Player Watch #14: Bachar Houli - OAM

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Legend. No further words required. And respect to the club for managing the changing of the guard with class. All the best Bachar and Dave for being Richmond.
I think it was a good touch to have the announcements on separate days so each gets their time in the sun. Hopefully when we can next go to a game there can be a lap of honour so we get a chance to show appreciation

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Bach is probably the ultimate testament to the lofty heights which intelligence, character, determination and willpower can take you to in sport.

Came to the club as a player whose only obvious strength was above average kicking, retires as the epitome of a big game player whose fierce competitiveness and seemingly endless ability to conjure up yet another superhuman 2nd effort became nothing short of legendary.

His capacity to inspire his teammates to walk taller, try harder and bleed for each other will forever be remembered by those of us lucky enough to see his deeds firsthand and will forever remain a treasured part of Tiger folklore.

Decades from now, the example he set for how to get the most out of yourself and give your utmost to the cause when it counts most will remain the benchmark.

Just as much a champion in his off-field ambassadorship for his culture, his religion and any cause he lent his support to.

Enjoy retirement Bach, may you find just as much happiness and satisfaction for a job done as well as possible in the next chapter.
Congratulations on a fantastic career on field but also what you have been able to do off field Bash. There probably hasn’t been a better human being come through the doors at Richmond and we are a better club for you having been here.
I watched his speech, all good, then watched his highlights reel and started crying like a baby when I watched him kick what I thought was our first goal of the 17 GF (forgot Caddy got the first for us). I think it was the thought of the impact he had in the 17 and 19 Premierships that got me. He has helped give us such great memories and I will be forever grateful for that.
Sad day today we not only lost a Tiger champion , but a personality I don't think will ever see come to punt road again. I hope the club has role for him either on or off the field the type of player you want your draftees to listen to when they walk in.

Those 2017 and 2019 final series we're special big time and as Dimma said last year we need you to tuff it out in the gf and he did.The work his been doing with Stack , Mansell and Rioli proof in the pudding.

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Right time. Just been an absolute asset since the moment he walked through the door, both on and off the field. He has plenty to keep him busy and I hope to see him doing a lap around the MCG next year. Thank you Bachar for everything you have done !
Bachar Houli's Fishing Adventure, make it happen network execs.
I'd be first to sign up as a volunteer or guest if he did....
A story I heard from a fellow fly-fisher on the Swampy Plains River, NSW high country earlier this year;

Bachar (a wannabee trout fisherman) appeared on a bank next to these guys. He was staying as a guest on an adjacent property - hunting for deer.
He cut in on the fly fishers, started fishing above them with lures and it was quickly ëxplained to him that its was not proper etiquette, and Bachar was apologetic and extremely interested to understand what they were doing.
Next day he comes back to the river with a package of venison to make up for the day before.
They couldn't believe how genuinely thoughful & kind he was.
It seems, what you see is what you get with Bachar...
Jesus that speech made me tear up. Thanks so much Bach.
I will never forget his goal in the 17 Granny and his heroic effort last year.
One of the best left foots I've seen. A amazing player, but above all a great, humble human being. That's sort of person anyone would want their kids to grow up to be.
Above all, a great Richmond man. Thanks Bach, and best of luck for the future. Hopefully he sticks around for a little while supporting our boys
Really glad to have had him at RFC
Wasnt always my fave player, but he really added to his roll in what was a dominant back half, certainly won me over.
Dont tell Dusty I said so but I reckon Houls had the Norm Smith pinched in '17.
About the best game Bachar played in about the best game Richmond played. Big jobs!
An honor to have had his service. Hope to see more from him > footy.
Shattered to hear this news, but it was coming. I guess if we finished top 4 / win a threepeat, we could carry him, but father time has caught up and this is the right descion. Typically, a selfless act by a true champion and Tiger for Life.

I guess I've seen many, many memporable moments at a footy ground, but I will NEVER forget his goal in the 2017 GF. There has neve been a bigger roar, and we literally watched it sail over our heads. Thanks for that memory Bashar.

Literally, he defines what we now know, as a "Richmond Man". It started with him, and a couple of teammates. All the best, you leave a true champion of our club, and our sport.
Any more word on whether Bach can get up for this week?

I'd love nothing more than to see him digging deep and playing on pure heart one last time.

Unfortunately it is Effective immediately. Always a shame when you dont know that you are seeing a player for the last game. Must be harder for the player to have it called by injury at a random point in a game.

He will be a Tiger immortal. I wasnt that excited when we got him from Essendon but they must hurt when they see what they gave away. Perhaps we can thank Matty Knights.
Could have had a few Norm Smith medals himself.

A magnificent kick of the footy on the field,a role model off the field.

Bachar gave us the movement out of half back to set up a midfield attack.

In his prime ,he was an unstoppable force,his fitness was incredible and mental strength.

Loved his goal in the ‘17 grand final,lifted the roof off and set us on our way after a slow start.

Enjoy life after playing for the mighty Tigers Bachar,another legend leaves us with lots of memories.
Not gunna listen to Bachar's speech just now as I am still in tears from Dave's. Don't think my heart can take it.

What a champion Richmond man. Humble and such a nice guy. We are really going to miss him in the team.

Go well in retirement Bachar - we will miss you. Wishing you all the best for your future. I hope Bachar is still around the club in some capacity, as blokes like him are priceless!
you should watch it but bring the tissues.

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