2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

Who will win the Victorian election

  • Labor

    Votes: 128 87.1%
  • Coalition

    Votes: 19 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Census data from the right wing cranks in The Age today….

  • 54% born overseas (Australian average 29%)
  • 36% Islam, 33% Christian, 18% no religion
  • 12% unemployment (Australian average 5.1%)

  • 34% born overseas
  • 58% Christian, 20% Islam, 16% no religion

Craigieburn North (part of Kalkallo)
  • 47% born overseas
  • 45% Christian, 17% no religion, 15% Islam
  • 7.6% unemployment

  • 54% born overseas
  • 50% Christian, 18% no religion, 16% Islam
  • 8% unemployment

These are the areas DLP got 7.3% of the primary vote (the Victorian electorates include other suburbs, this data is suburb only)

Makes sense.

These are areas people want economically centrist/left policies, with traditional values on social issues.

Targeting these areas was the smart play by Somyurek and DLP.
Classic big footy!

1. Get told DLP targeted outer suburbs because ethnic minorities are illiterate. (A bit racist, no?)

2. Point out that DLP's policies are more aligned to views of many outer suburb ethnics on "woke" issues and this is one of several reasons DLP picked up votes

3. Give examples

4. Get told I'm an extreme racist

You guys are like a parody of the inane, logic free far left

Holy ****. There's a chain of events here for all to see and you can't even summarise that right.

People like you, this embroiled in your own culture bullshit and convinced you're the smartest people in every room, are dangerous. Get your head out your ass.
DLP has a well developed and detailed policy platform. Their views, and the philosophies underpinning their views are clearly articulated on their website.

Further, they got over 5% of the vote in North East metro and Western Metro, and 4.8% in North Metro.

Legalise Cannabis, your point is valid. Single issue party without other policies.
Including the anti-semitic "cultural marxism" conspiracy theory.

And, of course, their candidate, the crook Somyurek, also associated with the Turkish Grey Wolves terrorist death squad.

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Change and Suppression

Education Department guidelines affirming gender identity ahead of the rights of parents to awareness of their children's gender identity

Safe Schools, unlike other states

Pushing treaty hard

Didn't police BLM protestors, unlike NSW. Shut down every other protest

Gender quotas for MP's

During Hotel Quarantine, some security guards were trained in equity and diversity but not infection control

The main security company chosen to run Quarantine was not on the preferred supplier list. They were chosen because they met "social objectives"

Brought in a "Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities"

Need I go on?

Andrews Victorian Labor could barely be more woke if they tried

DLP is the opposite which is closer to the views of ethnic minorities in Victoria

Have you not seen the dozens of stupid ****ing "freedom" protests in the city for the past 2 years?

Same questions for you then...

What's woke mean?

What policies would make the Vic Government woke?

What other Australian governments are more woke?

Whether we use the word "woke" or not, my underlying question remains- Are Vic ALP's policies on LGBTIQ, race, the education system, what they incorrectly labelled "conversion therapy" more aligned with the views of ethnic minorities in outer suburbs, or are DLP's views closer to the mark? Or at least comparably close in many instances?
Can you explain this? Conversion therapy is absolutely disgusting and opposing it doesn't make someone "woke", it makes them a decent human.
Have you not seen the dozens of stupid ******* "freedom" protests in the city for the past 2 years?

Can you explain this? Conversion therapy is absolutely disgusting and opposing it doesn't make someone "woke", it makes them a decent human.
The bill is not about conversion therapy as traditionally understood.

Firstly it defines conversion therapy very broadly, widening the net to all kinds of actions or therapies.

Secondly it throws sexual orientation and gender identity into the same basket assuming they're identical.
Did this campaigner really claim to be a centrist?
Multiple times
****ing hell guys, so if someone so much as outlines the underlying philosophies of a political party with any suggestion that some people might actually agree with that POV, that person is automatically branded as supporting those views??

You should see yourselves. FMD.

Ever heard of dispassionate analysis?

“Woke” is a moronic, virtually useless term (Gralin, who first introduced it into this discussion, thanks for nothing) but you’d be hard pressed to argue that the sort of people that use it would not consider the Labor policies that PJays itemises to be the very epitome of “woke”.

PJays please keep posting. I don’t agree with some of your opinions and I suspect we are positioned in different places on the political continuum, but your willingness to analyse objectively is a refreshing change from the “brand and barrack” modus operandi that infects so many political threads like this one.
Poster was not the one that introduced the term.

Any person with half a brain knows exactly how the term came about and how it’s been hijacked by the right wing media.

He’s a big boy. He knows what he’s doing. Don’t get sucked in.
Hey, remember when I said you were a religious racist bigot not a centrist and you cracked the shits?

Your last few posts have confirmed it btw
If you think those last few posts are evidence poster is a religious racist bigot you need to turn off the laptop and step out into the real world for a bit. This is an embarrassingly stupid line you are pursuing.
No room for nuance here. Two competing arguments: DLP did well in Northern Metro because of language and branding confusion, and DLP did well in Northern Metro because of disillusionment with Andrews Government.

