Training 2024 training updates.

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i see what you did there bill hader GIF
Thank god the rumours weren't true and we didn't draft Henry Hustwaite.

Did Gladstone Small ever get concussed?
Now that’s a blast from the past - yes I’m old enough to get the reference (I turn 50 this year - coincidentally the same day Fly turns 51).

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Whilst the science is not definitive, boxers have for a very long time worked on strengthening their neck muscles to help minimise / prevent one of the more common mechanisms (in that sport and others) that leads to concussion. Reckon Murph should add some Mike Tyson-esque neck training to his training / recovery regime. He's been all arms & limbs since he started and needed to work on his core strength early doors ..

I guess the other cohort who it would be interesting to kniw concussion history of is F1 drivers.

They have/need incredibly strong neck muscles to stop their head flopping around. Their head also gets subject to decent forces when they have a ding.
That would put a lot on Mihocek’s shoulders.

Hopefully AJ and Reef can develop their games. We aren’t drafting a Read (or Nick Reiwoldt) anytime soon, you’d think, given our ladder position.
No more than what he’s dealt with for the majority of his career
1v1, physical pressure drills. Contest drills is what the club uses as contact work.
More than he has done before. It’s a good step forward.

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Yeah, realized that. Was making a joke about taking 2 women in-doors.
That would put a lot on Mihocek’s shoulders.

Hopefully AJ and Reef can develop their games. We aren’t drafting a Read (or Nick Reiwoldt) anytime soon, you’d think, given our ladder position.
Im with you on AJ & Reef developing, would be great for AJ to lock in a regular spot by kicking 2 to 3 goals on a regular basis 👍, no doubt our coaching staff will have plenty of fwd combinations & strategies to fill Mcstay’s spot 🤞🏻🤞🏻

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Training update: March 7th.

Main session prior to opening round v GWS

No Carmichael, but otherwise full squad. Even the injured.

Rehab Group:

  • Josh Eyre
  • McStay
  • Kreuger
  • DeMattia

It was Eyre's first steps toward recovery this morning. Did his first run. More like a jog, but it was the first step. Three weeks post surgery.
About 9 weeks to go.
He did some agility work, knee lifts, and a scissor type movement before he started his jog.
Then did some handballing and kicking for goal with Harmit Singh (Development & NGA coach) whom he has a good relationship with. He coached him at Essendon.

Mcstay continued his straight line running.
And Harry and Kreuger ran at a good pace. Harry sporting a strong brace on his arm to protect that finger.

Howe did an hour of the session, then left the track clearly still in some sort of pain.

Couple things that was noticable was:

all in black, and you watch enough main sessions and you understand what that means. Usually means they are playing in some form.
Its not the ones in white you pay attention to, but the ones in black.

They split into groups after they did their fundamentals, and did a number of things including contest work for the mids. Ruck work for the rucks in the middle of the ground.

Match play teams were as followed:


  • Lippa
  • JDG
  • IQ
  • Maynard
  • Elliott
  • JDaicos
  • Schultz
  • Noble
  • Pendles
  • DC
  • Sidey
  • Moore
  • Beau
  • NDaicos
  • Markov
  • Johnson
  • Mihocek
  • Dean


  • Mitchell
  • Allan
  • Frampton
  • Macrae
  • TJ
  • Steene
  • Hill
  • Ryan
  • Crisp
  • Reef
  • Bytel
  • Richards
  • WHE
  • Sullivan
  • HH
  • Begg
  • Cox

* Murphy, Parker didn't participate. Murphy was doing a coaching role with Dean, telling him certain things during match sim. Makes sense, it's his role he'll be taking.

Parker doing more and more drills, but not yet match sim.

Dean's debut.

From fb Annabele

Under a slate grey moody sky, the players entered the arena around 9.40. There were no notable absentees as McStay was working industriously with a trainer and he has graduated to practising his lateral movements retrieving ground balls. The bank of clouds shed some of their liquid periodically to keep the reasonable number of onlookers engaging in some brolly gymnastics.

Players wore a mix of black and white tops, and while the former is often an indicator of senior level status all of: Beau, JDG, Jamie, WHE, Noble, Cox and Checkers sported the paler strip. Ash wore black, while Reef donned the white.

Kreuger ran laps for most of the session, sometimes under the guidance of a trainer. Josh Eyre also ran lots of laps and he looks a great build so we just have to hope that his body is ready for the rigours of match play when he returns.

