Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

Who will be the next Prime Minister of Australia

  • Malcolm Turnbull

  • Julie Bishop

  • Scott Morrison

  • Andrew Robb

  • Someone from the LIberal Party other than those above

  • Bill Shorten

  • Someone from the Labor Party other than Shorten

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I'll support whoever sends Pyne to the back bench where we can watch him cry.

If only. Unfortunately he's a safe bet for any leader with questionable party room support. There's a reason they call him the poodle. He's happy to yap away with the party line, do anything the leader asks and not stir up any leadership issues. Of course as soon as the numbers swing he'll be in behind the new leader giving them his unconditional support.

In the days of factions, undermining of leaders and political uncertainty having somebody so shamelessly promoting the party line is an asset to the leader. So as good as it would be to see him on the back bench he'll find a way to stay in a cushy ministry by sucking up to the new PM as much as is necessary.

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Totally different positions to be in. It is easy for Obama to get in when most his voters are dependent on welfare - and Obama is the king of welfare.
Abbott is the total opposite, he tells the nation to buckle up, the age of entitlement is over. On that alone his days were numbered.

How is Obama the king of welfare?
They weren't held accountable in opposition. They said anything and the talking heads earnestly nodded their heads and agreed that Labor was the worst government ever, that Julia Gillard killed kittens and climate change would cease to happen on their watch. Reaping what they've sowed.

Could you make a logical argument that the Gillard government was worse than the current Abbott government? I don't think you can. The current Abbott government has to be the single worst government Australia has ever had.
Could you make a logical argument that the Gillard government was worse than the current Abbott government? I don't think you can. The current Abbott government has to be the single worst government Australia has ever had.
By all accounts the McMahon government was simply terrible - but Abbott looks likely to be booted in shorter time than Billy, even if he lasts until the next budget
Totally different positions to be in. It is easy for Obama to get in when most his voters are dependent on welfare - and Obama is the king of welfare.
Abbott is the total opposite, he tells the nation to buckle up, the age of entitlement is over. On that alone his days were numbered.

Except the age of entitlement was not over at all. Abbott sought to target programs that only further disadvantaged the already disadvantaged. He did not touch middle class welfare. That was never going to fly. Abbott simply has the worst judgement and the biggest disconnect from reality compared to any politician I can remember. Hockey is not far behind.

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Interesting to read in the Age today that the PM's Office (read Peta Credlin) wants to have a show of hands instead of a secret ballot (which is normal in leadership ballots) next Tuesday/Wednesday so they could identify which MPs-especially the newer MPs-are against (or plotting to topple) the PM. If that is the case, would Abbott wreck revenge on those who dared to question his authority?
Interesting to read in the Age today that the PM's Office (read Peta Credlin) wants to have a show of hands instead of a secret ballot (which is normal in leadership ballots) next Tuesday/Wednesday so they could identify which MPs-especially the newer MPs-are against (or plotting to topple) the PM. If that is the case, would Abbott wreck revenge on those who dared to question his authority?
Never thought I'd see the Liberal party adopting the tactics of militant unions to silence dissent.
Did mcmahon manage to pass a budget?
Not sure - but Abbott hasn't passed his yet. Could have two unpassed budgets nailed to his political coffin in a couple of months' time, quite an achievement
I am included to think that there will not be a challenge soon, I think that next week will be all about: we have listened to you, co-payment gone, Higher Ed severely watered down and it will be all about security.
Don't know about that. We will know a lot more this weekend. There may be more Liberals MPs-including a couple of ministers from the outer cabinet-who could speak out against Tony Abbott and force Abbott to hold a vote to (hopefully) kill off the issue once and for all. But if Abbott continues to get bad news (ie poor opinion polls, the performance of the economy heading into the Budget, more gaffes etc), then next month could see an Abbott v Turnbull contest.
I am included to think that there will not be a challenge soon, I think that next week will be all about: we have listened to you, co-payment gone, Higher Ed severely watered down and it will be all about security.
It still seems as though he wants to get an abridged vs of this plan passed judging by his comments earlier today.

What a lightweight o_O
Saw that, brilliant. Shorten, if nothing else, seems to learnt from the government's behaviour in opposition. A more muted, less celebratory reaction to the government's problems has been refreshing, although he doesn't have a rapacious media barren gleefully reporting every real and imaginary (AWU anyone?) woe to back him up though.

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Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott
