Roast An Open Letter to Dimma

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All Australian
Aug 3, 2008
Lounge Room
AFL Club
To Dimma,

Your press conference today was as disappointing as today game. I am not going to hide behind an anonymous Big Footy moniker and so have provided my name and membership number.

“We apologize” – this may sound disrespectful but you can shove your apologies Dimma, I only speak for myself, but as one of the tiger faithful you refer too so often I don’t want to hear it, do your job and get them to turn up to play next week against the Bombers, you don’t have to win – but you need to get them to die trying too. And then guess what! They have to do it the week after, and the week after, and the week after, and the week after, and the ………

I knew an empty apology was coming – I didn’t want to hear it, I wanted hear you say this - “To all the Richmond fans that came today please come next week against Essendon so we can show you what we are about”.

And to say that we aren’t going to do a review of the game and “bin it” isn’t good enough. Make the 22 who took the field today sit through it and watch it just like the fans, who the club begged to turn up, who the club begged to donate to the fighting tiger fund, had too. In fact invite 50 fans to come down and go through the game with them.

To say that today’s game “is not us” is inaccurate – unfortunately time and time again of recent years it has been.

Every single players match fee for the week should go into fighting tiger fund – not a single cent to go to any of them. Surely not one of them met the standards expected.

Some of your “favourites” which get a game are killing us:

Helbig – He has promise but he does little at Coburg and comes straight back in with next to no form behind him. Let him develop some form rather than sending him into action.

Hislop – Not good enough – When you have a spud you can boil it, you can roast it, you can mash it, you can cook it whatever way you want – but at the end of the day it’s just a spud.

Farmer – hasn’t got the pace to play small back, small forward or midfield – he can try all he want but he can’t get to the where the footy is often enough.

Finally, Andrew Browne’s performance was one of the worst I have ever seen in a black and yellow jumper – I was sitting still and quite in the crowd but my blood was boiling. I know he is only 20 but it was an absolute disgrace and somebody at the club needs to be honest with him, and with themselves, and just tap him on the shoulder and say “Sorry mate we can’t carry you any longer you aren’t going to make it”.

Why are we not willing to pay 500-600k for a ruckman? We haven’t invested anything into our ruck division for 3-4 years – maybe it’s time to sort it out.

The Tiger supporters turn up year in year out, we have sat through a lot of poor performances, a lot of poor performances, what disappointed me most was that this current group looked like it was different, like they would battle it out even if they are out gunned, but they towelled it today. When it got too tough they didn’t want to work, they are happy to wait a few weeks to scrap the odd win against lower ranked teams rather than rise and produce a ferocious all out attack on the better ones; to stay within their comfort zone and not dare; to hang their heads when it get tough rather than looking their opponents in the eye and saying I’m going to keep coming at you no matter what.

I think this all that any supporter of any football club would ask of their players. If you get the current group to do that then we will “never talk about this again”.


Karl Nemsow
Member # 1043246

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Agree with most you say, today was a pitiful embarrassing soft performance on such a big day for the club.But a week is a long time in football Essendon were just as bad last week but have turned it around this week.Perfomances like today do happen but how we respond next week will tell us more about the character of our club.
Personally for me next week is a non negotiable win!
Other than singling out individuals (every one of the 22 deserves our anger this week), I agree with you.

Hi Ranger,

I questioned wether or not to name individuals, but I dont like hearing about coaches favourites so much, which seems to be coming out of Richmond too often. So if Dimma can name his favourites I feel okay to point out that perhaps they are also a weakness at the moment.

Obviously there are coaches favourites at every club but it outwardly seems much more obvious at Richmond.

But I will cannot tolerate a performance like Andrew Brownes today.
good on ya with putting your name to it. its was a disgraceful performance. but as I said in another thread. we have only been spanked by the pies, hawks and now the blues. the top 3 teams mind you. this is a far cry to last year where we were gettign smacked by 60+ nearly every week.

I think all the rage from the supporters has come from us expecting better (becuase we have improved over last year), them comming out and belting us by 100 is a blip on the radar as far as our performances have gone this year. if it had been 30 points. or even 60 points. there would be far less outcry.

But yes today was disgraceful, and NOT what we have come to expect
At least you had the balls to put your name to it, but don't you think Hardwick is aware of all the problems you told him about?

Hi Tugga,

I think the decison makers at the club have lost some of the focus on the longer term as soon as even the slightest sniff of finals came about. And even in the off-season recruiting of Grigg to a lesser extent.

Miller was supposed to be the last chance saloon option incase of injuries. Post should have been playing.

Foot skills were supposed to be a non-negotiable when recruiting - yet we got Grigg and Miller to the club.

I just get the feeling that an overall focus has been lost and that we are beginning to head down the road of another mediocre false dawn - again.

I was a cup half full supporter with this new group, i know the best from most of these players is 3-4 years away when they get to thier mid-20's. But today i saw ghosts from the past raise their heads. And now my cup is maybe a only 1/4 full.
Hi Tugga,

I think the decison makers at the club have lost some of the focus on the longer term as soon as even the slightest sniff of finals came about. And even in the off-season recruiting of Grigg to a lesser extent.

