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  1. Mr Meeseeks

    Society & Culture Reddit LOL's

    Not to mention the burden she will place on the taxpayer funded healthcare system. Obese people piss me off. 1% cant help it, the rest are lazy w***ers.
  2. Mr Meeseeks

    Awkward/embarrassing stories

    And you say you were in the nerd class? 'versing', haha haven't heard that little ripper since I was about 10.
  3. Mr Meeseeks

    Family & Relationships Wedding Etiquette

    Plus you have two full days to recover. Big fan of Friday wedding myself too. Im not posting about etiquete, I think common sense covers most people there, but I have an idea that I'd like to share.... Got married in Scotland a couple of years ago. Full Scottish wedding with the...
  4. Mr Meeseeks

    News & Events Mass shootings in the USA

    I'd just like to extend a big **** you in your general direction for enticing me to watch that. I found myself rooting for Piers morgan and I hate myself for it. Enabler. :thumbsdown:
  5. Mr Meeseeks

    News & Events Mass shootings in the USA

    Very ****ing scary.
  6. Mr Meeseeks

    Home & Garden Flies- methods of destruction

    I miss flies. I always found a brisk hand clap right above where they are just sitting there rubbing shit on their legs, works 99% of the time. They fly right into the trap as it closes derp
  7. Mr Meeseeks

    Social Science Things we take for granted

    When I was at Uni a mate had a Valiant that wouldnt go into first gear. He could three-point-turn that bitch like nothing I've ever seen.
  8. Mr Meeseeks

    Things sadder than 'Jurassic Bark'

    **** you. Half an hour after I bag this thread for taking fiction far too seriously, you go and bring this shit up? Now I feel like a hypocrite AND I just relived a horrible childhood memory on youTube Nah **** it, I'm still going to laugh at people who cried over Scrubs or Futurama. Im OK...
  9. Mr Meeseeks

    Things sadder than 'Jurassic Bark'

    You're doing it wrong. Cartoon dogs, cliche American sit-coms and the ****ing batman are far, far sadder. +1
  10. Mr Meeseeks

    The Nott

    Haha swing and a miss there I think. Im speaking from over ten years ago but the few Mannix kids who were there hid out the back corner of the saloon bar every Thursday night while the kids from Halls of Residence (Howitt, Farrer, Deakin, Richo and a few from Roberts) took over the place...
  11. Mr Meeseeks

    Life Tricks

    If the home button on your iphone/ipod isnt working very well (or at all), insert a plug into the bottom, hold it firmly in and lift it up (towards the screen) gently and ever so slightly until you hear a barely audible click, should fix it up.
  12. Mr Meeseeks

    Life Tricks

    When drinking beer/softies from a can, make a little indent at the top, about where your bottom lip goes. Beer pours out without bubbling and losing its fizz so much and it also makes it easy to find your beer if you've put it down in a group situation.
  13. Mr Meeseeks

    Life Tricks

    If and when the tears do come, run the cold tap and just put your nose next to the running water for about 5 seconds, breathing in the 'fumes' from the water. Tears gone.
  14. Mr Meeseeks


    I was robbed in Caulfield when I was home. My room had a sliding door that opened onto the street but was fairly hidden. It was unlocked and when I was out the back hangin up washing some one came into my room and robbed me. What hurt was that they stole my laptop which had 3 years of Uni work...
  15. Mr Meeseeks

    4 years until the next olympics

    I had a discussion like this with a friend last week. If you were allowed to compete in any sport, representing any country AND any gender, are there any sports you genuinely think you could qualify for the games in if you trained hard for 4 years. You dont get to inject any 'talent' into...
  16. Mr Meeseeks

    Moved Thread Cathy Freeman, Most overrated Gold Medal Ever?

    The pressure on her to perform - not just perform, win gold - was greater than any Australian athlete in those games, possibly ever. Freeman herself has never saught the media spotlight or tried to live off that success any more than she would be within her rights to do so. That victory has...
  17. Mr Meeseeks

    Health Your scariest moment.

    End thread. That would scare the hell out of me. Were they pre-kiln? God I hope so. For me it was probably at about 3am one night on Phi Phi. I was on a bike, lost in some backwater area of the island and completely off my chops. I fell offmy bike for the umpteenth time and as I rose for...
  18. Mr Meeseeks

    News & Events Puppies sealed in garbage bag, chucked in dumpster

    I love dogs, got a gorgeous little 5m old puppy at the moment. But why the hell should police launch a rape style investigation?? They are dogs, not humans. As horrible as these acts are, I'd be ropable if I found out tax dollars and police resources were going into an full scale investigation.
  19. Mr Meeseeks

    Computers & Internet Favourite computer/video game of all time

    All my favourite games are from my childhood/teenage years. Not really into them as much the last 10 years. In order of how obsessed I became and time spent: Sim City 2000 - best ever 1 player Goldeneye 64 - best ever multiplayer Mario Kart - all of them Monkey Island series - has been...
  20. Mr Meeseeks

    Beauty & Style Fat Chicks

    I fully endorse this thread. :thumbsu:
  21. Mr Meeseeks

    News & Events Obscure Things People Have Been Booked For

    Was moving house with a mate a few years ago. We were driving along Williams Rd Melb and it was pretty heavy traffic. Someone kindly let us in so I briefly stuck my hand out the window. Next thing woop woop siren flashing and we were pulled over. He asked why I was hanging my arm out the...
  22. Mr Meeseeks

    Politics & Government "Pay for our trips home" - Islamic Womens Association

    More power to them! My wife is Scottish and we're moving home to Oz in a couple of years. If our trips back to the UK were covered by all my mates I'd be all like hell yeah
  23. Mr Meeseeks

    Society & Culture How wrong is it to evict your mum?

    Have you tried hitting her?
  24. Mr Meeseeks

    Family & Relationships girlfriend want to get married quick

    Marriage is about compromise. She doesn't sound willing to compromise. Marriage wont work. Kick her.
  25. Mr Meeseeks

    Vic Pubs in Melbourne

    Ah The Nott. Such a cracking wee pub. I dont think I missed an in-semester Thursday there during for about 3 years when I moved to Melbourne 10 years ago. Good pub food and no pokies but it was the beer garden that was its real charm... Complete with chooks and a busted see-saw.
  26. Mr Meeseeks

    Home & Garden Christmas Wish List

    The Complete Calvin & Hobbes hardcover boxset. For the early 90s nostalgia
  27. Mr Meeseeks

    Entertainment & Music Free to Air Television?

    I've been in the UK for 4.5 years and while its heads and shoulders ahead of Aussie TV, its still not great. More channels just means more space to fill with shit and makes it harder to find the gems. No matter where you live. What makes Australian TV truly poor is the lack of HD channels...
  28. Mr Meeseeks

    Certified Legendary Thread Awkward Flirting Stories

    I reckon yr in mate... Cant **** this up... Surely...