AFL 2006 Talk

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This is mainly to FH.
I was just wondering and I'm not sure if anyone else has asked but will the players be made to look more like there real life counterparts as in getting face images on the players, hair, body size etc to look real?

I would just like too add that the gameplay has improved 100% especially with the kicking style in play and for goal are brilliant.

I would also recommend with getting names for players in the draft, use names from other games that have drafts and put all of them into the system, for instance use NBA Live's draft names I'm sure there isn't a copyright on those names.
And maybe implycating a contract negotiating system into the game would make it easier to hold onto your great players and get rid of your duds.
And maybe a harder ruck/hitout system I think it's a little bit too simple.

Also I know someone who plays AFL for the Richmond Tigers(Thomas Roach) and I know that he has bought pretty much every other AFL game and when I asked him if he was going to get this one he told me that he wasn't going to get another AFL game until the players look real so for me personally and him I think that would be the major part to fix for the next game just to add to the realism of things.
For 2007 can we all lobby for hostile crowds?
Even if they just have 2 audio recordings (or more) for home & away games.
Getting very few cheers, maybe even some booing at an away game would be rather cool. That'd be a damn easy modification to have.

Hope they keep the kicking as is. After getting used to it, it's the best they've done so far. Just remember to use X unless the square option is easy.
Oh Furious One said:
I just skipped through a season to see what the off season was like and I have to say that it is an absolute disgrace. From the unrealistic, unwarranted and down right stupid trading, the unfunny and unwarranted excuses for retirements and the entire draft, including names makes it amateur hour.

Oh man that was a huge slap in my face. So much praise for the improved game play, development points and design but that off season is pitiful, especially the retirement excuses. I went from total joy to utter disbelief.

Are the retirement excuses that much of a problem? Seriously, the guys are retired...we thought we'd have a bit of fun.
In 2007 you will be able to coax Players back from retirement for one more season but you have to choose the correct reason from 5 available. It's random as to which one is right but it's got a sense of drama and input about it. Hopefully that rectifies any lingering pain from our attempts at breathing life into a pretty mundane feature.
goDees22 said:
With the retirement things they shouldnt be a problem at all unless someone wants to go into a music career at like 25 years of age, if they still retire at the same age then it makes absolutely no difference.

FH, i was talking to a mate today about AFL games and he came up with a great idea/stole another games good idea. What about having off the ball control/player lock sort of thing. You could play out the match as your teams CHF, for example, and every other players actions are simulated. I think this would be a great idea, although probably not gonna happen in AFL game with so many ppl on the field, unlike NBA.

And i also think you should be able to press a button and take over a player up the field when you have a mark or free kick, and you control where u lead and press a button when u want the guy with the ball to kick it to you. Well done on producing a decent game, i'm buying it, the problems said in here by others are easily fixable, don't accept crap trades etc,

Yeah we've looked at that. I'm a big advocate of letting the AI take kick-ins and you choose a guy in the huddle and have the ability to 'call' for the ball. In the past we've had the 1-2 handball and are looking at re-implementing that but I'll keep you posted on any more developments in this area. We are indeed looking at it.
JADED said:
I would love to see "offers" from all clubs when you select a player rather than going to each club and seeing what they have to offer you if anything.
Usually I just keep persisting til they offer me something I want.

Go to make an offer rather than receive offers. You select players/draft picks and they dynamically respond with what they want from you.
rizzo said:
Why is phill matera init :eek:

He apparently retired in 2005 but is a West Coast Eagles officially listed player in 2006. I could have sat him on the sidelines all year but the game places the highest rated players in the side so he makes it in.
sainters said:
Hey FH i have an idea for the tactics for 07. I was thinking keep all the areas like Center bounce, defensive 50 etc...but don't just simply have a attacking, balanced and defensive as the tactics, build on them.

Have three different defensive tactics, three different attacking tatcics, three different balanced tactics for the defense. I hope you get what i mean.

Yeah I know what you mean. I've been very busy lately working on the tactics aspect of the game. My focus has been on player mentality (i.e. how close they stand to their opponent), adaptable AI tactics, bad match-up identification etc. So yeah I'm very keen on hearing more about ideas dealing with tactics.
JADED said:
I tried the Sydney Mission - You're 2 points up at 3/4 time in the grand final, full 20 minute quarter to play on veteran difficulty (hard I assume)
I managed to kick 2.2 :D in the last while west coast added 31.4 :( Doubt I'll ever go near hard difficulty. 30 goal loss.
The game it's self looks fantastic in hard mode, the way the CPU use the ball. They're psycho. Try tackling them and you get pushed to the ground. It isn't fair. Everything they do seems 100% faster than easy mode.
I'm playing my season on NORMAL difficulty now.

What difficulty level are you on?

Hard requires some experience at the game. Personally I am winning quite regularly on Hard now. The only time it really gets difficult is wet weather and when the opposition play keepings off. But once I get the ball I know how to bring it up the ground depending on what tactic is being employed by the opposition. Sometimes it helps to move it on quickly, other times you have to wait and look for a good lead or free man.
Power21 said:
The player development is a good inclusion but WAY to easy to make a team of superstars.