Both are almost certainly true, rather than one or the other.

Seriously who cares. ****ing blip on the radar
Any person with half a brain knows exactly how the term came about and how it’s been hijacked by the right wing media.

He’s a big boy. He knows what he’s doing. Don’t get sucked in.

Are we here to dispassionately discuss why the Vic election panned out as it did; voting patterns as they relate to various demographic categories, the changing nature of contemporary society, or are we here to brand posters and then line up to tip schitte on them? Most of you folks wouldn’t last ten minutes in actual politics.

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Are we here to dispassionately discuss why the Vic election panned out as it did; voting patterns as they relate to various demographic categories, the changing nature of contemporary society, or are we here to brand posters and then line up to tip schitte on them? Most of you folks wouldn’t last ten minutes in actual politics.

You are swerving pal. We’re discussing a term and now you’re off the road.

There’s always room for moderate discussion but you’re having a hissyfit over you don’t know what.

Calm the **** down and stay on topic. Usually like your posts but you’re not having a good day.
You are swerving pal. We’re discussing a term and now you’re off the road.

There’s always room for moderate discussion but you’re having a hissyfit over you don’t know what.

Calm the * down and stay on topic. Usually like your posts but you’re not having a good day.
I'm not having any sort of "hissy fit". Perfectly calm and happy and having quite a lovely day, but thanks for your concern.

Just sick to the back teeth of the moronic barracking that creeps in here.


And now we're reduced to idiotic claims of who truly knows WTF "woke" means.

You people really should take a step back and look at some of the intelligence-insulting crap you're indulging in.
There is a place for moderate conservatives. Just don’t know where they get their representation from.
The Labor Party. I predict more will join Labor as the Liberal ship continues to sink. This may push more progressives towards the Greens, AJP, Legalise Cannabis or someone else, but it might not, also.
******* hell guys, so if someone so much as outlines the underlying philosophies of a political party with any suggestion that some people might actually agree with that POV, that person is automatically branded as supporting those views??

No, that's not what has happened here at all.

What happened is we have a deadshit spouting Sky AD cultural warrior shit while claiming to be centrist. The normalisation of these extremist views as "centrist" (ie. normal) is how we end up with cop killas in Qld.

And you're on the wrong side of the discussion, supporting the normalisation of these views.
Well credentialed in being grifting piece of s**t
He admitted to Branch Stacking and red shirts. Then ran an anti-corruption campaign and people voted for him. He's not over-estimating the intelligence of the voting population....

Meanwhile, migration is still happening. And if the cookers in Victoria were so certain that Victoria was a hell-hole and that's why everyone was moving to Queensland, they they must think NSW is the the seventh level of hell based on these figures.

The Labor Party. I predict more will join Labor as the Liberal ship continues to sink. This may push more progressives towards the Greens, AJP, Legalise Cannabis or someone else, but it might not, also.

Don’t disagree but there’s a lot to unpack there
******* hell guys, so if someone so much as outlines the underlying philosophies of a political party with any suggestion that some people might actually agree with that POV, that person is automatically branded as supporting those views??

You should see yourselves. FMD.

Ever heard of dispassionate analysis?

“Woke” is a moronic, virtually useless term (Gralin, who first introduced it into this discussion, thanks for nothing) but you’d be hard pressed to argue that the sort of people that use it would not consider the Labor policies that PJays itemises to be the very epitome of “woke”.

PJays please keep posting. I don’t agree with some of your opinions and I suspect we are positioned in different places on the political continuum, but your willingness to analyse objectively is a refreshing change from the “brand and barrack” modus operandi that infects so many political threads like this one.
See if you think I introduced woke into the discussion and not PJays then you're really not reading their posts carefully
No, that's not what has happened here at all.

What happened is we have a deadshit spouting Sky AD cultural warrior s**t while claiming to be centrist. The normalisation of these extremist views as "centrist" (ie. normal) is how we end up with cop killas in Qld.

And you're on the wrong side of the discussion, supporting the normalisation of these views.
I’m not “supporting” the “normalisation” of anything the poster has said.

I’m a leftist through and through as you would know from my postings over many years. Said poster has merely quoted certain views (often with generous supporting data, which is more than can be said of many of his/her opponents) as being something that SOME voters may hold, and may be an explanation for, to give one example, the odious Somyurek’s success.

But you and others are clearly terrified that even mentioning that people may hold views diametric to what you and I hold, is tantamount to endorsing them. Have some effing confidence in your convictions.
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See if you think I introduced woke into the discussion and not PJays then you're really not reading their posts carefully
Regardless, my definition was closer to the dictionary definition and it was pretty obvious what I meant and I've explained why

You haven't even engaged in the topic in any detail- just threw a few misguided pot shots then disappeared

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2022 Victorian State Election-November 26
