Society & Culture Beautiful Cities of the World

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Rio de Janeiro has the most amazing natural landscape but it is far from beautiful.
That is how I feel about my home. The city of Vancouver is average and I rarely go downtown. It's the water and surrounding mountains that make it great.

My top ten cities that I have been to would be:

1. St. Petersburg
2. Budapest
3. Prague
4. Ljubljana
5. Vienna
6. Salzburg
7. Zagreb
8. Moscow
9. San Francisco
10. Taipei
That is how I feel about my home. The city of Vancouver is average and I rarely go downtown. It's the water and surrounding mountains that make it great.

Not seen this view. Vancouver does remind me of our cities when I went there. I think I stayed in some suburb called Westminister.
Of all the cities I been to , Perth the best looking. Only seen Vienna and Odesa in Europe. Would love to check out Prague in person.
LA was yuck and New york not much better. Santa Jose forgetfull.
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Not seen this view. Vancouver does remind me of our cities when I went there. I think I stayed in some suburb called Westminister.
Of all the cities I been to , Perth the best looking. Only seen Vienna and Odesa in Europe. Would love to check out Prague in person.
LA was yuck and New york not much better. Santa Jose forgetfull.
That is Granville island on the left so it’s kind of taken from the south side of the city. And that would have been New Westminster.

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Sighisoara in Romania is probably the most beautiful place I've been to but I don't think it classifies as a city. It's more of a town. What is the divide between a town and a city?

Difficult to make a numbered list, so the top 10 for me in a rough order (excluding Perth which I think is up there imo) - fight me

  1. Copenhagen
  2. Vienna
  3. Salzburg
  4. Kyoto
  5. Barcelona
  6. Reykjavik
  7. Paris
  8. Budapest
  9. Tallinn
  10. Florence
HM: Venice - this one was difficult to include or exclude because by itself it is obviously stunning - but far too many tourists and the associated unpleasantness (yes I am aware of the irony in that statement)
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HM: Venice - this one was difficult to include or exclude because by itself it is obviously stunning - but far too many tourists and the associated unpleasantness (yes I am aware of the irony in that statement)
I feel the same way about Dubrovnik. Spectacular but overrun with tourists.
Has anyone explored any of the Chinese cities? I really loved Taipei and Hong Kong and I think that around China will be my next trip, plenty of ancient architecture mixed in with modern developments. Also the natural landscape outside the cities can be very diverse and beautiful. Not for everyone, but reckon a China trip is a bit slept on.

Out of the cities I've been too, I'd say Prague is number 1. But Amsterdam wouldn't be that far behind and the fact that you're probably high on drugs there makes it feel even more beautiful. Australian cities are pretty good looking as well, although nobody wants to say that as we all just live in pretty boring suburbs, but if you go looking for it they can be quite pretty.
Has anyone explored any of the Chinese cities? I really loved Taipei and Hong Kong and I think that around China will be my next trip, plenty of ancient architecture mixed in with modern developments. Also the natural landscape outside the cities can be very diverse and beautiful. Not for everyone, but reckon a China trip is a bit slept on.

Out of the cities I've been too, I'd say Prague is number 1. But Amsterdam wouldn't be that far behind and the fact that you're probably high on drugs there makes it feel even more beautiful. Australian cities are pretty good looking as well, although nobody wants to say that as we all just live in pretty boring suburbs, but if you go looking for it they can be quite pretty.

Many people I talk to from overseas who come to visit me say that Perth city is clean, well designed, generally safe and the weather is top notch.
Many people I talk to from overseas who come to visit me say that Perth city is clean, well designed, generally safe and the weather is top notch.
People always either undervalue or overvalue where they grew up. It's either the best place ever, or an absolute shithole. In Australia I've found that most people born here say our cities are terrible, but I've never met an American who didn't think that their birthplace isn't the greatest urban development of all time.
People always either undervalue or overvalue where they grew up. It's either the best place ever, or an absolute shithole. In Australia I've found that most people born here say our cities are terrible, but I've never met an American who didn't think that their birthplace isn't the greatest urban development of all time.

Perth has its faults - they all do - but overall there is a reason why it often appears in top 10 liveable cities lists.

And having been to dozens of countries (admittedly as a tourist only) I think I can confidently say the weather here is the best compared to the others. In terms of cleanliness, perhaps only surpassed by the Scandinavian countries and developed Asian countries, and when it comes to air and water pollution, maybe only surpassed by a couple of places overall.
Depending on where you're looking at it from, Cape Town can be stunning.
Cape Town was the city I thought of when reading this thread but it's not that easy. I've visited twice, and I love it but scratch the surface and there's some real shit holes like the Cape Flats and other areas. But there's such beauty within an hour's drive of Cape Town. I've climbed Lion's Head, visited Kirstenbosch, Stellenbosch and driven the east coast all the way up through Eswatini(Swaziland) and through to Kruger and Johannesburg.

I love the country so much we considered buying a house on Crocodile river near Malelane, but it has great problems.

Of the 40 odd countries I've visited South Africa is in the top 3 favourites along with Belize.
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