Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part II] - will honor his contract and play on at NMFC in 2024, so says the reality TV manager

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You get to a point in this in which you just gotta cut your losses and run.

I got a message yesterday from a fellow north supporter stating 'Thomas in trouble again' and my immediate reaction to it in my mind has he done now? I guess this why I went down the humour route with the first few posts in the thread as coping mechanism. The reality is the news yesterday and by extension today has been a huge buzz kill in what's been a relatively smooth off/pre season. And I know a lot of you would have felt the same.

Even if this recent accusation is false. It's quite clear that after the education program, donation and court appearance.....the fact that he went straight back to his ex (which he's done multiple times apparently) tells you he didn't learn a thing from his sabbatical.

Yes the Richmond game last year and some others were good but does it outweigh the negatives? You can't use the excuse of a grandmother's passing're 23 now. Everyone at some point deals with this kinda thing in their doesn't give you a green light to treat others so crudely & horrid.

As Dwayne Russell annoyingly states in his commentary ''made it somebody else's problem''

Well it's time Tarryn Thomas became somebody else's problem.....not ours.

I'm over it.
Just to confirm, jamai wants him jobless and out of the football world, the one place where he has any skills?
Interesting take there Jamai.
Jamal is also looking for work according to linkedIn.worked for the saints for a bit. 10,000 followers on Instagram and about 35 on LinkedIn.

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You get to a point in this in which you just gotta cut your losses and run.

I got a message yesterday from a fellow north supporter stating 'Thomas in trouble again' and my immediate reaction to it in my mind has he done now? I guess this why I went down the humour route with the first few posts in the thread as coping mechanism. The reality is the news yesterday and by extension today has been a huge buzz kill in what's been a relatively smooth off/pre season. And I know a lot of you would have felt the same.

Even if this recent accusation is false. It's quite clear that after the education program, donation and court appearance.....the fact that he went straight back to his ex (which he's done multiple times apparently) tells you he didn't learn a thing from his sabbatical.

Yes the Richmond game last year and some others were good but does it outweigh the negatives? You can't use the excuse of a grandmother's passing're 23 now. Everyone at some point deals with this kinda thing in their doesn't give you a green light to treat others so crudely & horrid.

As Dwayne Russell annoyingly states in his commentary ''made it somebody else's problem''

Well it's time Tarryn Thomas became somebody else's problem.....not ours.

I'm over it.
My awareness of the latest episode like yourself was from a mate from work, simply said " i see your ol mate has been up to his old tricks again"
Sorry, straight over my head.

For the masses. I personally think TT is gone and I feel for him. Had a horrid upbringing and of course as we saw with the al clarko fiasco. Certain people are treated differently, until they front court.

oh well.

I was trying to work out the Carlton recruit that "ended in the worst possible way".
don't really want to get into it on this one but I'm wondering, has there been anything to indicate when what's alleged to have happened took place? because if it's before he went through the suspension, programs etc it sort of changes the whole thing doesn't it
There has been no indication of a timeframe from the reports.

The entirety of what we know about the new allegations can be boiled down to three lines:

  • a woman’s made a complaint against TT using the AFL’s online complaints portal
  • the Hun has characterised the nature of the complaint as alleged domestic violence, while the NMFC has described it as alleged inappropriate behaviour
  • the integrity unit wanted to interview him today, but TT’s lawyers were unavailable, so it’s gonna happen next week instead

That’s all we know.
The other perspective is that he did a lot of other inappropriate stuff which didn't make it to court, and the sum total of punishment vs actions doesn't measure up at all.

That said, I'm not sure if going to the media to try and get his life completely ruined is justice either.
The fact that she wants him punished for how he (non-criminally) treats women is ridiculous.

If that was punishable, then we’d need another 1000 jails….
Not making any comment about subsequent events, but no conviction and a $1,000 donation to a charity is a proverbial wet lettuce leaf. Totally understandable she feels let down, tbh.
She appears to have expected a long prison sentence. Based on the facts of the case, that wasn't going to happen. It can also be argued that he suffered significant loss of reputation and earning potential, given the amount of time he was effectively suspended from playing. It's unlikely that a regular joe who doesn't play for an AFL club would have been professionally punished in the same way given the same allegations.

None of which is relevant to the current situation.
On a scale from w***er to physically abusive. I’m happy to hold to the w***er.

