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- http://www.watoday.com.au/afl/afl-news/this-will-be-heard-demetriou-20130816-2s0m1.html
- http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-08-16/more-charges-imminent
- http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport...supplements-saga/story-fnia3zb3-1226698256694
- http://www.theaustralian.com.au/spo...r-essendons-case/story-fnca0u4y-1226698430185
- http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-...ils-of-essendon-charges/4892016?section=sport
- http://www.sen.com.au/display-article-2013/Demetriou-rejects-conflict-of-interest/61069
- http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/sport/a/-/afl/18524295/afl-boss-admits-hearing-could-be-delayed/
"I don't see any reason why I'm conflicted," Demetriou told ABC radio this morning.
"I don't think [there is a conflict] and that will be up to advice from lawyers."
Demetriou said he was hopeful finer details of the charges levelled against Essendon would be released as early as next week.
"It's our intention to get the charges out in the public domain so that the people understand what lays behind the charges and the particulars of the charges.
"Hopefully we'll do that in the coming days, because I think that it's important and it will answer a lot of questions."
Demetriou also would like the August 26 hearing to be public.
"It's entirely a decision for the chairman of the commission under our rules," he said.
"There's a lot of merit in a public hearing.
"The complexity of this case, notwithstanding the issues of privacy, it would be important for the public to understand what's gone on."
Demetriou said the league and Essendon want the interim Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority to be made public after the commission hearing.
The League boss also corrected claims that the interim ASADA report could not be used at the hearing.
He said the plan was to refer to ASADA's report in the hearing.
“It is our intention to release the particulars of the charges in the next few days, because it's important for people to understand ... what is behind the charge of conduct unbecoming,” Demetriou said.
“There is a series of particulars that goes to that charge.”
"I've made it very clear from day one that this process of the independence of the Commission is something that we absolutely had to adhere to," Demetriou said on ABC Radio.
"I have acted like every other commissioner. I received the report when every other commissioner received the report.
"Those nonsensical allegations which were just offensive and wrong have already been dealt with. I've got no issue sitting on the commission whatsoever."
Demetriou hopes the hearing on August 26 is all that is required to end the controversy that has dragged on since February.
He said the AFL Commission was the right body to hear the case as they work on behalf of the 17 other clubs.
"The commission is an independent body, that's why it was set up. It's heard these matters before," Demetriou said.
"It's heard these matters and dealt with them without fear or favour. It's made of eminent people. You're not going to find a better quality group of people.
"These are very reputable people who hold very significant positions in their normal working day lives. They are independent.
"Of course they've got an interest, they've got an interest on behalf of the 17 other clubs. We're not going to apologise for that."