AFL 2006 Talk

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Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Personally I think an actual AFL simulation game is just too difficult to make, its not like soccer or basketball where the rules are not too hard to interpret or there is as much stuff going on at once. I think that a management game is the answer but we all know how that idea is going :rolleyes:
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Geez it's frustring just reading this thread, let alone playing the game again!

Do we have any proof yet that feedback we give here is even going to matter? As someone else said, there was a massive thread over at Xbox world with suggestions aplenty which I'm sure was not even looked at, even though someone who "worked on the game" apparently posted there.

This thread is a farce. :eek: But if I was to change anything about the game, surely they can come up with new, original names in a draft database instead of using a combination of existing player names which was a joke!
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

luke2177 said:
But if I was to change anything about the game, surely they can come up with new, original names in a draft database instead of using a combination of existing player names which was a joke!

That would mean they would have to reprogram the commentary to flow well without saying any players names. Considering FIFA have ten times the budget and only get this somewhat right when a player name hasn't been recorded, not sure we'll be seeing it in an AFL game too soon :(

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Re: Fixing up the AFL games

shanefos said:
They still work for the same company though, don't they?!
They're based in one single building. Surely it's a cop-out to think that they wouldn't have used feedback and discussed the previous versions before developing this one?!
And they've used that basis of the previous versions for this one anyway - all they've done is add a few player moves and tweaked the gameplay very, very slightly. If it's taken them a year to add such a small amount, we can't really expect much of an improvement in AFL 2006, can we?...

Different development teams, different budgets, different publishers.

You've gotta take into account the change of publishers (Acclaim then Sony) and the change in their expectations for the release of AFL 2005. It was a case of two completely different games causing such a delay in the final product. Not ideal development practice and very much reflective in the final product.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Archer_11 said:
That would mean they would have to reprogram the commentary to flow well without saying any players names. Considering FIFA have ten times the budget and only get this somewhat right when a player name hasn't been recorded, not sure we'll be seeing it in an AFL game too soon :(

It's very expensive to record commentary as it is. To add miscellaneous players into the mix just isn't financially feasable with the development budgets afforded to AFL games. Your best hope is to have extra players referred to by numbers like Michael Jordan was for so long in NBA Live games.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

luke2177 said:
Geez it's frustring just reading this thread, let alone playing the game again!

Do we have any proof yet that feedback we give here is even going to matter? As someone else said, there was a massive thread over at Xbox world with suggestions aplenty which I'm sure was not even looked at, even though someone who "worked on the game" apparently posted there.

This thread is a farce. :eek: But if I was to change anything about the game, surely they can come up with new, original names in a draft database instead of using a combination of existing player names which was a joke!

You'd be surprised just how much of feedback in forums is collated and considered in the development process. This thread is not a farce. It's an attempt to gather as much feedback in one place (in a logical place I might add considering the site deals with football!) so as to improve the product. Comments like "just add this or that" are held in equally high regard as ones like "Just re-work the NES game coz the current one is crap". All the comments on Xboxworld have been collated and are part of the AFL2006 dev process already. They haven't gone to waste just like the ones here won't.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Fiery Hawk said:
I have a mate who working on the new AFL game. He asked me for suggestions as to a) where the game has gone wrong but more importantly b) how to fix the issues with the game by giving suggestions.
I have noticed a few threads here and were thinking it would be great to get all ideas and comments in the one thread. If anyone can give their two cents that would be great. Make sure you mention what version of the game you have (PC, PS2 and Xbox) as they are different.
He is really interested in getting the basics right first and then worrying about the extra frills (but he wants to know what extras you want to).
Now's your chance I guess... :thumbsu:

scrap the AFL Live set up and just make a Football Manager 2006 AFL version.

problem solved, and i assume it would cost less as you dont have to pay for commentary, player models etc. :thumbsu:
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

The graphics are fine, these blokes obviously are more focused on the visual aspects of the game and the art-direction.

But to make it a fun game to play they need to get some science or maths nerd who know how to deal with physics. You should be able to run up and leap to take a mark, not just run, stand still in the one spot and then jump. I know how to mark in the game but it's so unrealistic: Matera v Everitt, if Matera runs to the right spot and jumps, he's taken the mark. Stupid.

Also the only way to play is to kick it long and hope one of your players is near the contest. THe handball and short kick buttons are useless, because you end up getting tackled. Players don't run past for the handball. Also you shouldn't be able to just torp every ball, it should wear out the player more when he goes for a long kick than a handball or a short pass.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Fiery Hawk said:
Different development teams, different budgets, different publishers.

