3 Bomb blasts in Athens !

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Who posted those pics up. Yeah his name is jim thorpe, another aussie without a clue. Why dont you scroll down that page my friend and look at the updated pics.

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Heres another one


If you can see the white thats on top of the stadium, thats the roof that will begin placement on tuesday under ioc watch, monday will be testing of it and tuesday the implementation begins. The seats like i said immediately after that. Im struggling even with the other pic to see the ancient ruins and the hundreds of tractors that i had seen on 60 minutes.

1 month to be finished completely doesn't sound stupid does it.
NICE PICS SLYOLDDOG, however when the roof comes up next week the stadium will look like the last pic on that page.

Which looks quite nice.

but where on earth have the 100 bulldozers gone in the middle of the stadium?

You will see next week
C'mon anyone can admit that the pics are different to that of channel 9 last sunday, What channel 9 showed was a dump from 3 months ago. I honestly dont see the fuss. Its gonna be fine. The reason why they started late with the fixing of the olympic stadium is because 2 greek socer clubs had a contract to play there and they just couldnt put up a roof that early or seats. Seats mainly because the soccer hooligans would have thrown them out onto the field during the derby games.

Cycling veledrome completed last week as well.

Its all gonna come together this month and athens olympic commitee said that everything will be done by june. The games are in august. It should be fine and finished with about 2 months or a month and a half 2 spare. Its all about the roof, if it comes up fine during tests on monday and then the thing being put in place on tuesday then its really okay.
You just don't get it do you?

Athens 2004 will be a shambles because they have left everything to the last minute

Sydney was a success because they had everything built and then had test event after test event two years (and more) prior ironing out the bugs

Just look at Docklands Stadium, that was rushed to finish by a deadline and was a debarcle because it was rushed and no tests done before the start of the 2001 AFL Season
Okay you will see mate, dont u get it, greeks love working under pressure, its there culture to leave things to the last minute. It doesntmatter how its done as long as its done and theres a 95% chance that it will be done

No one answered my question, are those pics different to the ones shown on 60 minutes? Even the aussies can admit that there media are liars.


and you complain why greeks get ****en angry.

Your going down, i have faith that they will prove you wrong as well as your media.

Originally posted by toulairene
But the point is that the greeks have gotten there act together and have had there act together for the past couple of months with huge improvements and your basing your information on australian media crap.
I don't usually point out typos or spelling mistakes, but you continuously use 'there' instead of 'their'. It's quite obvious to everyone that you aren't too bright. Take the hint (sorry, I forgot that you are slow).
Originally posted by toulairene
Okay you will see mate, dont u get it, greeks love working under pressure, its there culture to leave things to the last minute.
Is it also a Greek culture to not use paragraphs and write incoherently? Or is that just you who is stupid?
Funnily enough the roof for the swimming complex was put on 2 days before 60 minutes said it wasnt.

The contruction workers are working 5 days a week, thats right the greeks are so much behind schedule they havent even ordered their people to work on weekends.

Just typical propaganda bull$hit which im sick of. Ever since we won the games the anglo saxon media has been ripping us apart.

The games are returning home, not like 1996 when we were outbitted by Coca Cola. If you win an olympic medal in athens you can say I won a medal at the olympics, not like in sydney when after the medal they award you with a stuffed kangaroo.

Id rather the pommes, yanks, israelis and aussies not show up to the olympics in the first place, it would make alot of things much safer. Thanks to USA + its 2 puppets greece has had to fork out billions for security, when greece dont have any issues with terrorism, we remain neutral (like australians shouldve been in the first place, wouldve saved lives at Bali, but yous never learn).

The terrorism group they said they busted, was no terrorism group. It was created after a protesting student was killed by the military police when greece was in turmoil. Since then they have only killed people that hurt greece, that includes greeks, turks, british, german politicians, americans. They usually clear the area when they do their attacks cause their aim isnt to kill greeks. They had the full support of greeks, because greeks have the belief ''Nobody fuks with our country''.

Let the games begin baby.. the olympics are going to be a raging success, and if there is any bombs, you can bet your money the americans did it because theres no way in hell Al-Queda would do it. They would lose all the sympathy they have around the world if they attacked the olympics, the symbol of peace.

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Originally posted by Carmelo Anthony
The terrorism group they said they busted, was no terrorism group. It was created after a protesting student was killed by the military police when greece was in turmoil. Since then they have only killed people that hurt greece, that includes greeks, turks, british, german politicians, americans. They usually clear the area when they do their attacks cause their aim isnt to kill greeks. They had the full support of greeks, because greeks have the belief ''Nobody fuks with our country''.

ter·ror·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Originally posted by Carmelo Anthony
Funnily enough the roof for the swimming complex was put on 2 days before 60 minutes said it wasnt.