Carmichael wandered off with a physio pointing to his quad, but fortunately wandered back on not too much time later.

Nick copped a head knock on the head during match sim and lay prostrate for a brief time but the players in his propinquity did not seem alarmed and he rose shaking off this blow.

Murphy wore the blue non-contact hat. Despite this he was active in the drills and partook of the match simulation. He ended up working with fellow erstwhile cricketer Will Parker as they did some light aerobic and ball work.

There were the usual warm-ups with mini-hurdles, agility work around cones and some sprints conducted over a medium distance

Players constantly rotated through stations engaged in a crowded menu of activities. There was plenty of handballing, ground ball work and more elongated ground movement drills.

Sometimes the cohort cleaved into two – black and white and a replica drill took place on opposite sides of the ground.

The orange tackling bags were out and coaches tested the players’ willingness to test themselves against these inanimate objects.

There were also some line specific drills with the forwards practising their leading and shooting for goal.

A group of defenders paired off and they were tested man on man with one sans vest, the other wearing the conventional top.

Prior to the match simulation, there was also two mini-matches of very competitive keepings off with scoring involved overseen by the assistant coaches. Selwood was barking instructions and shouting out the scoreline – 4-2 before ordering them to move.

The final item on the menu was the match simulation which was followed by some formal and informal drills, seemingly a player’s choice type scenario.

Random player observations:

Dean – seems set to retain his place. He gave WHE a bit of a touch up during their one-on-one drill and the hyphen acknowledged this with a friendly pat on the back following their encounter. Surely, he can only grow in confidence with further exposure at the top tier.

Ash – the enigmatic one took a towering pack mark close to goal for the black team leaving spectators wondering how fleeting are the glimpses of his natural talent. He also scooped the ball effortlessly off the turf in the forward pocket to set up a dangerous attacking move.

Howe – Jeremy trained confidently and smoothly dispelling doubts surrounding his calf. He played in defence during the match sim, though he may be a forward option moving forward (no pun intended) Observers believe that he and Murphy are the keys to and the real leaders of our defence.

Frampton – played all match sim minutes as a key forward for the black team. He took some marks, kicked some goals and there is speculation he might emerge again in this role soon because of our dearth of forwards not vertically challenged and because of the versatility he offers, regardless of where this flexibility lies on the talent index.

Reef – at close quarters he excelled in the drills, standing out in a marking drill early in the session for which he received the plaudits of his teammates.

Sullivan – snapped a neat goal, played with industry and enthusiasm and would be an inside candidate if we need coverage for Mitchell et al.

Long – Ned is not even on the list but moves more quickly and impressively than quite a few of the others. His footy skills look reasonable too.

Steene – wore the black top and did the odd decent thing, though he remains a project player we hope continues to develop along with Begg whose shaggy locks stood out. He played for the white team. Both of these guys could form a base of next generation talls.

Mitchell and Pendles shook out some cobwebs after looking a bit plodding in the opening round., Interestingly one critic made the observation this morning that it’s harder for slower and older players to impact early in the season when the bodies are fit and the pace of the game is high octane. Scott often gets better as the game goes deeper and the tempo slows. The question is can both of these guys play full games regularly? Should we consider resting them and subbing them from time to time?

Macrae – Fly has already flagged that he will play soon. Arguably the aforementioned Mitch and Pendles are stymieing his chances and one suspects we will have to make a move to change this, otherwise some of our younger players regardless of their potential quality will wither on the vine due to selection inertia.

Clearly other teams are showcasing talent galore, albeit often draft picks at the pointy end. Such is the price of success these days, though perhaps we did overpay for the nuggetty Schultz.

Postscript: - training was not without its sideline’s drama today courtesy of a shirtless spectator who appeared to be lubricated with a cocktail of various substances. Even before ten he was castigating me for taking pics of the players and not him. He then proceeded to imply that the likes of Josh D and Hill were frauds within their earshot. Ned strode out to deal with, confiscating a ginormous bottle he had, informing him that we will not have that in our elite environment. Kelly escorted him to the outskirts of the arena. The players, some of whom just entering the arena, watched with interest and gave the CEO a round of applause for his actions. Alas the offender returned more raucous and abusive than ever which also drew the attention of Leppa. The man retreated at the sight of the redhead striding purposefully towards him but later returned. Ned also reemerged to provide a young family some sanctuary from his loutish behaviour as they had prepared to leave the oval. Ned could be overheard saying that he didn’t want the police involved but a group of cops descended on the AIA Centre as I moved around to the outer side of the ground.
Training: March 13th.