So far that’s all Taz is.
If there's any actual evidence of him threatening to slap his GF around (as alleged in the Hearld Sun article), then that's enough.

I want to give him every chance, but when there's a history of exes saying the same thing, it's hard to defend the shit.
You get to a point in this in which you just gotta cut your losses and run.

I got a message yesterday from a fellow north supporter stating 'Thomas in trouble again' and my immediate reaction to it in my mind has he done now? I guess this why I went down the humour route with the first few posts in the thread as coping mechanism. The reality is the news yesterday and by extension today has been a huge buzz kill in what's been a relatively smooth off/pre season. And I know a lot of you would have felt the same.

Even if this recent accusation is false. It's quite clear that after the education program, donation and court appearance.....the fact that he went straight back to his ex (which he's done multiple times apparently) tells you he didn't learn a thing from his sabbatical.

Yes the Richmond game last year and some others were good but does it outweigh the negatives? You can't use the excuse of a grandmother's passing're 23 now. Everyone at some point deals with this kinda thing in their doesn't give you a green light to treat others so crudely & horrid.

As Dwayne Russell annoyingly states in his commentary ''made it somebody else's problem''

Well it's time Tarryn Thomas became somebody else's problem.....not ours.

I'm over it.

Echoes my sentiments and initial reaction as well. Just over it.
Couldn’t imagine how some of his teammates and those within the club feel about this stuff.

The club hasn’t been able to keep out of the news over the past 6-7 years, we finally get a relatively drama free pre-season then this shit completely takes the wind out of your sails.

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don't really want to get into it on this one but I'm wondering, has there been anything to indicate when what's alleged to have happened took place? because if it's before he went through the suspension, programs etc it sort of changes the whole thing doesn't it
I see what you are getting at. If it occurred before and provided the work he did with the club's program hopefully shows he has corrected his behaviour since then. If it has occurred after the work that he and the club put in then it shows he hasn't learnt anything and needs to consider his options outside of North at the end of this year.
Haha I'm shocked to be sitting here while you have an each way bet.
I don't have any bet. As I said I have no idea this time around - but I have had two differing opinions from people who probably know a little more than me. Time will tell.
So just to be clear, this article and any comments or quotes contained within have nothing to do with the new allegation. It is rehashing an old allegation that was dealt with by the courts, the club, and the AFL.
Just at a guess (rightly or wrongly):
• She is publicly the ex-partner of said player
• She was happy to speak to the media
• She feels aggrieved the courts did not fairly settle the issue to her satisfaction

I’m personally curious to know:

• We know he did work as a cleaner but has he been attending and showing guenuine remorse at his counseling and apperances at the domestic violence relief centres
• is he doing additional work in this to show, yes, he has learnt lessons?
• I kinda want to strangle him for going back down that well (but hey, who hasn’t gone back to that crazy ex?) has he amicably removed himself from her?
Just at a guess (rightly or wrongly):
• She is publicly the ex-partner of said player
• She was happy to speak to the media
• She feels aggrieved the courts did not fairly settle the issue to her satisfaction

I’m personally curious to know:

• We know he did work as a cleaner but has he been attending and showing guenuine remorse at his counseling and apperances at the domestic violence relief centres
• is he doing additional work in this to show, yes, he has learnt lessons?
• I kinda want to strangle him for going back down that well (but hey, who hasn’t gone back to that crazy ex?) has he amicably removed himself from her?

I don't believe we know for sure that this new allegation comes from an ex-partner of Tarryn.
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If your name wasn't Tarryn Thomas, or if it was just you or me off the street. No no one would give a shit about this whole situation.
I don't have any bet. As I said I have no idea this time around - but I have had two differing opinions from people who probably know a little more than me. Time will tell.
Fair enough, you can only share what you hear. It’s not like you are retrospectively claiming to have been right when sharing both views.
I, for one, prefer information sharing without an editorial, so thanks.
If he's screwed up, then he should be gone, no excuses. I expected him to go last year FWIW.

But gee, if she has overcooked her story, and he has nothing to answer for while dragging his name through the mud again, she's just sent the #metoo movement backwards, and probably deserves to be slapped
So there’s a complaint line - what’s to stop fans making false accusations against the premier players in the comp.
Nothing but I am sure everything is considered based off the evidence provided in regard to what level of action the complaint requires.
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