Make your team a team of superstars and you'll have to cull the list as the salary cap will kick-in within 2 seasons. There are two options when salary cap issues arise;

1. Keep yer stars and offload the average players. Fill the side up with 1st year draftees. This means you have an awesome starting 22 but if injuries occur you have no quality coming through and your side soon has major chinks in their armour.

2. Trade a big name player or two who cost you dearly in the salary cap and develop more of your mid-range players throughout the season. The idea being your side has depth.

Play 5 seasons or so and you'll see what I mean.

Power21 said:
I'm not going to return the game so it is a good sign, however lots of things can be improved and added, STATS is a major thing, people might say it's a little needed feature but come on, stats play a big part and any half decent sports game has every stat you can imagine and then some.

Trust me I'm as ticked as the next person that it didn't make it in. It is already in our versions of 2007 so rest assured it will never be removed again.

Power21 said:
It's is a step in the right direction but it needs to improve big time for 07 to warrant a purchase, stats, graphics, the gameplay camera and even more player control, as in once it is kicked to a contest those players are still fully controllable not locked into the marking contest animation.

2007 will be an improvement. I've said from day one we are getting there step by step. With input from everyone we'll get a long way to achieving what you want.

What I'm writing next is not directed at you Power21...just in general....

What I really need is people giving ideas rather than saying something is crap. Tell us what we can do to improve it. Think about it - the mechanics of it. We are doing this so any input along those lines from you guys would be a much appreciated addition.

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mini_me316 said:
This is mainly to FH.
I was just wondering and I'm not sure if anyone else has asked but will the players be made to look more like there real life counterparts as in getting face images on the players, hair, body size etc to look real?

We are limited in that capacity but are remodelling the players and working on their body shapes to improve their individual looks. We are trying to get more haircuts into the game and hopeful of more facial variety.

mini_me316 said:
I would also recommend with getting names for players in the draft, use names from other games that have drafts and put all of them into the system, for instance use NBA Live's draft names I'm sure there isn't a copyright on those names.

The name database will increase in 2007.

mini_me316 said:
And maybe implycating a contract negotiating system into the game would make it easier to hold onto your great players and get rid of your duds.

A contract system is on the drawing board for 07. There was one in 2006 with regards to 1st year drafted players in that they must remain at your club for 2 seasons. We have identified that contracts will play a major role in reshaping the off-season mode into something more palatable.

mini_me316 said:
And maybe a harder ruck/hitout system I think it's a little bit too simple.

The ruck system is an interesting one. We have contrasting opinions passed on to us. Sufficed to say a new system is being nutted out at the moment.
FH, something I have just found out (because I just finished the 2006 season, playing all games) is that in the draft you cannot see draftee's age, height and weight. Unless they ARE there in 2006 (theres something I'm missing), this is something that also was in 2005 but isn't in 2006.

I keep finding myself replaying the grand final and trades over and over to get to the draft and find myself a player that isn't over 20! I keep getting players about 24! :mad:

I've noticed that ruckmen/KPP in the draft are mostly about 177cm and midfielders are about 200cm :eek:

Also, not being to assign guernsey numbers is a big :thumbsdown:.

Please work on this area for 2007



P.S I found some of your "offspring" in the draft :p I'm pretty sure I know who you are, judging by the credits in the back of the manual.
Fiery Hawk said:
Are the retirement excuses that much of a problem? Seriously, the guys are retired...we thought we'd have a bit of fun.
In 2007 you will be able to coax Players back from retirement for one more season but you have to choose the correct reason from 5 available. It's random as to which one is right but it's got a sense of drama and input about it. Hopefully that rectifies any lingering pain from our attempts at breathing life into a pretty mundane feature.

Seems like a great addition, i didn't realise you guys get to work on the next game so soon after the current one has been released.

I've played it a bit over the weekend, i definatly think it is an improvement over AFL Premiership 2005. I don't have any suggestions at this stage,

Just a few small things, like maybe a few different goal celebrations, happy with how it is now... but a few more might not hurt. I'd like to see a group goal celebration added, particularly if it was on the end of a team goal (ie 2 or 3 players combine whilst on the run, the last player kicks the goal and jumps up for a group hug or high 5).

Different player animations when lining up for goal, you know how the player runs backwards before taking the kick - i've noticed sometimes the animation looks a little stringy and looks like they have a limp, even though they're not injured.

* What i wouldn't change is when you'd take a mark, i love how you're able to move back after taking the mark, then being able to move forward (on your own) without playing on. I thought that was great, especially when kicking for goal as i can get some extra distance in the kick without technically playing on :).

I don't know how to alter it, but i'd like to see something where if you have 2 or more players tagging one person, that all 3 players (2 taggers + person actually standing on the mark) didn't follow the same player. It was a little weird seeing them all follow a forward that i had made 3 players tag... ended up giving away a 50m penalty, leading to the 3 players (well one was on the mark, the other 2 stood next to the guy on the mark) to crowd inside the goalsquare. Its not a complete negative, i just thought it looked odd.

I'm not too fussed over not seeing stats in between rounds, well except maybe a Brownlow medal/Coleman medal update wouldn't hurt. I don't need to see how many clearances players made, marks/kicks/handballs etc, but i like to see things like number of goals/points scored. I guess i am half obsessed with stats.... but i won't cry over it not being included :)
Having no career stats is a huge disappointment for 2006.

I'd really like to see a new draftee rack up 200 games for the Eagles, Judd to come into the twilight of his career after 300 games etc.

Also, I'd like to see the new full-forward revelution who has booted 138 goals when he chalked up his 50th game, the midfield champion who has kicked 249 goals from 250 games, the full-back with 1 or 2 goals after 150 games.
Hey guys,
I know it's been plugged before, but it'd be good if we could discuss improvements and stuff over at the AFL Gaming Ground Website.

There are three structured sections for AFL Premiership 2007 Suggestions.
1. Bugs and Glitches in 2006
2. Fine Tuning some aspects of 2006
3. Cool New Stuff to Be added for 2007
Having all suggestions structured and in one place will make it a lot easier for Fiery Hawk to improve next years game. I'm doing one thread per feature (i.e one thread per bug found) so people can discuss their opinions on each little topic.
Also sometimes mention if you too have had that problem, or thought that what's mentioned would be a good improvement or not.
See ya over there.

P.S I'm not trying to close this thread, it'd just be good to have all the suggestions in one place.
BlackMamba said:
Hey guys,
I know it's been plugged before, but it'd be good if we could discuss improvements and stuff over at the AFL Gaming Ground Website.

There are three structured sections for AFL Premiership 2007 Suggestions.
1. Bugs and Glitches in 2006
2. Fine Tuning some aspects of 2006
3. Cool New Stuff to Be added for 2007
Having all suggestions structured and in one place will make it a lot easier for Fiery Hawk to improve next years game. I'm doing one thread per feature (i.e one thread per bug found) so people can discuss their opinions on each little topic.
Also sometimes mention if you too have had that problem, or thought that what's mentioned would be a good improvement or not.
See ya over there.

P.S I'm not trying to close this thread, it'd just be good to have all the suggestions in one place.

Yes, I'm going to be spending more of my time on that site now so I encourage you to post there with stuff related to AFLP06/07.
Fiery Hawk said:
Yeah I know what you mean. I've been very busy lately working on the tactics aspect of the game. My focus has been on player mentality (i.e. how close they stand to their opponent), adaptable AI tactics, bad match-up identification etc. So yeah I'm very keen on hearing more about ideas dealing with tactics.

I Know you are going to change the brownlow votes in 2007 but how does this year votes work?
I've now switched from side camera to high end pan with close setting and let me tell you...MUCH BETTER. You can see where to kick it and kick to leads etc and the game just looks wayyyyyyyy better. Tis much more fun I garuntee it.
melbournemartin said:
I've now switched from side camera to high end pan with close setting and let me tell you...MUCH BETTER. You can see where to kick it and kick to leads etc and the game just looks wayyyyyyyy better. Tis much more fun I garuntee it.

yeah that's how I play except I'm not a huge fan of the end-pan high camera. The closer to ground level the better for me. Mind you, it helps knowing the position of the players on the ground because you were the one who did the tactics for the game - insider knowledge goes a long way hehe
Played the game for the first time last night, loved it. Although it's not perfect, it's easily the best game in the series so far. The extra control you get when tackling - you can no longer just run around pressing the tackle button - is fantastic and the new goal scoring system on initial impression is great. Also I must thank you FH for the effort you've put into this forum, you've said it would be a better game and it is, and that's terrific. AFL gamers have been through a lot of pain and a lot of what you said had been heard before so it is great you and IR have come through for 2006.

Onto the feedback....the only two things that became an early problem for me was firstly the presentation of the team list that has been spoken about before (bring back the team oval with player numbers and direct opponents!) and also the need to offer an over the shoulder view for free kicks etc. so you can see up the field. Exactly what is shown when you're in the forward 50, just give the player the option to switch to that view for example by pressing and holding R2 when the player is ready to kick the ball. Possibly a bit tricky for two player+ games but give the user the option to disable the feature for a group game and then it's sorted.

As a refinement for 2007, it would be really, really good to give the player the option to edit and save the team setups for computer controlled teams. Then the footy tragics like myself can trawl through the team lists and set them all up exactly like how their coaches are playing that team at the moment during the season.

Also, please bring back the ability for multiple players to register a team for a season and let everyone play for whoever they choose at the start of any match. It brings a lot of fun to the game. Keep up the good work!
Fiery Hawk said:
yeah that's how I play except I'm not a huge fan of the end-pan high camera. The closer to ground level the better for me. Mind you, it helps knowing the position of the players on the ground because you were the one who did the tactics for the game - insider knowledge goes a long way hehe
the closer to ground one was what i used in 2005 (were there other alternatives? i dont think i ever checked) but i found i struggled to see things.

with the high end-pan camera, do you reckon the camera view is a bit too high for marking contests? like its nearly a completely top down birds eye view so it looks as if the ball has really looped up to the players.

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AFL 2006 Talk

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