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  1. Roddy

    thorpey get your arse back in the pool

    Callea's gay??? Well, I would never have known....
  2. Roddy

    How many people on here actually have a girlfriend?

    Yep. 5 month anniversary yesterday...
  3. Roddy

    How many operations have you had?

    Five: 1. Surgery on ruptured eardrum, attained on Footy field, '85 2. Corrective surgery on severley broken leg on Footy field, '86 3. Surgery on ruptured spleen attained on Footy field, which saved my life, '87 (these things happened 3 years running, on top of a coupla broken fingers too. The...
  4. Roddy

    Do you have MySpace?

    I pulverise the skins. I'm the 'Lars' of the band! :thumbsu:
  5. Roddy

    Do you have MySpace?

    Just sent you an add request for my band.
  6. Roddy

    What do you look like?

    Shahruch Kahn (????): 64% Billy Bob Thornton: 61% Denzel Washington: 59% Jewell!!!!!!: 56% Patrick Swayze: 54%
  7. Roddy

    Moon landing

    Haven't read all these posts, but there's a 5 hour long British made documentary debunking the entire thing. I watched about an hour of it and I was convinced it was a hoax.......
  8. Roddy

    Noah Vs Bailey... What's the better name?

    And you know where that comes from? It's an extremely American idea. Yet another example of American TV/culture starting to dominate here. I like America, have been there twice, but I don't want Australia to become America. Noah for sure.....
  9. Roddy

    2007 wish list

    Can I turn this to the world at large, beyond BF?
  10. Roddy

    Running a Pub

    Cover bands are the pits, leeching off the creativity of others, and claiming the credit. They think they're Rock Stars, but I don't even consider them musicians. They are mere pretenders....
  11. Roddy

    Phone number to get the correct time

  12. Roddy

    Running a Pub

    Put Guinness on tap, some Irish posters up on the walls, call it 'The Blarney' or 'O'Rielley's' or something along those lines, and BANG! Instant Irish pub, and sure fire success in Australia!!! It doesn't even matter if your bar staff say 'G'day mate, owyagoin'?'......
  13. Roddy

    Running a Pub

    Hope you're joshing....
  14. Roddy

    Running a Pub

    Put live original bands on.
  15. Roddy

    Rate Your Life

    7.2. Just as I thought....far from perfect, but not too bad.
  16. Roddy

    Life's Good Right Now

    I'm 36 and life's been a rollercoaster ride since I was 17. The last 3-4 years especially have been eventful to say the very very least....
  17. Roddy

    Your Heritage?

    3rd generation Aussie. Some English and Scottish. Like I said elesewhere I'm distantly related to William Wallace....
  18. Roddy

    BigFooty Nerd

    Wow, I only got ONE!!!! I thought I was a slightly bigger BF nerd than that....
  19. Roddy

    The weather

    Melbourne's being Melbourne......perfect one day, piss-pouring down the next. We BADLY need this rain, tho.....
  20. Roddy

    Famous relatives?

    ' That IS interesting!
  21. Roddy

    Famous relatives?

    I'm distantly related to William 'Braveheart' Wallace....
  22. Roddy

    Daylight Saving Appreciation Thread

    Absolutely LOVE it. That's all that needs to be said....
  23. Roddy

    Mankind: what's gunna get us first?

    Nothing in this universe is infinite. This planet, and our race is absolutely no exception. It's a question of when, not if. But what's going to cause this planet's extinction? Will it be terrorism? Or nuclear holocaust? Will we run out of water? Will we all fry from global warming and the...
  24. Roddy

    Cats or Dogs

  25. Roddy

    Cats or Dogs

    I'm a massive animal lover, vego, giver to animal charities. Love both, but for me right now cats are the ideal pet. They're much lower maintainence....give 'em 2 small feeds a day, a bit of a pat and attention here and there, and they're happy as larry. They need nothing beyond that. I haven't...
  26. Roddy

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    And RHYTHMS is the longest word in the English language with NO vowells...
  27. Roddy

    Are you a lurker, a contributor, or a 'no lifer'?

    Check out your 'posts per day'. I'm on about 8. Reckon that makes me a contributor.
  28. Roddy

    Heading to Melboune....

    I've never actually been, I hate horse racing, but as far as packing clothes is concerned, prepare for any season whatsoever....
  29. Roddy

    What's your favourite Aussie brew??

    Yeah, that **** ain't bad....
  30. Roddy

    What's your favourite Aussie brew??

    My 1st time on this board, so forgive me if it's been done. I'm rather partial to Coopers myself. Anything they do....