Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Aug 12, 2012
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Like Hillary and those deleted emails?

So you are happy for a person to be brought to court for a fair trial, in a jurisdiction that is 90% Democrat voters, by a prosecutor who is known to want get trump at any cost as it’s personal, for a crime that is only ever a misdemeanour, and does not fulfill the statute of limitations for this, so the prosecutor changes it to a felony, but it only fulfills the SOL for that because Covid paused it…. And then in order for it to be a felony he has to have committed a more serious crime, but the prosecution don’t have to prove, or even disclose what that is… essentially it’s just the clearly partisan prosecutor’s word.
So it’s entirely possible he has been found guilty by a jury of 90% of people who voted for his opponent, for a felony that can only stand if he has committed a crime, that he may never be found guilty of…right before an election.

That is absolutely wrong. No matter which side of the fence you sit on, it is a horrific way to misuse the justice system to influence an election given numerous recent Democrat candidates have been accused of far more serious crimes yet these have been waived by prosecutors for fear of influencing the election outcome.

It convinces me that the powerful rich and political elite in the USA are all seeking to create civil war in that country at any cost.
I’m a builder/fabricator, if I were to turn this post into a design and materials list, it would be a submarine built out cheese sticks, tomato sauce, glamorously coloured feathers, dry roasted salty dirt and a good helping thoughts and prayers!
Like Hillary and those deleted emails?

So you are happy for a person to be brought to court for a fair trial, in a jurisdiction that is 90% Democrat voters, by a prosecutor who is known to want get trump at any cost as it’s personal, for a crime that is only ever a misdemeanour, and does not fulfill the statute of limitations for this, so the prosecutor changes it to a felony, but it only fulfills the SOL for that because Covid paused it…. And then in order for it to be a felony he has to have committed a more serious crime, but the prosecution don’t have to prove, or even disclose what that is… essentially it’s just the clearly partisan prosecutor’s word.
So it’s entirely possible he has been found guilty by a jury of 90% of people who voted for his opponent, for a felony that can only stand if he has committed a crime, that he may never be found guilty of…right before an election.

That is absolutely wrong. No matter which side of the fence you sit on, it is a horrific way to misuse the justice system to influence an election given numerous recent Democrat candidates have been accused of far more serious crimes yet these have been waived by prosecutors for fear of influencing the election outcome.

It convinces me that the powerful rich and political elite in the USA are all seeking to create civil war in that country at any cost.

So your defence of trump is Democrat politicians should be charged and locked up for crimes they commit.

I accept your offer.
That's the wonderful irony of being a malignant narcissist a la the Orange one jatz14
You think you are a genius but you haven't educated yourself , asked questions or learnt from others since you were very young - why would you as you are a genius ;)
However , the world moves on , you don't , as a result you end up as thick as two short planks.
Also - let's not forget his father had Alzheimer's late in life so that cliff is approaching the Donald as well.........

That cliff had well and truly arrived. What do you think the “man woman camera” thing was?
In both the E Jean Carrol and now the election interference cases, ordinary US citizens sitting on the juries saw Donald Trump in the flesh and on trial. Both juries found him guilty.
How are ordinary Republican voters going to interpret these two court cases alongside the antics of the MAGA Republicans in the US Congress?
If I was a Republican, I'd be embarrassed by my Party.
As a Labor Party voter, if Eddie Obeid was ever to run for NSW Premier, I would cancel my vote.
Judging from the sample of recent Fox and Newsmax clips, and if they're not particularly close watchers or critical thinkers about politics, then I don't think they will be inclined to vote against a GOP ticket.
Inertia + propaganda is a strong force.
Dr Phil channelling Woodward and Bernstein.

Mr. Trump, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
Biden's economy must be really good if the Magas have all that spare money to throw at Diaper Don.
Yeah, it makes you think.
I saw that opinion piece from Cowherd, don't particularly like his as a sports pundit, he made good points in it. In a nutshell, is your life really so bad right now? Prices are higher, but movies, airplanes etal are full.

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Dr Phil channelling Woodward and Bernstein.

What is it with these pathetic sycophants? I mean, Dr Phil is well known as a total f***wit, but I didn't think he was also such a bootlicker. And the sucking up requires outright lies:

1. Trump has thinner skin than pretty much anyone else in the public eye.
2. His whole persona is that he needs others to tell him how great he is, and he sulks when he's criticised.
3. He's not a billionaire, FFS.
4. Don Jr and Eric and their horrible wives say hi.
5. Dedicated father, oh dear ... please stop it Dr Phil you pathetic groveller
6. He knows he's f***ed if he doesn't become president. He does it out of SELF INTEREST, you moron.
It was a democrat attorney general pressing the charge, it can only increase Trump's chance of winning the election.
Where his campaign donation website crashed because of all the doners jumping on (after the verdict).
No problems with that, keep the money away from the party. The congressional races will suffer more. Trump will mostly squander it.
It convinces me that the powerful rich and political elite in the USA are all seeking to create civil war in that country at any cost.
No, that's the accelerationists.
Currently reading the Jonathan Karl book; the first one (front row).
**** it’s wild stuff to think such a clown was president and is in the running again.
Fox News makes more money through advertising from supporting Trump rather than Biden.
Murdoch hates Trump as a person, but making money is Rupert Murdoch's personal goal.

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