It was very tough to see what they were leaning to for selection wise today, as the teams were a bit mixed.

The teams went as followed:

Black -

  • Howe
  • Moore
  • JDaicos
  • Richards
  • IQ
  • Mitchell
  • Pendles
  • Frampton
  • Maynard
  • Hill
  • Johnson
  • Crisp
  • DC
  • Markov
  • Long
  • Steene
  • Dean
  • Sullivan
  • Sidey
  • NDaicos

White -

  • Lippa
  • JDG
  • Elliott
  • Schultz
  • Noble
  • Carmichael
  • Allan
  • Macrae
  • TJ
  • Ryan
  • Reef
  • Bytel
  • Murphy
  • Beau
  • WHE
  • Harrison
  • Begg
  • Mihocek
  • Parker
  • Cox

The rehab boys:

  • Eyre
  • Kreuger
  • DeMattia.
Did some running sessions. Or for Eyre, like run, taking it very slowly for the next week or two.

Mcstay came out and did some kicking for goal

They did work on the fundamental elements of their game. Contest. Kicking inside 50, Goal kicking, pressure. So hopefully we see a much improvement in this area. Intensity another.

Howe looks to have gotten through the session, and should play. Played in defence, and where we need him most.

Frampton played forward. Could they look to bring him for Cox? Its something they'll weigh up, whether they think they need his extra flexibility.

Training: March 13th.

It was very tough to see what they were leaning to for selection wise today, as the teams were a bit mixed.

The teams went as followed:

Black -

  • Howe
  • Moore
  • JDaicos
  • Richards
  • IQ
  • Mitchell
  • Pendles
  • Frampton
  • Maynard
  • Hill
  • Johnson
  • Crisp
  • DC
  • Markov
  • Long
  • Steene
  • Dean
  • Sullivan
  • Sidey
  • NDaicos

White -

  • Lippa
  • JDG
  • Elliott
  • Schultz
  • Noble
  • Carmichael
  • Allan
  • Macrae
  • TJ
  • Ryan
  • Reef
  • Bytel
  • Murphy
  • Beau
  • WHE
  • Harrison
  • Begg
  • Mihocek
  • Parker
  • Cox

The rehab boys:

  • Eyre
  • Kreuger
  • DeMattia.
Did some running sessions. Or for Eyre, like run, taking it very slowly for the next week or two.

Mcstay came out and did some kicking for goal

They did work on the fundamental elements of their game. Contest. Kicking inside 50, Goal kicking, pressure. So hopefully we see a much improvement in this area. Intensity another.

Howe looks to have gotten through the session, and should play. Played in defence, and where we need him most.

Frampton played forward. Could they look to bring him for Cox? Its something they'll weigh up, whether they think they need his extra flexibility.

Always makes it more interesting when they give you no hints who will be selected according to which coloured training top they wear, lol 😉

Fly's on sen now, no doubt he'll give us a bit more of a hint.
Always makes it more interesting when they give you no hints who will be selected according to which coloured training top they wear, lol 😉

Fly's on sen now, no doubt he'll give us a bit more of a hint.
Nah, I like to know these things haha.
From fb Annabele

Under a slate grey moody sky, the players entered the arena around 9.40. There were no notable absentees as McStay was working industriously with a trainer and he has graduated to practising his lateral movements retrieving ground balls. The bank of clouds shed some of their liquid periodically to keep the reasonable number of onlookers engaging in some brolly gymnastics.

Players wore a mix of black and white tops, and while the former is often an indicator of senior level status all of: Beau, JDG, Jamie, WHE, Noble, Cox and Checkers sported the paler strip. Ash wore black, while Reef donned the white.

Kreuger ran laps for most of the session, sometimes under the guidance of a trainer. Josh Eyre also ran lots of laps and he looks a great build so we just have to hope that his body is ready for the rigours of match play when he returns.

Carmichael wandered off with a physio pointing to his quad, but fortunately wandered back on not too much time later.

Nick copped a head knock on the head during match sim and lay prostrate for a brief time but the players in his propinquity did not seem alarmed and he rose shaking off this blow.

Murphy wore the blue non-contact hat. Despite this he was active in the drills and partook of the match simulation. He ended up working with fellow erstwhile cricketer Will Parker as they did some light aerobic and ball work.

