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  1. Impunity!

    How much savings do you have?

    Could troll BigFooty
  2. Impunity!

    How much savings do you have?

    And the bigger sisters would find it then anyway
  3. Impunity!

    How much savings do you have?

    I guess if the only other option is "smuggling it in Papillon-style"...
  4. Impunity!

    How much savings do you have?

    I for one would like to learn more!
  5. Impunity!

    Any Stock Tips? - Part 2

    No worries then, was just reminding you. We lawyers are helpful types you see.
  6. Impunity!

    Any Stock Tips? - Part 2

    "The company is also in advanced negotiations in regards to an advanced uranium project with around 15m lbs of uranium."
  7. Impunity!

    Any Stock Tips? - Part 2

    Listing Rule 3.1
  8. Impunity!

    Any Stock Tips? - Part 2

    You own $65000 worth of a dud stock ;)
  9. Impunity!

    Any Stock Tips? - Part 2

    Responded to the speeding ticket with a "who me? got no idea."
  10. Impunity!

    Moving Out?

    He's also too young to sign a lease. His parents would have to enter into the lease and would be liable if things went **** up.
  11. Impunity!

    Any Stock Tips? - Part 2

    Well I don't want to show my hand too early, but actually here at Slater Nazi we are quite keen to get into orphans, you know, developing market and all that.