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  1. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    A question regarding accuracy of RAT. From what i have read a RAT is about 80% accurate. What is the main reason for the 20% miss? Is it severity, how long you have had the virus, an individuals biology.....other factors? For example if someone with covid tested negative on a RAT would they...
  2. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    Possibly a bit different in the bigger cities, i am in a more regional area. Pre covid, women particularly would always wear a mask when on their motobike ( and often in a car). That would generally stay on when they would enter a shop for example. Not necessarily for health reasons rather why...
  3. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    I've lived in vietnam for 5 and a half years and the above comment is certainly not the case for the majority here. They wear them more often now, shopping etc but to say they are sick of them wouldnt apply here.
  4. hoianbulldog

    NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

    Think you may have replied to the wrong post.
  5. hoianbulldog

    NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

    Thats a bit like asking why were GWS fans silenced in the 17 GF. Because there were 97,000 richmond supporters and 15 GWS supporters at the ground.
  6. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    Japan and Sth Korea have similar vax rates but their case rates are worlds apart......SK being on the wrong end. Do you have any idea what is different in Japan that is keeping cases numbers low?
  7. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    true but Aren't they being held in check by people with votes? Guns kill kids at school, votes kill politicians.
  8. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    How does that work? The allergic reaction was caused by the vaccine, how can that have nothing to do with the safety of the vaccine? Im not trolling, genuine question.
  9. hoianbulldog

    NSW Covid outbreak

    My mother has this nutter covered for parenting skills. Look how scared that little girl is
  10. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    Not scare mungoring, just putting it out there.
  11. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    In vietnam we are starting to see a few deaths post vaccination. Two school children this week.
  12. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    Which means current vaccines should be effective as they are already dealing with variants from mid last year? Or is that too simplistic a way to look at vaccines?
  13. hoianbulldog

    Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

    Is it possible to explain that in english in a few short sentences, it sounds relevant given the growing fear of the new variant.......pretend you are talking to a golden retriever. Asking for a friend.
  14. hoianbulldog

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    He isn't an accountant is he? I thought he said he worked for an IT company providing accounting software.
  15. hoianbulldog

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Are your medico mates againts the vaccine or against a mandate? One is a medical opinion, tthe other political.
  16. hoianbulldog

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    What is "loads" in percentages?
  17. hoianbulldog

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Not totally true, people in many poorer countries have been left stranded without vaccines that the population would happily take. Yesterday the world passed 50% of population having recieved at least 1 dose, thete is a long long way to go yet. Dont expect anyone to be taking a knee or anything...
  18. hoianbulldog


    Who was the essendon player that refused danks happy juice because he was anti injection, i think on religious grounds?