You've gotta take into account the change of publishers (Acclaim then Sony) and the change in their expectations for the release of AFL 2005. It was a case of two completely different games causing such a delay in the final product. Not ideal development practice and very much reflective in the final product.

So who's to say the same thing won't happen with 2006?
Look at EA Cricket from about 99 through to 2005 - basically the graphics get improved (if very marginally) and one or two minor gameplay tweaks are made from one version to another. Each new version is hyped up, touted to be ground breaking and to have all of these fantastic new features which turn out to be far from exciting and usually end up with their own bugs or just don't work.

I think Homer Simpson said it best when his brother invented the baby translator: "I dunno Herb, you should have taken something and put a clock in it or something". Pretty much sums up game developers' philosophy if you ask me - much easier to talk up something already existing instead of putting in hard yards and actually coming out with something new.

And the saddest thing is that suckers like us will keep on thrwoing away good money to these jokers because we're so gullible and think we truly are going to get something new.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

shanefos said:
So who's to say the same thing won't happen with 2006?
Look at EA Cricket from about 99 through to 2005 - basically the graphics get improved (if very marginally) and one or two minor gameplay tweaks are made from one version to another. Each new version is hyped up, touted to be ground breaking and to have all of these fantastic new features which turn out to be far from exciting and usually end up with their own bugs or just don't work.

I think Homer Simpson said it best when his brother invented the baby translator: "I dunno Herb, you should have taken something and put a clock in it or something". Pretty much sums up game developers' philosophy if you ask me - much easier to talk up something already existing instead of putting in hard yards and actually coming out with something new.

And the saddest thing is that suckers like us will keep on thrwoing away good money to these jokers because we're so gullible and think we truly are going to get something new.

I disagree. The latest installment tried to do things drastically different but because these changes werent tested adequately they simply didnt work. If you compare the gameplay between 05 and 04 you will realise that both are terrible yet different. Not saying this is a acceptable, just that the developers tried to do something different, it just didnt pay off. (largely due to their own fault as many people on the forums would happily test and give feedback) They didnt just add a few new features.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

AFL 2005's cameras were too advanced for my liking to be honest.

The biggest con about 2005 though was NO STATS could be accessed.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Fiery Hawk said:
You'd be surprised just how much of feedback in forums is collated and considered in the development process. This thread is not a farce. It's an attempt to gather as much feedback in one place (in a logical place I might add considering the site deals with football!) so as to improve the product. Comments like "just add this or that" are held in equally high regard as ones like "Just re-work the NES game coz the current one is crap". All the comments on Xboxworld have been collated and are part of the AFL2006 dev process already. They haven't gone to waste just like the ones here won't.
I'll take your word for it, mate.

Another of my main grips was that there was little to no control over kick distances - and it was very hard to even kick a goal or make the distance from 50m. This is crazy - it's one of the best aspects of our game (the long kick) and I doubt that players in last years game even had different "kicking" skills? :confused: i.e. Could Sav Rocca kick longer than.. Heath Shaw, as an example?

Players have to be able to lead out, mark, and kick a bomb.. but going along with that, there should be a risk/reward meter - so if you attempt a torp from 60m, out of bounds on the full or a complete mis-kick will result if you dont "connect" correctly... But in the game last year there wasn't even a meter if I recall correctly to "weigh" your kicks? Wasn't it just kick long or stab kick?

Are we ever going to get a good AFL game? After last year's effort, I highly doubt it - or not til 2010 anyway. :(
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Take Fifa Soccer 2006, play around with a few things from players to ground size and players using hands.

Give the game back to EA!

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Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Ugh...just been playing it and the way defenders just don't go anywhere their opponents really shyts me. Also, when playing on hard, the umpiring is just too realistic. We play these games to get AWAY from the crummy, biased umpires of the real world. Every tackle I lay is high, and every time I'm tackled its HTB.

Also, why are the stats so crappy for St Kilda players?? Surely Justin Koschitzke is a better mark than Didak or Wells?!

And oh, the commentating is pathetic!
Dermie: "What was the mood like in the rooms at half-time Christie?
Cometti: "Ackland (two second pause) runs onto the ground"
Dermie: "Thanks Christie"
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Personally I think they need to look at the original FIFA soccer games and go with that style of play. To much game play goes for 3d graphics these days and makes the games crap to play. Keep it simple and easy to view whats going on around you.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

mad-saint-guy said:
And oh, the commentating is pathetic!
Dermie: "What was the mood like in the rooms at half-time Christie?
Cometti: "Ackland (two second pause) runs onto the ground"
Dermie: "Thanks Christie"

hahaha that is so funny because its true, i love how Dermie will just repeat some sentences over and over again, sometimes half a dozen times in a row, i think we got it the first time derm!
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

mad-saint-guy said:
Also, why are the stats so crappy for St Kilda players?? Surely Justin Koschitzke is a better mark than Didak or Wells?!

