Australian cheating at Newlands, where to from here?

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So CA, being aware of the lenient punishments given out for ball tampering by the ICC, have never once spoken to the players and stated that they will come over the top of the ICC penalties if any players are ever caught ball tampering. It kind of feels like there was an attitude from the top down that we don't want to know what you are doing but don't get caught.

Where were all these overpaid marketing/media gurus that allowed Smith and Bancroft to front a media conference and answer questions about a current investigation? Where was the coach? Where was Pat Howard?

CA has actively been involved in condoning ball tampering for years with ridiculous 5 run penalties for it in grade cricket. They are clearly in part responsible for creating an environment where players thought it was fine to take sandpaper onto the ground and sand a cricket ball during a test match.

CA must also think we are stupid if they expect the public to believe everyone wasn't at the least aware of ball tampering. Do we really think that Starc gets a freshly sanded ball, swings it like Akram and doesn't know what's happened????

All that doesn't absolve or mitigate Smith and co's actions in sanding the ball and then lying to cover it up.

But it also doesn't mean they aren't scapegoats either.

It just means that penalties need to applied further up the chain at CA. But I don't see how CA can be relied upon to adequately investigate themselves. It'd be like expecting transparency from FIFA or the IOC.

What a mess.
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De **** obviously shot way below the belt with his comments, and I know Warner is no angel on the field, and he no doubt would go ok with the banter. But I'm curious to know what the abuse is that you say Warner started?...

Now, remember we have a line and it was crossed by Quentin De Koch.

On the field, part time cricketer and stand up comedian Davey Warner was pretty loud in the fact that Quentins mum and sister, both love de Koch. Funny stuff I am sure and after an hour of this breath taking repartee not seen since Oscar Wilde was delivering insults at dinner parties, young Quentin replied that he knows somebody who just loves the **** too and he named both parties, the cockee and the lover.

Quentin should have known he crossed " the line" because Davey was just being funny but Quentin was being downright hurtful and besides, they both knew Davey was late to the party.

True story and funnily enough, should have had that stupid bogan sent home after the first test match but here we are looking at some lengthy suspensions because we pandered to a vile, little man.

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Changed my mind in the last few days and think some of the reactions have been quite over the top.

No doubt we will be crying out for Steve and David to help us keep the Ashes in over 12 months time.
I don’t think the genuine cricket fans are the ones kicking up this massive stink about it. Look what they did was wrong but most cricket fans would’ve been happy with a few games ban and loss of captaincy. Social media has blown this up so much it’s not funny.

You’ve got hypocritical ex players desperate to get their word in. Think it was Warne yesterday saying that they don’t really have a right to be taking the moral high ground considering most of the guys having a go have done similar things in the past.

Politians getting involved just because they want to be seen as though they give a shit. It’s just a circus. The way Smith is being carried around you’d think he’d just murdered someone. Everyone’s just jumping on the political bandwagon because it’s what Australia has become when there’s something to be pissed about. Political correctness gone mad again, because we “have to set an example” “what am I going to tell my kids about what’s happened” etc.

People forget that these guys have lives and families too. I’m sure everyone’s done something in the heat of the moment that they regret. The current Australia just loves to get on someone’s back and grind them into the dirt so there’s no possible way back. They sandpapered a ball for **** sake, not done for matchfixing. It’ll blow over in a few weeks and the people who were so vocal now won’t give two shits, half of them don’t support cricket, would’ve found something else to jump all over.

Well I am a genuine cricket fan and I have absolutely no problem in the 12 month ban. Sure it has blown up in the social medial platform, but most stories do these days. So in light of that, mistakes by people are going to get magnified particularly high profile sportsman. You would think they would have also known this too but nah.

Politicians are going to get involved. This is mostly because cricket is a part of the fabric of Australia. Should they comment? I don't think so, but they did. This isn't political correctness gone mad. The overreaction is mostly fair except for those closet fans/sjws who want to let off some steam via social media. They can seriously GTFO. But alas, it is the world we live in.

You say they have families? Yes, so what? They consciously made the choice to cheat. It was NOT in the heat of the moment. It was planned even before they stepped onto the field. A heat of the moment thing would mostly be verbal where the rage can over take judgement. Electing to sandpaper a cricket ball is not a heat of moment decision. So with that said, they had time to think about the potential ramifications of blatant cheating. It was a seriously immature thing to do which is now affecting multiple aspects including sponsors, careers, and most importantly what cricket means to Australia.

People have a right to be pissed. As fans of sport, we Australians expect that players act with integrity and uphold the rules of the game. Tampering with the ball was breaking the rules. Think about the whole bombers thing. Sure it was drugs, but it was still breaking the rules of the game. Most AFL fans were irate about it. Now think about the rules that have been broken in game most Australians strongly identify with. How do you think we are supposed to react?
People forget that these guys have lives and families too. I’m sure everyone’s done something in the heat of the moment that they regret. The current Australia just loves to get on someone’s back and grind them into the dirt so there’s no possible way back. They sandpapered a ball for **** sake, not done for matchfixing. It’ll blow over in a few weeks and the people who were so vocal now won’t give two shits, half of them don’t support cricket, would’ve found something else to jump all over.

They bowled a no ball FFS. Hardly cheated. It put food on the table for their families. And yet are locked in a cage in a foreign land.

People don't get how hypocritical and unrelenting our society is.

If anything all the above just shows how toothless the ICC is. Have some rules and stick to them. Stop having the stuffy Brits, Sledgy Aussies or antsy Indians running things.

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Changed my mind in the last few days and think some of the reactions have been quite over the top.

No doubt we will be crying out for Steve and David to help us keep the Ashes in over 12 months time.

I wont be .
Rather be able to look an opposition captain in the eye in defeat honestly and with dignity .
That will be something Paine will bring as our new Captain.
Hard to imagine a positive from all this but here goes. There is a very real possibility that 3 players will step up and perform to test standard in the 12 mths. Perhaps the 3 replacements maxwell, renshaw or burns. When it's time for the banned players to return the apprenticeship will have been served and our batting lineup will return to the top of test cricket IMO. A positive
I think we all agree ball tampering has been in the game forever, It's my belief if Smith and Bancroft had not admitted to cheating a the presser it would have been ICC problem and Bancroft would have been cited for ball tampering the same as Du Plessis and others . Cricket Australia would not have been involved therefore no sanctions, Bancroft might have been given one match and Smith & Co wrapped over the knuckles, but to be given 12 months suspension for something every team does is a little over the top. So by telling the truth and being honest has certainly backfired with these guys.
To quote Chopper Read "never plead guilty"
Hard to imagine a positive from all this but here goes. There is a very real possibility that 3 players will step up and perform to test standard in the 12 mths. Perhaps the 3 replacements maxwell, renshaw or burns. When it's time for the banned players to return the apprenticeship will have been served and our batting lineup will return to the top of test cricket IMO. A positive

Not sure how likely all that is, truth is we had two long term proven batsmen and they are now gone, the more likely outcome is a struggling batting line-up which could even lose at home to india.

WArner will never play for us again and Smith well we have no idea what the future holds for him, he won't be playing a test until the 2019 ashes and he will have had no shield cricket in that entire time, I think people need to accept this could have a devastating impact on the side That could last for years.
Elisabeth Knight has written an engrossing piece about the current Cricket Australia Chairman David Peever here.

I've said before there is more to the prevailing ball tampering controversy than the actions of the three penalised. Complicit is the ICC who let infraction after infraction go with relatively minor penalties. Including du Plessis twice. Also, Cricket Australia not only for its failure to arrest the poor ethos but in generally poor management.

At the head of the queue is Peever a toxic presence who was front and centre in CA's moves to split the players when they attempted to force a new payments regime on them. And now he's missing in action at this critical time. This union bashing inept bungler should go and take the remainder of the board with him.

If that wasn't enough, the way CA allowed Smith to be treated during his exit from South Africa was shameful. As is the apparent lack of psychological support for someone looking to be in poor mental shape. And where is the players association?

What those penalised did was disgraceful and they'll carry that for the remainder of their lives, not just their cricketing careers. That doesn't mean they should be treated in a dehumanising manner.

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Australian cheating at Newlands, where to from here?

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