
  1. grizzlym

    Mystery Time travellers

    I'll get me shit together today and start this thread.
  2. bkozican

    Urban Legend The Russian sleep experiment

    CT's.......:thumbsu: I present to you the Russian sleep experiment. So, supposedly The Russians tried to keep 5 POW from WWII awake for 15 days straight. No cctv, just microphones (to observe) and was conducted in a small room. After 5 days the 5 blokes start to demonstrate severe paranoia...
  3. NightTerrors

    Secrets of the most deadly book on Earth: the Necronomicon

    The most dangerous book: the Necronomicon
  4. NightTerrors

    Shadow People: proof of "Hat Man" in Nebraska

    "Hat Man" pursues victim across state lines. (Click above for video)
  5. NightTerrors

    Executed Criminal comes Back to Life at his own Funeral

    Executed criminal resurrects right before his funeral.