
  1. Yidaki

    Think Tank Things more important than selfish harvey's 427th game

    There will be no escaping it this weekend. The AFL world seem to think its something special. Norf seem to think the world of it: specialised guernseys, memorabilia, grass being painted in honour of the flog. On the other hand, I think most of us see it as an insignificant event and nothing...
  2. Yidaki

    Think Tank The definitive "line through teams that won't win the 2016 flag" list.

    After last years success, the definitive 'line through teams that won't win the 2016 flag' list thread is back better than ever! But first, let's recap last years threads predictive success (keep in mind that the red line means window closed). A few noteworthy considerations from the above...
  3. Yidaki

    Think Tank Hey Nofr....*Free money here!!!!!*

    " Footy Is The Win "