
  1. richoatthedisco

    Oh, look - Richmond plays Norf at Etihad - A-****ING-GAIN!

    There's equalisation, and there's manipulation. Ah, the ALF FIXture. This week, the powers that be pinheads have once again decreed that Richmond should play Norf at Etihad. It marks our seventh straight regular season meeting with Norf at their home ground, and nine of the past 10. In fact...
  2. hotkorma

    What matters to you?

    G'day all! I've started a subscription based Men's Clothing company, which you will receive socks/jocks/ties on a monthly basis. I've called it Wardrobe Bros and I am going to be selling in July 2017. I am going to support a cause as part of it and am wanting to know what appeals to people...