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  1. Mr Meeseeks

    Aussies Aussie Watch - Paris 2024 - Paralympics 28 Aug - 8 Sep

    Girls were talked after some atrocious umpiring. I can see the red mark on that Chinese though from here. I can't understand why that goal was not overturned but the high stick pc was. Shambolic umpiring one again in international hockey. Sent from my SM-G990E using Tapatalk
  2. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

    I do. It's on of my favourites. I like the format, the scenery and we always get a few medas. Sent from my SM-G990E using Tapatalk
  3. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

    4th in international caps for all Aussie men. Behind Ponting, AB and Waugh. He's a giant Sent from my SM-G990E using Tapatalk
  4. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 14 Thread

    I still go with them in the floor gymnastics, much to my daughters embarrassment Crazy date, crazy date, wig wam, crazy date and into a flat bag! Slow and steady hello boys, aaaaand close the door. Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk
  5. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 10 Thread

    Yawn. :rolleyes:
  6. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 10 Thread

    What are you basing this bullshit on? You genuinely think that the referee would treat the Australian team differently to the rest? At the Olympics?
  7. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    False start from Giles!
  8. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    Yeah but we are home for gold unless they dont finish the race. Bloody GB are probably going to get one in the Finn here too grrrrrr.
  9. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 11 Thread

    Sailing too. Gutted they missed out on the 49er lads.
  10. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    NZ miss the gold in the mens 49er by 2 seconds. Bugger Handing it to GB. Double bugger
  11. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    I think the highest position in the medal race gets it, so in that case Australia would miss out...
  12. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    Now. Currenty in 7th.
  13. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    My maths might be wrong but it looks like the 470 dudes have sewn it up. 22 points up with a race to go. If they finish worse than 5th it wont count so worst case they finish on 21 points. So if Spain win the last race then they also win the medal race and we come last, we miss out...
  14. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 - Track Cycling

    Haha what?! There are multiple tragedies daily at the games, all sorts of dreams getting shattered due to bad luck. Exceptionalism at its finest
  15. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    I mean, probably a bit off topic on a footy forum, but apparently the hawks are giving the lions a touch up....
  16. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    Yeah I saw it and deleted it, you were too quick! Sorry man I was only teasing.
  17. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    Haha pot kettle!!
  18. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    Charters is a machine though
  19. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    If we can get over this hump today, I cant see us losing. HUGE mental roadblock.
  20. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    Had to duck out. What happened???? Flick there?
  21. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Sailing

    The best bit is our highest score is 5, so if we get higher than that it doesn't count. Box seat
  22. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    470MEN COU12345678910MedTotalworst AUS2511432 135 GBR38241059 3110 SPA1011061413 3114 SWE115856111 3215 NZ62775713 3413 JAP744111395 4013 TUR11145321017 4517 FRA47111312211 4713 GRE5631515128 4915 USA812910887 5012 ITA991299414...
  23. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    hope you hung around!!!!! BOOM
  24. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    They're on top now... Concerning.
  25. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    Sorry mate its pulled from my own little excel file because I couldnt find running totals anywhere.
  26. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    **** Dutch equalised
  27. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    470MEN COU12345678910MedTotalworst AUS251143 115 GBR3824105 2210 NZ627757 277 SPA101106141 2814 SWE11585611 3115 TUR111453210 3114 JAP74411139 3513 FRA471113122 3613 ITA9912994 4012 GRE563151512 4115 Its annoying that...
  28. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    It was London that stung. I spent the week in London during the games and the atmosphere was incredible with an excellent set up. But every single time some Brit heard my accent at the bar they had a smarmy comment for me. It didn't ruin the week for me but god damn they were all out for...
  29. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    They had a tough group though. Belgium or Germany would have been even tougher. Probably wanted GB
  30. Mr Meeseeks

    Summer Tokyo 2021 Day 9 Thread

    Mens 470 will be likely gold if they get through today Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk