At least I saw something I hadn't seen before at the Port Adelaidse v Melbourne game

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2020. The year the competition became terminal. Ju
10k Posts
Sep 1, 2006
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Other Teams
Liverpool, Lakers, Rabbitohs
1st quarter, Port Adelaide kicks a point, and the Melbourne defender (Wheatley?) kicks in from behind the GOAL line. Forget the goal square, he was almost behind the goal umpire!

Surely this is a ball up, isn't it?

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13.1 Footbal Must be Kicked
Unless Law 12.4 applies, when a Behind has been recorded, the
following shall apply:
(a) the football must be Kicked back into play by any Player of the
defending Team within a reasonable time;
(b) the football must be Kicked from within the Goal Square. For the
avoidance of doubt, one foot of the Player must be behind any
of the lines which define the Goal Square at the time when the
Player Kicks the football;
(c) Other than the Player kicking the football into play, all
Players must immediately vacate the area within 5 metres
of the Goal Square.
(d) the Player Kicking the football into play may, provided he has
Kicked the football clear from his hands, regain possession and
play on from within the Goal Square.

13.2 D irection by Umpire and Footbal Brought into
Play Incorrectly
(a) After giving a Player a reasonable opportunity, the field Umpire
shall direct a Player to Kick the football back into play. If a
Player fails to Kick the football back into play after being
instructed to do so by a field Umpire, the field Umpire shall call
“Play On”. The Player shall be required to dispose of the ball
in accordance with Laws 13.1 (b) and (d). Opposing Players,
however, may enter the Goal Square and tackle the Player with
the ball once “Play On” is called. The provisions of these Laws
relating to Free Kicks shall apply.
(b) If the field Umpire is of the opinion that a Player has not Kicked
the football back into play in accordance with Law 13.1, the field
Umpire shall bounce the football on the centre of the Kick-Off
Line to recommence play.
The ball must be kicked from within the square. As he had not actually entered the square, it should not have been a ball up, however he should have been asked to take his kick again.
Most likely a lapse in concentration by the field umpire.
It was unusual, but I think by the time his foot made contact with the ball the other was in the square. Certainly not out enough for the field umpire to be see from his position, although there's been a lot of those 'lapses in concentration' for kick outs at that end in the last couple of weeks
One whole foot needs to be planted within the lines of the goal square. If the planted foot was behind the goal line, then it's a bounce on the kick-off line. The player has failed to bring the ball into play correctly. I don't read anything in the rules that says the rule doesn't apply if the player doesn't enter the goal square first.

The rule should really say "planted foot". Even when the rule used to say (years ago) that the ball had to make contact with the boot from within the square, the umpires were instructed to practically apply the rule, if the planted foot wasn't inside the square.

I do see, that the rule can be "read" the other way. i.e. as long as one foot is within the square, whether planted or not. However, I don't think that was the intention of the rules commitee.

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At least I saw something I hadn't seen before at the Port Adelaidse v Melbourne game

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