There were the usual warm-ups with mini-hurdles, agility work around cones and some sprints conducted over a medium distance

Players constantly rotated through stations engaged in a crowded menu of activities. There was plenty of handballing, ground ball work and more elongated ground movement drills.

Sometimes the cohort cleaved into two – black and white and a replica drill took place on opposite sides of the ground.

The orange tackling bags were out and coaches tested the players’ willingness to test themselves against these inanimate objects.

There were also some line specific drills with the forwards practising their leading and shooting for goal.

A group of defenders paired off and they were tested man on man with one sans vest, the other wearing the conventional top.

Prior to the match simulation, there was also two mini-matches of very competitive keepings off with scoring involved overseen by the assistant coaches. Selwood was barking instructions and shouting out the scoreline – 4-2 before ordering them to move.

The final item on the menu was the match simulation which was followed by some formal and informal drills, seemingly a player’s choice type scenario.

Random player observations:

Dean – seems set to retain his place. He gave WHE a bit of a touch up during their one-on-one drill and the hyphen acknowledged this with a friendly pat on the back following their encounter. Surely, he can only grow in confidence with further exposure at the top tier.

Ash – the enigmatic one took a towering pack mark close to goal for the black team leaving spectators wondering how fleeting are the glimpses of his natural talent. He also scooped the ball effortlessly off the turf in the forward pocket to set up a dangerous attacking move.

Howe – Jeremy trained confidently and smoothly dispelling doubts surrounding his calf. He played in defence during the match sim, though he may be a forward option moving forward (no pun intended) Observers believe that he and Murphy are the keys to and the real leaders of our defence.

Frampton – played all match sim minutes as a key forward for the black team. He took some marks, kicked some goals and there is speculation he might emerge again in this role soon because of our dearth of forwards not vertically challenged and because of the versatility he offers, regardless of where this flexibility lies on the talent index.

Reef – at close quarters he excelled in the drills, standing out in a marking drill early in the session for which he received the plaudits of his teammates.

Sullivan – snapped a neat goal, played with industry and enthusiasm and would be an inside candidate if we need coverage for Mitchell et al.

Long – Ned is not even on the list but moves more quickly and impressively than quite a few of the others. His footy skills look reasonable too.

Steene – wore the black top and did the odd decent thing, though he remains a project player we hope continues to develop along with Begg whose shaggy locks stood out. He played for the white team. Both of these guys could form a base of next generation talls.

Mitchell and Pendles shook out some cobwebs after looking a bit plodding in the opening round., Interestingly one critic made the observation this morning that it’s harder for slower and older players to impact early in the season when the bodies are fit and the pace of the game is high octane. Scott often gets better as the game goes deeper and the tempo slows. The question is can both of these guys play full games regularly? Should we consider resting them and subbing them from time to time?

Macrae – Fly has already flagged that he will play soon. Arguably the aforementioned Mitch and Pendles are stymieing his chances and one suspects we will have to make a move to change this, otherwise some of our younger players regardless of their potential quality will wither on the vine due to selection inertia.

Clearly other teams are showcasing talent galore, albeit often draft picks at the pointy end. Such is the price of success these days, though perhaps we did overpay for the nuggetty Schultz.

Postscript: - training was not without its sideline’s drama today courtesy of a shirtless spectator who appeared to be lubricated with a cocktail of various substances. Even before ten he was castigating me for taking pics of the players and not him. He then proceeded to imply that the likes of Josh D and Hill were frauds within their earshot. Ned strode out to deal with, confiscating a ginormous bottle he had, informing him that we will not have that in our elite environment. Kelly escorted him to the outskirts of the arena. The players, some of whom just entering the arena, watched with interest and gave the CEO a round of applause for his actions. Alas the offender returned more raucous and abusive than ever which also drew the attention of Leppa. The man retreated at the sight of the redhead striding purposefully towards him but later returned. Ned also reemerged to provide a young family some sanctuary from his loutish behaviour as they had prepared to leave the oval. Ned could be overheard saying that he didn’t want the police involved but a group of cops descended on the AIA Centre as I moved around to the outer side of the ground.
Two key forwards doesn’t surprise me.

There’s about three guys on our VFL list to monitor for recruiting chances. It will become the new normal to find mature prospects rather than guessing on a two year deal kid who is flown or driven home faster than he was drafted. Long is one option.

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Training 2024 training updates.

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