AFL Live 2012 - Get your name in the game

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Sep 23, 2005
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St Kilda
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Not sure if this will ever happen, but a while ago the idea was floated by Ross that BigFooty members could get their name in the next game, so that the draft system would have some new names, instead of 5 Riewoldts, 7 Judds and 12 Abletts.
This would also mean that we could create ourselves in create-a-player and have Dennis properly commentate on us instead of using those silly nicknames.

So I thought, how about we start a thread where people can enter their surnames in, along with the pronunciation of it, and hopefully Big Ant will get them recorded for the next version. Worth a shot.

So I'll start. List your name, and the pronunciation of it as well, and I'll add it to the list. Then if you have mates, or your whole local footy team that you want to create, add their names also and we'll keep a separate list for them (so BigFooty members are the higher priority).

BigFooty Members
[B]Name[/B] - [B]Pronunciation[/B]
Holmesby - Homes-bee
Coombe - Koom (as in rhymes with "Doom" or "Broome")
Richter - Rick-ter
Gordon - Gore-don
Lehmann - Lee-man
Pauna -pr0n-a
Reeves - Reeves
Szaraz - Zarrrrazz
Ford - Ford
Isaac - Eyes-ack
Cotter - Cotter
Costanza - co stans za
Buchholz - Buck-olts
Stepien - Step-e-en
Mills - Mills
Buckenara - Buck-en-are-rah
Rebeiro - Reb-air-ro
Mollett - mo-let
steel - pronounced as in the metal
Forward - Exactly how it sounds.
Godwin - pronounced like Goodwin
dehaan - deharn
Danza - D'Antsa
Gill - Gill
Bonser - Bon-za
Ellershaw - Ell Err Shore
Brentson - Brent Son
Barnett- Bar-net
Geard - Geared or like Beard with a G
Creighton - Cry - ton
Taberner - Tab-er-nar
Wray - Ray
Rochow -Rock-oh
Fitzy - Fit-zee
Bajrovic - Ba-Ro-Vick
Johns - Johns
Buckerfield - Buck-a-field
Cotter - Cot-ter
AJ - Ayy-Jay
Bestry - Bes - Tree
Bouliopoulos - Bull-Lee-Op-O-Los
Sullivan - Sull-i-van
Myers - my-errrs
Durkin - Der-Kin
Gunn - Gun
Meldrum - Mel-drum
Nikolaou - Nick-oh-L-our
Greenaway - Green-a-way
Lariba - La-ree-ba
Repsys - Rep - sis
Hannah - Han-ah
Roberts - ro-berts
Donohoe - don-ay-hoe
Lucas - loo-kas
Maddon - Mad-don
Saliba - Sa-lee-ba
D'Antonio - Dee-An-Tony-O
Riberi - Re-Bear-ry
Evans - Ev-ans
Fay - Fay
Grooby - Groo-be
Rautman - Rort-men
Buckskin - Buck-skin
Gramlick - Gram-lick
Johns - Johns
Hodkinson - Hod-kin-son
Barlow - Bar-low
Mijatovic - Mee-ya-toe-vich
Warnecke - War-neck-e
Premrl - Prem-ool
Falconer - Faulkner
Clifford - Clif-ford
Schweinsteiger - Shhwinestigah
Conboy - Con-boy
Strahan - Strawn
Rudich - Roo-Ditch
Joyce - Joyce
Carter - Carter
Potger - Pott-grrrr
Carusi - Car-Roo-See
Grapsas - Grap-ses
Nguyen - New-win
Dobler - Dobb Lah
Chisholm - Like Caroline Chisholm
Broadway- Broad-way
McPherson - Mick-Fur-son
Siebels - see-bells
Spiteri - Spi-tear-ee
Legione - Lee-John
Cooke - Cook
Storer - Store rer
Olley - Ol-lee
Turnbull - turn-bull
Goodwin Good-win
Agatyn - Ag-a-tun
Winstone - WIN-stenn
Grace - Grace
Coffey - Coffee
Miokovic - Mio-ko-vic
Murray - as in the river...
Mazor - MA-ZOR
Fabar - Fay-bar
Sandman - Sand-man
Fenner - Fen-Na
Machado - Mash-addo

[B]Name[/B] - [B]Pronunciation[/B]
D'Angelo - Dee-Ange-el-oh
Lawry - Loh-ree
Sice - Sice
Fedderson - Fed-er-sn
Backman - Back-mn
Montesano - Mont-es-arn-oh
Ferris - Ferris
Hendry - Hen-dree
Cochrane - Co_ck-rn
Magnifico - Mag-nif-ik-oh
Seetaram - Seat-a-ram
London - Lun-dun
Jenkins - Jenk-ins
Kusuma - Koo-sue-ma
Wade - Wade
Curtis - Kerr-tiss
Ventura - Like the bus
Labonne - La-bon
Dobson - Dob-sn
Forsyth - Foursyth
Nixon - Nickson
Deahl - As in deal or no deal
Sice - Sigh-ss
Fidler - Fidd-ler
Fowler - Fowl-Er
Julitz - Jewel-Its
Linto - Lin-Toe
Wood - Wood
Peters - Peters
Sauer - sour
Alicastro - ali-cas-trow
Gidakos - ji-dah-kos
Furfaro - fur-fah-row
Jabien - jay-bi-en
Gruen - gru-en
Raveggi - ra-veggie
Suleiman - sool-uh-muhn
De Witt - Dee Witt
Hocking-Smith - Hock ing smith
Fitzsimons - Fits-sigh-mons
Hillier - Hill-e-er
Geisler - Guy-sler
Holdernesse - Hold-er-ness
Tedesco - Te-des-co
Gerrand - Ger-rand
Fallon - Fell-un
Scaffaro - Scaff-are-o
Ansley - Anne's-lee
Kearney - Car-knee
Crofty - Crofty
Billich - Bill-Itch
Shamrock - Sham-rock
French - French
Bakarozos - Back-a-Row(Long O)-Sus
Gauci - Gow-chee
Dalby - Doll-bee
Narkle - Nar-kel
Gerrand - Jer-rand
Teddy - Teddy
JayJay - jj
Pengelly - Pen-jelly
Mullane - Ma-lane
Bitaks - Bit-aks
Furlong - fur-long
Helfer - hell-fur
Baldock - Borld-ock
Kalisperis - Kal-i-spear-is
Dudley - Dudd-lee
Safi - Sar-Fee
Djordjevic - D-jaw-gev-ic
Lloyd-Williams - Loid-Willi-Yams
Gstrein - Strine
Piper - Pie-per
Alty - Oltie
BowlHead - Bowl-Head
Centin - Sen-Ten
Norman - Nor-Man
Biggs - Biggs
Jovanoski -Jov-an-noski
Armstead - Arm-Stead
Ladgrove - Lad-grove
Sounds like a cool idea. Shall list mine and a few friends I'd like to see. I'd love to have my surname in so I can create my son (and either son/daughter after my wife gives birth in Feb) and dream of them playing in the big league. :)

[B]Name - Pronunciation[/B]
Coombe - Koom (as in rhymes with "Doom" or "Broome")
Seetaram - Seat-a-ram
London - Lun-dun
Jenkins - Jenk-ins
Kusuma - Koo-sue-ma
Wade - Wade
Curtis - Kerr-tiss

Will try and more. :):thumbsu:
I think putting mates names in is taking it a bit far, considering the sheer amount they'll already have to record i can't see them bothering to put names in of people who may not even play the game.

But anyway, mine's Richter (pronounced Rick-ter).

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AFL Live 2012 - Get your name in the game

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