
  1. P

    Presenting by YouTube playlist of AFL radio calls and a few TV ones.

    hey all, I invite every single person to take a look at my playlist of footy radio calls. Most of these recordings are personally made by me and I usually upload them after the weekends games. Most of the recent grand finals are also in here and some really hard to find stuff as well. I...
  2. dommat

    2019 Player of the Year Awards (Votes from Media/Associations)

    After the success of Tom Mitchell winning so many media/association awards last season, I'm creating this thread to keep everyone up-to-date of this year's media/association awards. ROUND 1 AFLCA ADELAIDE v HAWTHORN (Don Pyke & Alastair Clarkson) 10-James Worpel (Hawthorn) 6-James Sicily...
  3. StillAtLarge

    Fleabag (UK comedy series)

    Anyone been watching this? Award winning UK comedy about a young woman coming to terms with her best friend's death and surviving her dysfunctional family. 3rd episode screening 9:43pm Monday March 5 (abc2), the first 2 eps are on iview. Well worth a look- very accessible and episodes only run...