Miller was supposed to be the last chance saloon option incase of injuries. Post should have been playing.

Foot skills were supposed to be a non-negotiable when recruiting - yet we got Grigg and Miller to the club.

I just get the feeling that an overall focus has been lost and that we are beginning to head down the road of another mediocre false dawn - again.

I was a cup half full supporter with this new group, i know the best from most of these players is 3-4 years away when they get to thier mid-20's. But today i saw ghosts from the past raise their heads. And now my cup is maybe a only 1/4 full.
I have no problem with your views.
Grigg fell into our lap and we gave virtually nothing for him. Doesn't explain why he should be getting games now though. i would have dropped him last week.
Fair enough. As I say, at least you had the balls to put your name to it. I just think everyone is very aware of our shortfalls tonight. Including the coaches.
WHy would u bin the review where its a game that you can learn the most from?
We need to get a midfield coach. WE dont block, defend, sheppard or do anything for one another.
Dimma needs to take responisbility for our starts. Simple. The buck stops with him.
We have only 1 first quarter for the year, NOW thats emabarrassing!

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I have no problem with your views.
Grigg fell into our lap and we gave virtually nothing for him. Doesn't explain why he should be getting games now though. i would have dropped him last week.
Fair enough. As I say, at least you had the balls to put your name to it. I just think everyone is very aware of our shortfalls tonight. Including the coaches.

Sometimes you just have to vent a little tugga.

We have had plenty of good things come out of this season already as well.

Rancey, Grimey, Vickery, Conca

Batchelor and helbig as longer term development players

Cotchin staying out on the park and martins goal kicking.

But tackling and relentless pressure seems to be a struggle by the team overall and left to too few.
Dimma inherited an absolute basket case list. Has made a lot of changes but needs to make many many more. Unfortunately, the time has come during the introduction of two new teams who have free reign on 2 very very good drafts.

Sadly, our timing once again is shocking and we are now paying for the shit drafting of the wallace and frawley era.
Dimma inherited an absolute basket case list. Has made a lot of changes but needs to make many many more. Unfortunately, the time has come during the introduction of two new teams who have free reign on 2 very very good drafts.

Sadly, our timing once again is shocking and we are now paying for the shit drafting of the wallace and frawley era.

Should'nt that be the Wallace and Frawlet error...
One of the problems we have is that we have had the attitude of "binning" every crap performance against that mob over the past three years. Each time, we turn up, as if to say... well, surely we can't get smashed again.

What the **** happened to being stimulated by the knowledge that you were so lazy and meek the last time you played them?!

Bin it... I think not. If we don't FINALLY use this performance as a "line in the sand" type marker for the rest of our days until we finally get a chance to right the ledger against them next, then our path is well flawed.

ps: Hi Karl, I think I know you :p
Should also write a letter to HUN to stop hyping us up.
Our midfield looks impressive individually, but as a team they suck. That midfield group is suppose to bond and know what each other wants, we just don't do enough.
I caught on board the AFL madness half a decade ago when I was 10, got my first membership this year, another game like this afternoon and no more membership next year.
God I love being a mod on BF when we get belted.:(

IMO you should handball the modding over to Hardwick tonight. Let him clean up the mess.

Dimma inherited an absolute basket case list. Has made a lot of changes but needs to make many many more. Unfortunately, the time has come during the introduction of two new teams who have free reign on 2 very very good drafts.

Sadly, our timing once again is shocking and we are now paying for the shit drafting of the wallace and frawley era.

Sorry but that sort of excuse doesn't wash with me. This 22 or large parts of it have shown that they can play when they can be arsed.
IMO you should handball the modding over to Hardwick tonight. Let him clean up the mess.

Sorry but that sort of excuse doesn't wash with me. This 22 or large parts of it have shown that they can play when they can be arsed.

Our starting 22 is one of the poorest in the league, if not for some individual brilliances through our wins we would be winless, our bottom 10 players are as pathetic as they come and people need to realise this, when our top10 don't compete we are non competitive it's as simple as that.
To say that today’s game “is not us” is inaccurate – unfortunately time and time again of recent years it has been.
This is the main problem I have with what you wrote. Dimma can hardly be held accountable for the past. He can only work with what he has inherited and from a pretty shocking starting point he has done well so far.

Not sure how apologising for a poor effort is considered an "empty apology" either. If anything he could have said nothing more to suggest that what was dealt out against Carlton was unacceptable.
Well written and expresses what a lot of us are feeling, but "doing it for the fans" is poor motivation. So much for the supposed "bonding" experiences of travelling interstate. The players should have difficulty looking each other in the eye right now.
Karl thankyou for putting all your thoughts down its exactly how lots of us are feeling.So much of this makes me very angry, as a member we go to the footy sit there and watch it all unfold.

As a member we are invited to come and make some noise 19th man get the boys over the line.They were terrible we recognise that, but where is the pay back for them.They were not how I want my team to play.

This is going to sound like an old lady having a whinge but I have to say it

I was sick couldnt afford my membership one year.... back to the bottom of the pile if you miss a year punishment for not supporting the club.No gold membership.

If there is no review... Why not?

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Roast An Open Letter to Dimma

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