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  1. hoianbulldog

    My new idea to earn money without paying tax

    I'm no finance expert but it appears to me that the OP would have made a good return on his money by holding off on his forex trade by a week or 2. Maybe it'll hit 80 before dropping to 60.
  2. hoianbulldog

    Retirement - Return on Investment

    Thanks for that. Do you have any projections for CPI in Indonesia and Thailand? Looking at retiring early in one of these countries. I have seen some historical data but an a little concerned that CPI will gather pace in the developing economies in the next few decades.
  3. hoianbulldog

    Retirement - Return on Investment

    I have a question for the financial planner types. I am looking at when I might be able to retire and would like to know what ROI a financial planner would generally use to determine how long money will last. Lets say for arguments sake we started with $1mill cash and could invest anywhere. Of...
  4. hoianbulldog

    Mobile Coffee Franchise

    What are they worth roughly and what sort of return on investment were they suggesting you could make?
  5. hoianbulldog

    Mobile Coffee Franchise

    Did you go ahead with the purchase?
  6. hoianbulldog

    cash bonus...who cares

    What a load of crap. It is often easier for a married person to get retrained as their spouse can provide the main source of income. If a single person gives up their job where does their money come from? I gave up employment to go back and study when I was single many years ago. To get by I...
  7. hoianbulldog

    cash bonus...who cares

    Firstly let me say as a childless couple we get diddly squat from the Gov't this week. Also I am certainly not an economist. In a perfect world the allocation of the bonus would have been distributed on a needs basis however this would probably have been an administrative nightmare delaying the...