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  1. jd2010

    Games & Recreation One ... word ... story ... #1

  2. jd2010

    Games & Recreation One ... word ... story ... #1

  3. jd2010

    Games & Recreation One ... word ... story ... #1

  4. jd2010

    Obscure TV shows you remember

    Was it? Saturday night TV ratings I wouldn't have thought were massive.. One that definitely fits the obscure bracket is this English kids game show that was on channel 10 for a couple of years on Saturday afternoons, think it was called The Scavengers. And another English one my parents liked...
  5. jd2010

    Obscure TV shows you remember

    The original Gladiators from the 90s, was showing my 6 year old son some eps on YouTube. Loved it as a kid. I know it got a rehash but nothing's as good as those originals.
  6. jd2010

    Society & Culture Things you do/did that you probably think no one else does

    Channel 31 used to have hours of this
  7. jd2010


    Think it might be great news in some instances
  8. jd2010

    Social Science Morally corrupt things you do

    Do it. They won't care for you or keep in contact once you do go
  9. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    It's the best thing since....
  10. jd2010

    Social Science Morally corrupt things you do

    This... but with people who tailgate when you're going the speed limit
  11. jd2010

    Health Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 3

    Those too sick to answer a door would be part of the number that are in hospital
  12. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    Pumpkin and bacon based minestrone with a shitload of veg my go to
  13. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    HSP - overrated Controversial I know. But eating them sober is nuts and not enjoyable unlike kebabs which are always great
  14. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    Everything on frozen pizzas is tasteless. But if you're adding your own stuff to it then it's a different story.
  15. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    GYG and Zambero - overrated They're both perfectly okay but nothing to go nuts about. No better than 18 year old me would make at home with an Old El Paso kit
  16. jd2010

    The food rating thread

  17. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    Yeah. Proper chinese dishes are very good. But 90% of Australians would order the stock standard crap
  18. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    It's edible but talk about ruining a great food! I get that it's cheap but it's more often than not resembles dog food on cardboard
  19. jd2010

    The food rating thread

    The absolute worst. I judge anyone who thinks any of the following dishes are good - beef & black bean - sweet & sour pork - lemon chicken
  20. jd2010

    Social Science Morally corrupt things you do

    Did this in Paris when it took ages for a bill to be brought out. Bottle of wine and two courses, wish I didn't say no to dessert. That's not morally corrupt thats just being cheap ;) On a similar note to the OP I decide if I'm going to touch on my myki based on the service the day before. If...
  21. jd2010

    Mega Thread Things that Shit me the Thirteenth

    It's not free
  22. jd2010

    Mega Thread Things that Shit me the Thirteenth

    Which category does the royal woman’s sit in?
  23. jd2010

    Mega Thread Things that Shit me the Thirteenth

    Never had an issue with the public system with anything else so never thought it’d be an issue. Also after having our first in NZ and seeing how well it worked in the public system there I just assumed it’d be equal or better here. For #3 it’s definitelty private cover here or another kiwi...
  24. jd2010


    Lol the job i took was the shit one so I missed out on the $10k for a job i left too!
  25. jd2010


    Was a lose-lose for both parties which I tried explaining to them in a reasonable fashion. They didn't take my advice and by the time this person leaves they'd have spent way more on recruitment fees on the $10k they haggled over not to mention 15 months of shit work!
  26. jd2010

    Mega Thread Things that Shit me the Thirteenth

    A lot of pedestrian buttons are irrelevant as the red light is scheduled every X amount of mins. Love seeing idiots push it like their simple touch is going to change the structured lighting system of the CBD in the middle of the day!
  27. jd2010

    Mega Thread Things that Shit me the Thirteenth

    The public hospital system when having a baby... i'm all for our healthcare system in general but when having a child it's pretty poor. We've seen 1 midwife in 36 weeks and about 5-6 other doctors over the 8-10 appointments, constantly late when they give you strict appointment times (today by...
  28. jd2010


    I gave one of my employers an ultimatum when I knew I was leaving at the end of the year (had already resigned for the future date roughly 3 months in advance) moving back to Melbourne. Told them I'm happy to stay through to then because I know it's a busy time etc. but only if you give me $10k...
  29. jd2010

    Mega Thread Things that Shit me the Thirteenth

    Co-workers who just come over to your desk when they want something done. Not just to ask a question or a quick 2 minute thing I mean stop what you're doing and lets spend the next 20-90 mins on this right now! It's not like I'm in the middle of something I just sit here all day waiting for...