The developers are obviously Collingwood supporters. Collingwood were the second worst team in the league last season and look like continuing that trend this year, yet their team stats are the best in the game!:thumbsdown:
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Yeah, very well could be!

Also I've noticed for every AFL Live/Premiership game I've played, Geelong never win more than two games a season. So, methinks Geelong-hating Colligwood supporters made the game.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

mad-saint-guy said:
Ugh...just been playing it and the way defenders just don't go anywhere their opponents really shyts me. Also, when playing on hard, the umpiring is just too realistic. We play these games to get AWAY from the crummy, biased umpires of the real world. Every tackle I lay is high, and every time I'm tackled its HTB.

Also, why are the stats so crappy for St Kilda players?? Surely Justin Koschitzke is a better mark than Didak or Wells?!

Yer, the more I play it on hard the more it sh*ts me. Essentially if you lose the centre bounce the opposition gets a goal, unless the AI player does something stupid and coughs up the ball. You can go entire games withouth your CHB being near the CHF at any time and your players only ever seem to successfully punch if they're standing still waiting for the ball in the air. And the umpiring on hard too...if you lay a tackle the ball spills free, if you get tackled it's HTB 9 times out of 10. Again like my earlier post it's great that hard really is hard, but you feel like you are battling the game and not the opposition /end rant
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

shanefos said:
The developers are obviously Collingwood supporters. Collingwood were the second worst team in the league last season and look like continuing that trend this year, yet their team stats are the best in the game!:thumbsdown:

The designer was a collingwood supporter. Not this time though...teams are ranked according to the stats of the players in areas of the ground (yes, there are player stats this time around and they will be influenced by how you play players as to whether they go up or not). In other words how you play the game with your team will influence how they are rated and also the teams you play.
A lot of work is going into making the player stats work so that guys who are tall and have good hands will 99/100 beat the little fellas in a mark. This will definitely solve the ruck contest problems and the kicking distance problems also.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Fiery Hawk said:
The designer was a collingwood supporter. Not this time though...teams are ranked according to the stats of the players in areas of the ground (yes, there are player stats this time around and they will be influenced by how you play players as to whether they go up or not). In other words how you play the game with your team will influence how they are rated and also the teams you play.
A lot of work is going into making the player stats work so that guys who are tall and have good hands will 99/100 beat the little fellas in a mark. This will definitely solve the ruck contest problems and the kicking distance problems also.

Forgot to you manage players in the post season also influences the rating of your team.

If anyone's interested in more information they can email directly to
I'll try to answer any questions and I'm very interested in discussing matters relating to the game whether they be cameras, tactics, art, programming etc...
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Lonie_from_50 said:
AFL 2005's cameras were too advanced for my liking to be honest.

The biggest con about 2005 though was NO STATS could be accessed.
That was the only reason I played AFL Live PE (I didn't buy 2004), to rack up stats for most disposals and most goals. There'd be no point in playing without that IMO, because it's too easy to win.
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

dids4 said:
scrap the AFL Live set up and just make a Football Manager 2006 AFL version.

problem solved, and i assume it would cost less as you dont have to pay for commentary, player models etc. :thumbsu:

Damn Straight:thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu:
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

dids4 said:
scrap the AFL Live set up and just make a Football Manager 2006 AFL version.

problem solved, and i assume it would cost less as you dont have to pay for commentary, player models etc. :thumbsu:

I agree, maybe they should produce something along the lines of Kevin Sheedy's AFL Coach 2002:thumbsu: :thumbsu:
Re: Fixing up the AFL games

Fiery Hawk said:
The designer was a collingwood supporter. Not this time though...teams are ranked according to the stats of the players in areas of the ground (yes, there are player stats this time around and they will be influenced by how you play players as to whether they go up or not). In other words how you play the game with your team will influence how they are rated and also the teams you play.

So with the last game, the stats we got were based on the designer being a Collingwood supporter? Wouldn't someone during the process of making the game have said, "Mate, aren't Collingwood rated a little high considering where they are on the ladder?".

What kind of crazy company are making AFL games? Stats determined by what team the designer supports...unbelievable.

Every time we get the same old promises, and the 'we really value feedback' line. Most of time though, the game is delayed, and when it comes out, it obviously hasn't been tested thoroughly and the product is below standard.

I'm sure those working on the new game will do their best to put together a quality product, but there have been just too many broken promises with past games.

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AFL 2006 Talk

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