There is no roof on the swimming complex

Athens got so behind, they just scrapped it much to the disgust of FINA (World Swimming) & the IOC
Originally posted by jerry springer
ter·ror·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


What an awesome reply. Using a dictionary as you have no argument to what I wrote.
Originally posted by Carmelo Anthony
Id rather the pommes, yanks, israelis and aussies not show up to the olympics in the first place, it would make alot of things much safer. Thanks to USA + its 2 puppets greece has had to fork out billions for security, when greece dont have any issues with terrorism, we remain neutral (like australians shouldve been in the first place, wouldve saved lives at Bali, but yous never learn).

Not only are Greek's crap at English (tool-airene), they're crap at Maths.
If it wasn't a problem for Barcelona not to have a roof over its swimming stadium (1992 Olympics)


If it wasn't a problem for Perth not to have a roof over its swimming stadium (1998 World swimming Championships)


Why is it such a problem for Athens not to have one?
Originally posted by Carmelo Anthony
The games are returning home, not like 1996 when we were outbitted by Coca Cola
Boo hoo. Want a tissue?

If you win an olympic medal in athens you can say I won a medal at the olympics, not like in sydney when after the medal they award you with a stuffed kangaroo.
Your stupidity astounds me.

Are you implying that they gave medalists fluffy kangaroos instead of medals in Sydney?

I'll save your embarassment and answer it for you: Place getters were awarded medals in Sydney so they can say they they won a medal at the Olympics.

we remain neutral (like australians shouldve been in the first place, wouldve saved lives at Bali, but yous never learn).
Interesting that you refer to greece as 'we' and Australia as 'yous'. Do you have an Australian citizenship by anychance? Where were you born?

The terrorism group they said they busted, was no terrorism group.
If you'd read the thread and done you homework you would have known that it was a terrorist group. You seem to only think terrorists are Al Quaeda or Arabs.

Hate to upset you and burst your bubble, but appears that greece has it's own terrorists.

Let the games begin baby.. the olympics are going to be a raging success
Fancy yourself as a fortune teller do you? No one here has said they won't be a success - they have only mentioned that the preparation is behind. They're also not stupid enough to claim they can predict the future. Unlike you a Tool-of-the-year.

and if there is any bombs, you can bet your money the americans did it because theres no way in hell Al-Queda would do it.
More fortune telling. Just where does it stop?

You are a first rate knobhead.
Dont worry about then carmelo anthony, they are all hypocrates. Time will tell and they will see that they were wrong. Yes coca cola the bastards took the 96 games from us but where were the aussies to stick up for us? nowhere in sight cos they have no clue. They are jealous and no one answered my question, where has all the bulldozers gone from 60 minutes? Funny how in t.v guide it says that 60 minutes is a show based on things affecting australia? does greece's olympics organising commitee have anything to do with australia? Yes security does, but the stadium? The media here have brought it to the point where if greece does well, it will overtake sydney. At least we captured our terrorists. America, australia and israel, please stay home and watch the games from your homes and dont bother coming cos not a person in greece gives a stuff about you. Time will tell and you will all look like morons. Yes bunsen burner i can predict the future and obviously you cant cos we are going to make fools out of the skips the yanks and the poms and theirs nothing you and all your follow skippys (which is not aussie cos im an aussie and your a skip) can do about it. Obviously you dont know much bunsen burner, since when is a group of youths known as a terrorist organisation. Seems like this country's favourite word. Also nice responce from the greeks in the papers continuing, thanks for sticking it up to the aussies.
Originally posted by toulairene
Yes coca cola the bastards took the 96 games from us but where were the aussies to stick up for us?

Why the hell would Australia stick up for Greece?

And, for ****s sake, learn English.
Did anyone watch channel 7 lead story last night?

Some ******** aussie reporter jumps the back fence in the main olympic complex and walks around for 15 minutes totally unchallenged before jumping back over the fence.

Uhm i think the greeks let him in to report, what a stupid moron, i think all the aussie media should be kicked out, me and my dad were laughing so much and could not believe the stupidity of the aussie media.

Its getting to the point where the underdog will prevail, all the aussie media has done is try and ruin the games and in the end its going to backfire.

I cant wait to see the shock on peoples faces when the olympics begin and everything is in order.

Ah you gotta love them skipps and their reporting.

But in the end we can't win, cos i can just imagine the backlash by the aussies if the olympics are great.

Greece ole ole ole we are on course for making idiots out of many people.

Watced the live report on greek news last night. I am very confident indeed as are most greeks but i will just keep quite until a succesfull olympics is unveiled.
Little do you know what greece has done for this country, of course you dont, cos you only know about the things that the yanks have done. Learn some history, btw wasn't it greece at world war 2 who stalled the germans for 2 months and made them easy pickings for the russians. You may think we are arrogant and too patriotic but do you blame us after all that our tiny country has done and what they may do with these olympics.

BTW goals fromfrom50out which european country you from? I think i may be on to something.
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