Star Wars Ahsoka [Starts 23rd August on Disney+]

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Agreed, I loved it. Shows like this are much more enjoyable when you make an active decision to enjoy it and not over-analyse every single character decision or plot nuance.

Star Wars has magical unseen biological powers, little green aliens, talking robots, dudes getting cut in half and surviving and space travel for goodness sake. Deeper familial beats aside, it was never meant to be realistic.

Not sure anyone in here is complaining about it not being realistic..?!
I'm obviously in the minority but I enjoyed it.

Is it perfect? Obviously not. I was entertained throughout though and ultimately, that's why I watch these shows.
Agreed. I thought it was a pretty solid series and I'm looking forward to season 2 (let's hope it happens). The ending (as in Thrawn escaping) was predictable from the start given we know where all this is heading, but the journey was satisfying. I hope we don't just see Baylan's journey end here even though Ray has passed away. Maybe get another actor to play his part or deep fake him. I like the mature/wiser Ahsoka. A full-on Jedi Master now, not the rash girl of Clone Wars. And the bits with Anakin were very emotional to me. I love how we've seen Hayden Christensen get the kudos he deserves in recent years for his role as Anakin that he never got in the prequel movies.
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The finale actually was better after a second watch. Hopefully they get a second series up to keep the story going

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Why is Star Wars held to such high standards? Where has this expectation come from? We all love the originals, but were they really these great pinnacles of writing and direction?
Seems the latest issue is just picking on things that have been done in many a TV show or movie since the dawn of the medium.
Drawing things out for suspense.
Tense character reveals.
Fights with outnumbered heroes where the enemies sit back and wait their turn to strike.
Things happening in unrealistic timeframes.
Things not explicitly explained on screen.
Characters acting out of character.
Villains explaining their plan.
Villains missing targets constantly and heroes always hitting theirs.
"Why did they do this, when they could've just done this?"
"Why did this happen when it just led to nothing?"
The finale actually was better after a second watch. Hopefully they get a second series up to keep the story going

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It's all supposedly culminating in Filoni's movie in a few years.
Mando, Ahsoka, Book of Boba Fett and I believe Skeleton Crew as well.
Given how far away the movie is, I imagine they would at least do a second series of Ahsoka to draw it out and build the narrative leading up to it.
Will never know for sure given Ray Stevenson’s passing, however I’m presuming his character would’ve featured more in that finale than the one brief closing shot of him (reminded me of The Argonath from LOTR).

Will likely never see the other footage/dialogue shot of what he was searching for/what he found. I’m guessing Lucasfilm are deferring the decision of what to do with his character, recasting etc to another time down the track. This brief shot leaves many avenues still open without having to commit to a decision now.
Will Shin carry forward whatever his plan was? I hope so, that’s one thing that genuinely had me intrigued.
There's a number of people putting forward actors who could potentially be recast as him. I think that's they way they should go personally.
Sam Neill and Liev Schreiber are two names I've seen that could potentially work. Ray Winstone could work too, which would be ironic and maybe a little poetic, given he auditioned for Phantom Menace but showed up drunk.
There's a number of people putting forward actors who could potentially be recast as him. I think that's they way they should go personally.
Sam Neill and Liev Schreiber are two names I've seen that could potentially work. Ray Winstone could work too, which would be ironic and maybe a little poetic, given he auditioned for Phantom Menace but showed up drunk.

100% be my option. In Harry potter they had to recast Dumbledoor and that worked fine!
Why is Star Wars held to such high standards? Where has this expectation come from? We all love the originals, but were they really these great pinnacles of writing and direction?
Seems the latest issue is just picking on things that have been done in many a TV show or movie since the dawn of the medium.
Drawing things out for suspense.
Tense character reveals.
Fights with outnumbered heroes where the enemies sit back and wait their turn to strike.
Things happening in unrealistic timeframes.
Things not explicitly explained on screen.
Characters acting out of character.
Villains explaining their plan.
Villains missing targets constantly and heroes always hitting theirs.
"Why did they do this, when they could've just done this?"
"Why did this happen when it just led to nothing?"

I never understand people who use this defence of bad media? You're basically saying "Why do you expect it to be good?" Uh.. because generally I like watching things that are good?

There's a massive difference between drawing out suspense and just having awfully distorted pacing where 6/8 episodes have essentially nothing happen and then two episodes have everything happen.
Why is Star Wars held to such high standards? Where has this expectation come from? We all love the originals, but were they really these great pinnacles of writing and direction?
Seems the latest issue is just picking on things that have been done in many a TV show or movie since the dawn of the medium.
Drawing things out for suspense.
Tense character reveals.
Fights with outnumbered heroes where the enemies sit back and wait their turn to strike.
Things happening in unrealistic timeframes.
Things not explicitly explained on screen.
Characters acting out of character.
Villains explaining their plan.
Villains missing targets constantly and heroes always hitting theirs.
"Why did they do this, when they could've just done this?"
"Why did this happen when it just led to nothing?"

My theory is the naysayers are mostly just Star Trek fans, trolling.
I never understand people who use this defence of bad media? You're basically saying "Why do you expect it to be good?" Uh.. because generally I like watching things that are good?

There's a massive difference between drawing out suspense and just having awfully distorted pacing where 6/8 episodes have essentially nothing happen and then two episodes have everything happen.
The difference is, you're coming from the viewpoint that it's bad media.
I would argue that it's not saying 'why do you expect it to be good?', but rather saying 'why do you expect it to be perfect?'
The complaints get more and more nuanced every time. It's basically gotten to the point of 'get everything right, or we won't like it'.

