to notify parents about lesson on Michelangelo's David | CNN “My board chair has not been happy with me,” she told CNN, adding that she did not always follow every policy and...
  2. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    I will admit to being naive in not being able to believe that at least 2 doctors, who should known better, failed to seek legal advice on the law when unnecessarily (and possibly negligently) sending a pregnant 10 year old girl interstate for a medical procedure that she could receive in her...
  3. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Mississippi Law allows abortion up to 15 weeks. It also has an exemption for medical emergencies. So a 6 week and 3 days pregnant person will be able to get an abortion in Mississippi. In Arkansas a 10 year old...
  4. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    How much of the reluctance is due to the law and how much is due to misinformation about the law though? A doctor risks prosecution in practically every decision they make. Although virtually all professions or occupations come with at least a small inherent risk of criminal negligence, the...
  5. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc Well it probably won't happen because a 10 year old taking a baby to term is clearly dangerous, and the exemption would...
  6. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    I think it is important to note at this point that the story regarding the 10 year old girl appears to be completely made up. The Ohio Attorney General confirmed that no police department in the state has received a report regarding this, and also confirmed that in the circumstances under Ohio...
  7. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Do you live in England?
  8. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    But the acceptance or denial is a foregone conclusion as it’s based on the timeframe. Why not do this even if you want the baby? Just head in to the clinic at 22 weeks when there is no doubt you will be denied, get the document, collect your money. They can’t read your mind, won’t matter you...
  9. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    How would you determine if the claim is genuine? Anyone who is pregnant could apply for this at 19 weeks whether they actually want to terminate or not, knowing they aren’t legally entitled to an abortion anyway.
  10. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    If that is the standard then Sotomayor perjured herself too. It's a silly standard. Judges shouldn't pre-judge matters. In both nominations the questions shouldn't have been asked (Heller for Sotomayor, Roe for Kavanaugh). Regardless, precedent is precedent...until it isn't. Neither actually...
  11. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Section 51 (v) - postal, telegraphic, telephonic, and other like services; Do you have a case citation regarding the internet and the postal power? I certainly don't doubt you are correct but I'm just guessing it has something to do with the bolded? Regardless, just because the feds have the...
  12. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    I am curious what you are saying here below M? "For example the 'Postal' powers of the Constitution of Australia have been ruled to apply to the internet (even though the internet is not mentioned in the Constitution) granting legislative power to the Feds and not the States. " Section 51 (v)...
  13. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Alito isn't making an argument, he is making a judgement. Lawyers argue. Judges judge. Law is the one thing everyone thinks they understand the best without any formal training yet tend to understand the least.
  14. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Maybe he should pray harder. Or better yet ask God to stop unwanted pregnancies?
  15. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Great entry level book to answer your questions. Currently running about $77 on Amazon. Great section on the differences between Civil Law and Common Law countries too for someone just beginning to learn about legal concepts.
  16. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    No it isn't. The citing had nothing to do with justifying banning abortion. Regardless, if Roe is overturned that doesn't even ban abortion. Is abortion banned in Australia? Overturning Roe would just put the US in the same position as Australia. That abortion laws are the purview of the...
  17. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Hale was quoted as evidence that abortion had a long history of being a criminal act in English Law, or at the very least, was not at all expressly permitted. Alito stated Roe got their history wrong . It was a rebuttal to the historical context used in Roe. Nothing more. Hale was not cited in a...
  18. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    Ignoring the fact that this is a draft judgement and hasn't actually been voted on at all yet, or that Presidents don't elect judges they only nominate them, that is just not correct. Clarence Thomas was nominated in 1991 by George H.W Bush who won the popular vote in 1988 by about 7 million...
  19. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    That's fine, but its not like the information isn't readily available at the click of a button and a very small amount of effort. People who truly care or are truly informed enough to be worth listening to would make that effort.
  20. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    I certainly agree rape and incest should be an exclusion for any abortion prohibition. I'd certainly prefer it to be explicitly stated in the law. I'm not aware of the legislation being tested yet and whether the lack of explicitly stating it as an exclusion has mattered. It isn't strictly...
  21. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    That comment was in regard to those who claim to truly care about abortion, yet only seems to bring it up when it concerns America, and completely ignore it when more draconian laws exist in other first world countries (let alone non-developed countries). For example, this thread exists. I...
  22. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Reproductive Rights: Roe vs Wade, abortion, etc

    The bill you are referring to is very brief. It imposes the 15 week limit, and provides the exception for severe fetal abnormalities and medical emergencies. It may just be very specific legislation and the coverage for abortion for rape and incest may be in other legislation regarding abortion...
  23. Big_Birdy

    Politics Black Lives Matter

    Well yep like lots of adults.
  24. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

    I watched this, fell on the floor laughing, and then accepted I was going to hell
  25. Big_Birdy

    Politics Black Lives Matter

    Pretty sure its a fake tweet mate. I mean you can tell they aren't pictures of the same dildo in the same place
  26. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Kyle Rittenhouse

    That’s not what happened. Walker was attacking them with a pair of surgical scissors. The shots were also to defend the other officer, not himself.
  27. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Kyle Rittenhouse

    So there is a protest being organised by ASU to have Kyle removed as a student from the college. So I wonder what the deal was when the prosecution said they wanted to call in a rebuttal witness who was from the college regarding Kyle’s testimony that he attended the University? I haven’t seen...
  28. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Kyle Rittenhouse

    I don’t understand? He was taken alive, tried, sentenced to death and later executed
  29. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Kyle Rittenhouse

    In another case which occasionally gets compared to this one (which I don’t think a thread exists for), the Ahmed Arbery trial judge has ruled that the defence must establish that they either saw or were in presence of the crime for the citizens arrest to be lawful. That should sink the defence...
  30. Big_Birdy

    Society/Culture Kyle Rittenhouse

    It’s worth noting that for those who have made comments such as “if he was black, it would have been different” that Andrew Coffee was also found not guilty today. The case may not be exactly analogous, but does provide some perspective.