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  1. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    As the cell door slams behind Rolf Harris, the lights instantly go out and he collapses to the floor, with his head in his hands, sobbing.... Then, in the pitch black, he hears a rich Jamaican baritone voice which starts to sing..... "Do you think I would leave you crying when there's room in my...
  2. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Any predictions for the Malaysian Grand Prix?................ Mine is the whole field will mysteriously disappear!
  3. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Had a bad mix up at the supermarket today... The female cashier said "Strip down facing me." ..Apparently she meant my credit card
  4. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    How many screws are there in a lesbian's coffin? None, it's all tongue-in-groove, with no studs.
  5. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    SBS are about to release a new gay's called "Leave it, it's Beaver!"
  6. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    If a group of Swans is called a Bevy.. a group of Dogs, a Pack...a group of Crows, a Murder.... and a group of Lions is a Pride...Then one of the group of Essendon drug cheats must be a Hird!..
  7. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Oskar Pistorious is really hoping his case doesn't go to trial....officially he hasn't got a leg to stand on.... And news just to hand..,31393/?ref=auto
  8. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Holidays were over and I was feeling a bit down. Picked up my car from the long term carpark and on the drive back from the airport, saw a big billboard that said.... "'re not alone"...I thought to myself, 'Really?'..So I pulled over and got one of my personalities to search the car.
  9. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Years ago in the middle of summer, on a first dates I got in trouble with the girlfriends old man. He said "I want my daughter back by 8:15."..I said "Cool, the middle of August."
  10. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    One for the animal lovers....What's the difference between a walrus and a fox?.....about 7 double scotches.
  11. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    ^^^ LOLED....:thumbsu:
  12. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    LOL....reminds me of the prostitute without any legs....Her only means of support was her crutch.
  13. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    A Chinese man and a Jewish man found themselves sharing a carriage on a long train trip After about 2 hours the Jewish man stands up walks over to where the Chinese man is sitting and whirls the old roundhouse and slugs the Chinese man with an uppercut, that knocks the living crap out of...
  14. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    If I said mail..would the reply be... "Good get over here this femail wants her **** sucked?"
  15. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Um...... it's all in the delivery.
  16. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    And one for the men.. This really works... Step 1: Lock partner & dog in boot of car. Step 2: Wait an Hour.. Step 3: Open Boot.. Step 4: Note which one is happier to see you...
  17. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    A guy walks into a bar wearing pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers, he heads up to the bar and orders a double scotch, bourbon on the rocks and a triple vodka. He says to the bartender: "I shouldn't be drinking this with what I've got.".... "Why, what...
  18. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    One day a female gynecologist decided that she wanted to become a car mechanic so she went back to college for two years, She studied hard and carefully prepared for her final exam. All seemed to go well at the exam and a couple of weeks later she had her results back. She was...
  19. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Straight out of the Ricky Nixon joke book?
  20. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    A young couple making love in the back seat of their car. Temperatures were rising and things were getting intense, and finally the girl gasped, "Oh darling, darling, kiss me where it smells!" So he drove her to Werribee!
  21. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    An attractive woman walks into a local hardware store with a hinge in her hand.... The sales man seeing the hinge looks at the woman and enquires 'Would you like a screw for that madam?" 'No' says the woman without missing a beat 'But since we're bartering, I'll give you a head job for that...
  22. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Spot the odd one out..... A shark, a crab, a lobster, a prawn...or a Japanese man found under 10 foot of rubble left by the tsunami?...... If you said the Shark you're right...all the others are crustaceans (crushed Asians)...
  23. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    A wife comes home and find her husband in bed with a female dwarf. The wife goes into a complete rage and starts throwing things and screams:... "I thought you said you were never going to cheat on me again." The Husband looks up and says:.. "Ease up Babe, you can see I'm actually cutting down."
  24. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    What's grey,pink and wrinkley and hangs out your P.J's Your mum
  25. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    A teacher was reading the story of the "Three Little Pigs" to her first grade class. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home....She read, "......and so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said...
  26. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Cheers Nardz....
  27. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Paddy's been arrested for punching his wife again and appears before the Magistrate court.... The Magistrate asks; “ Paddy, why do you keep beating your wife?" Paddy answers: “I think it’s my weight advantage, longer arm reach and superior footwork.......”
  28. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    I thing is I'd choose 9 above the other titles....:p
  29. Football Pope

    Certified Legendary Thread Pearlers Only

    Movie Test AMAZING! This math test can predict your all-time most-watched movie. Mine was "Forest Gump" Try it without looking at the answers. It's easy and really works: Pick a number from 1 - 9. Multiply by 3. Add 3. Multiply that by 3. Add those two digits together. Use that...