Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

Who will be the next Prime Minister of Australia

  • Malcolm Turnbull

  • Julie Bishop

  • Scott Morrison

  • Andrew Robb

  • Someone from the LIberal Party other than those above

  • Bill Shorten

  • Someone from the Labor Party other than Shorten

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Malcolm Turnbull in 2009, “I will not lead a party that is not as committed to effective action on climate change as I am.” Given that he's on the record as describing DA as "bullshit", I can see some interesting times ahead should he win a spill. If he sits on his hands he's immediately exposed.
A no ets clause is expected to be demanded from the right and Nationals if Malcolm is to get up. Expect to see some EU scheme for the next election that exempts or effectively exempts export industries.
What are peoples predictions?

For me, Abbott will still be leader after Tuesday but there will be another move against him in 3-4 months and he will be gone.

I cannot see that. 3-4 months time it will be over for this government. Do it now they get a popular leader in and the whole issue will be forgotten by the next election. Abbott is dead, Pyne confirmed it this morning. He does not have the numbers. The spill does not happen unless someone has the numbers.

Whilst the Liberal party is doing their best impersonation of the Labor party they will not have a spill just for the hell of it.

This is bloody hilarious. Spend two terms of opposition sniping about changing leaders, win government, change leaders. It is going to be generations before politicians are taken seriously in this country again, if ever.

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Right-wingers blaming the media.


It's because you're a campaigner Tone
I bet Rudd is laughing his arse off.....

Doesn't sound like Abbott is going to outlast Harold Holt >___>

yep and that is great

but some were debating they were not a business. being a business seem to be a dirty word for some.
No, you were trying to sidetrack the debate over deregulation.

Merit not wealth should be the limiting factor, hence institutions are fine to be similarily priced.

I would dispute they are not for profit bussinesses, they are traditionally reffered to as institutions.
The only thing I dislike about Tony is that he's not a very good public speaker and getting the message across (I know.... I know - WHAT MESSAGE ? :eek::D). I think this is just an over reaction over nothing, who gives a toss who he gives a knighthood to ? It's meaningless rubbish really.
Both his politics, honesty and leadership style are all more important than his ability to articulate ideas in the press.

First two are why he is being rejected by the public and his authoritarian approach is why the party has turned.
Repaying the national debt should not be the key priority for the next budget

but getting the budget in order, reforming the integration of social welfare and work and reforming tax treatment of non-residents should.

we should have added education reforms, health reforms and IR reforms to that over a 5 year period but this government doesn't have the capability to do it and labor doesn't have the guts.
No, you were trying to sidetrack the debate over deregulation.

Merit not wealth should be the limiting factor, hence institutions are fine to be similarily priced.

I would dispute they are not for profit bussinesses, they are traditionally reffered to as institutions.

no, I was responding to an incorrect statement that universities are not businesses

oh and yes most universities are institutions

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What are peoples predictions?

For me, Abbott will still be leader after Tuesday but there will be another move against him in 3-4 months and he will be gone.
This is the Liberal Party's moment to say that they are listening to the electorate. If they don't do it now the polls will keep dropping and will make it hard for any new leader after Tony if they end up getting rid of him later on to win the next election.
The Liberal Party needs to abandon NSW. Twice the NSW right has got hold of government now, and twice they have had their arses handed to them. The NSW right platform is shit and no one wants it except them.
Think about why NSW has so much sway in both parties. Sydney is the financial capital of Australia, the same problems that infect US and UK politics are happening here, it's just not as overt (and in Labor's case it's more subtly tilted towards property instead of finance, but it's only a small degree of difference given how dependent Australian finance is on property loans).
They extract their concessions behind closed doors and then vote in lockstep with their coalition partners.

They might look like automatic votes but I'm positive they get what they want for the bush before the vote even happens.

The concessions would be pretty minor overall. Besides agriculture subsidies the parties are almost identical.
Luke Simpkins to the rescue with his spill motion! At least I know he's still around, as my local member he rarely if ever is prepared to put his head above the parapets. He must've grown some balls overnight.:)
Think about why NSW has so much sway in both parties. Sydney is the financial capital of Australia, the same problems that infect US and UK politics are happening here, it's just not as overt (and in Labor's case it's more subtly tilted towards property instead of finance, but it's only a small degree of difference given how dependent Australian finance is on property loans).
Aren't they also an overwhelming majority of the voting seats?
but getting the budget in order, reforming the integration of social welfare and work and reforming tax treatment of non-residents should.

we should have added education reforms, health reforms and IR reforms to that over a 5 year period but this government doesn't have the capability to do it and labor doesn't have the guts.

That is utter rot.
It is the duty of the government to look at things that our society needs then attempt to find a way to implement, pay for and make sustainable, that reform.
It is NOT the duty of the government to find an excuse (no money) in order to avoid doing things that we as a society either need or aspire to.
If we can find $20bn to build a road we can find $20bn to have an NDIS.
If we can give billions to miners we can give billions to those falling into our safety net.
Think about why NSW has so much sway in both parties. Sydney is the financial capital of Australia, the same problems that infect US and UK politics are happening here, it's just not as overt (and in Labor's case it's more subtly tilted towards property instead of finance, but it's only a small degree of difference given how dependent Australian finance is on property loans).

And that's fine, and I accept that the power base is not going to shift. But they do need to adjust what they are doing. As soon as the NSW right tries to implement their ideology Prime Ministers fall. It has happened twice in a row now. They need to moderate their policies.

Howard was actually pretty good at it, he walked the line accepting that he had to placate the middle (admittedly he mostly just bought the middle). But as soon as he got both houses of parliament he could not resist the temptation to fully implement his ideology. Nekminnit - Howard loses his seat. Abbott just tries to force it on everyone without even having both houses, nekminnit and Abbott will be gone.

Their ideology is being rejected. They need to change.
Aren't they also an overwhelming majority of the voting seats?
NSW never had so much sway before, and certainly not in the Liberal party. The Libs power base was Victoria for decades (Menzies, Holt, Fraser at a federal level, most of the think-tanks and conservative groups are based in Melbourne as well - IPA, Melbourne Club, HR Nicholls). Only in the past 20 years has the NSW element in the party grown so strong.
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If Turnbull becomes leader Australia has no real choice at polls. We will have Turnbull’s Labor-like versus Shortens Labor and Australia heading down the Greek gurgler. Labor has shown no signs of having learned any governance lessons from 6 years of the worst governments we’ve ever had. Bleak times ahead for our nation. It can only get worse.

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Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott