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The difference is, you're coming from the viewpoint that it's bad media.
I would argue that it's not saying 'why do you expect it to be good?', but rather saying 'why do you expect it to be perfect?'
The complaints get more and more nuanced every time. It's basically gotten to the point of 'get everything right, or we won't like it'.

Where have I expected it to be perfect? I've regularly come into SW shows seeing the good in them, I was one of the few defenders of both Boba Fett and Obi Wan. Why am I not allowed to have issues with one of the shows?

Hell, even in this thread I pushed back on plenty of the 'nuanced' complaints you cite.
Where have I expected it to be perfect? I've regularly come into SW shows seeing the good in them, I was one of the few defenders of both Boba Fett and Obi Wan. Why am I not allowed to have issues with one of the shows?

Hell, even in this thread I pushed back on plenty of the 'nuanced' complaints you cite.
Where did I accuse you of anything? I'm generalising.
Where did I accuse you of anything? I'm generalising.

The difference is, you're coming from the viewpoint that it's bad media.
I would argue that it's not saying 'why do you expect it to be good?', but rather saying 'why do you expect it to be perfect?'

The complaints get more and more nuanced every time. It's basically gotten to the point of 'get everything right, or we won't like it'.

Considering you were quoting me, this felt an awful lot like you were talking about me.
Considering you were quoting me, this felt an awful lot like you were talking about me.
The only thing that was maybe specific to you (but even then I was generalising, but using your post as an example) was the first part.
Are you not coming from the viewpoint that it's bad? That seems to be the opinion you've expressed.

The second part was referring to how I viewed my original statement. You interpreted my statement one way and I corrected it.
The only thing that was maybe specific to you (but even then I was generalising, but using your post as an example) was the first part.
Are you not coming from the viewpoint that it's bad? That seems to be the opinion you've expressed.

The second part was referring to how I viewed my original statement. You interpreted my statement one way and I corrected it.

I'm 'coming from the viewpoint that it's bad' if by that you mean I thought it was bad. I didn't come into the show thinking it would be bad if that's what you mean.
I'm 'coming from the viewpoint that it's bad' if by that you mean I thought it was bad. I didn't come into the show thinking it would be bad if that's what you mean.
Look, this seems to be growing into something it's not.
I was mostly generalising, so apologies if you took offence.
Series was all style and little substance. Glacial pacing for six episodes and then a massive rush the last two episodes. The writing in the finale was laughable. Was hot garbage.

The tie fighters pilot themselves into a slow moving air craft. Also doing what they easily could have done the previous episode.

None of three got hurt despite all the resources with the Walking Dead, Nightsisters, and an Imperial ship.

Then Sabine's Rey level of improvement.....

Jump forward without any explanation of Ezra managing to get away, back to Hera.

Token Anakin while nice felt lessened by being a blatant cheap nostalgia hit to end the season on.

Filoni should stick to animation. Can't manage to do meaningful episodes longer than 20 minutes.

This wasn't any better than the sequel trilogy.

Disney really are phoning it in across the board now. Writing is taking a backseat to pew pew with green screens.

Loved what you said in the spoiler. The tie fighters supposed to be excellent in arial dueling. Yes laser precision like firing upon a functional ship. Then oh no get cut down by the slow moving ship. However, of course the ship was force driven so i can accept that.

the walking dead lol. i did like the creation of the walking troopers, the setup subtle with sacrifice to the cause. During the battle i thought why not cut off their heads? they couldnt reanimate surely?? Anyway. And then Morgs understanding her part to play in this. I felt thrawn played the situation well. he knows once morgs becomes a sister she could destroy him. So send her on a mission when he knows shes gonna die.

agree. how did Ezra get away? I mean one, he exists Thrawns ship without a trace? These ships have radar. Unless///// thrawn knew and put a tracker on said escape ship. two....when ezra landed on heras ship, again...radar? oh no lets let the unknown pilot onto our ship and draw guns on him. I noticed some soldiers behind hera at the ready. i always think what if they accidentally shoot their mates in the front row. anyway, let possible enemy on? comms is usually established with a foreign and all ships appraching. but not this case it seems

Speakling of writing, i watch with subtitles. Music is described as ominous, suspenceful and sinister.
100% be my option. In Harry potter they had to recast Dumbledoor and that worked fine!

Liev Schriber would be perfect. Approximate same age as Ray and a similar build.

Ray Winstone would be funny with his cockney accent though haha
Liev Schriber would be perfect. Approximate same age as Ray and a similar build.

Ray Winstone would be funny with his cockney accent though haha

I got Ray and Brian Cox mixed up at times lol.
Brian Cox is also basically the same height (1 cm shorter). Id like to see him in the role. I see baylan screaming

Hmmm...questions...there's plenty of speculation that Filoni's movie will be titled Heir To The Empire, but the book from 1993 doesn't fit the narrative anymore...

Is Baylan the new version of Joruus?
Is Shin the new Mara Jade? Will she go rogue, since everyone has now abandoned her, but form an alliance with Thrawn or the remnant that makes her the Republic's enemy until she turns to good near the end...?
Will Ezra go dark side? Or will Sabine - meaning either way that Ezra and Sabine will have to square off?
How much Luke will be involved in this, now that he's an AI...?

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Star Wars Ahsoka [Starts 23rd August on Disney+]

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