
  1. BRAB

    Media I am the League (And Gumbies Captain Season 26)

    Let Me Paint You All a Picture. Season whatever, 23 I think, 24 maybe. I post up a storm, become a top 5 poster and am top of the Earth. Or so I thought. I was brutally, and personally attacked by the entire league day after day for my moral crusades. This was pure, unfiltered jealously...
  2. BRAB

    Media #Storm: Justice for RU_. The SFA's best captain.

    #STORM Over the past few months, Demons captain and all round good bloke RU_ has been viciously attacked by members of the Sweet FA community, with most of these attacks centralised around RU_'s ability to effectively captain the Demons. Over the coming days, #BRABinvestigations will be...
  3. PerthBoy86

    Players that become coaches

    I'm speaking mainly of players who go on to coach their own club (in the past there were also captain-coaches like Jock McHale). They're often ex-captains/leaders, John Worsfold, Nathan Buckley, Michael Voss, etc, known for their leadership quality, footy-smarts...usually midfielders, since...