Ben Cousins sacked

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avid blue supporter

Senior List
Apr 8, 2006
AFL Club
Just seen on Fox News Ben Cousins has been sacked by West Coast. The reasons for Judd wanting to get out are becoming more clear every day. My question is why is everyone putting the full blame on Cousins - what about the role Chick played? He seems to have been involved in a big way. Why is he not getting the same treatment as Cousins.

Finally I hope the AFL has the balls to give West Coast a huge kick up the a*se for doing nothing about Cousins, Chick, Gardner, Fletcher, Kerr and so on and so on over the last 6-7 years. At the very least they should get a nice old fine and lose their first round draft pick for letting this situation develop.:mad:
He is a f***wit, simple really. He isn't a child and makes his own decisions in life. He has broken the law on several occasions and should be punished for it. I don't give a shit if he necks himself to be honest. Good riddance with scum.
Poor example right here of human behaviour......:thumbsdown:

This is why people in our society find themselves with nowhere to turn and do "neck themselves".

Shame on you.

He has an addiction. It's an illness. Like smoking, alcoholism........very hard to kick.
Doesn't make it right.........but it doesn't make you right either.

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I don't condone AFL players taking drugs....but they just said on the news that the drug Benny had was valium. Hardly a hard core drug...would have thought it would warrant a caution from the cops. The whole thing reeks of a take down for political purposes to me. :eek:
I don't condone AFL players taking drugs....but they just said on the news that the drug Benny had was valium. Hardly a hard core drug...would have thought it would warrant a caution from the cops. The whole thing reeks of a take down for political purposes to me. :eek:

In non Miami Vice speak this means........?
[/b]In non Miami Vice speak this means........?

He was targeted by the police. The excuse for pulling him over was that the vehicle was being driven erraticly. Yeah, two plain clothes detectives just happen to be around when Benny went for drive. Searched the car for something like an hour. Sounds pretty determined to me. He was going to be made an example of for political reasons.
He was targeted by the police. The excuse for pulling him over was that the vehicle was being driven erraticly. Yeah, two plain clothes detectives just happen to be around when Benny went for drive. Searched the car for something like an hour. Sounds pretty determined to me. He was going to be made an example of for political reasons.

Still don't get the political angle but yeah, it certainly sounds like he was being closely watched. He must have known that. Just goes to show how completely gone this fella was not to be able to make more intelligent decisions.
Still don't get the political angle but yeah, it certainly sounds like he was being closely watched. He must have known that. Just goes to show how completely gone this fella was not to be able to make more intelligent decisions.

Politics: [SIZE=-1]social relations involving authority or power

The powers that be (Police) have an axe to grind with Benny, hence the political angle. He's a big scalp that gets the force in the papers. ;)
Have so much respect for Cousins the footballer - Cousins the man however...:(

I am honestly gutted. My favorite footballer on the field outside of Carlton - for it to come to this is horrid. Hopefully he gets his life in order, although I can't see him ever playing footy at AFL level again.

I can see him playing again for sure. The public like to forgive the flawed character. If you hurt kids, or bag the country, or spill cold beer they tend to resent you for life. But give a bloke with rough edges a chance to redeem himself and they will come. I understand he has had plenty of chances but that will make it even more spectacular.

A couple of years in the wilderness, making a safari doco Alby Mangels style up north, helping the poor, the blind, the sick, trekking through the outback finding his spirituality. Ray Martin will come out of retirement and poke a microphone in his face whilst they both sit on top of Uluru and ask him: "Any unfinished business, Ben?"

By the time the WA media are finished he will have his own daytime chat program and a line of clothing - proceeds going to a drug rehab program. A huge thing in his favour is his look. He is gorgeous to look at and our shallow society forgives all those who are pretty and/or famous.

Expect a hiatus of some length but I very much doubt he has played his last game of AFL.
I can see him playing again for sure. The public like to forgive the flawed character. If you hurt kids, or bag the country, or spill cold beer they tend to resent you for life. But give a bloke with rough edges a chance to redeem himself and they will come. I understand he has had plenty of chances but that will make it even more spectacular.

A couple of years in the wilderness, making a safari doco Alby Mangels style up north, helping the poor, the blind, the sick, trekking through the outback finding his spirituality. Ray Martin will come out of retirement and poke a microphone in his face whilst they both sit on top of Uluru and ask him: "Any unfinished business, Ben?"

By the time the WA media are finished he will have his own daytime chat program and a line of clothing - proceeds going to a drug rehab program. A huge thing in his favour is his look. He is gorgeous to look at and our shallow society forgives all those who are pretty and/or famous.

Expect a hiatus of some length but I very much doubt he has played his last game of AFL.

He's got to avoid deregistration. And even if he does, he'll likely be 30/31 before he's even ready, with a basically 2-3 years out of the game (given his extremely limited 07). Possible, but not probable.
He's got to avoid deregistration. And even if he does, he'll likely be 30/31 before he's even ready, with a basically 2-3 years out of the game (given his extremely limited 07). Possible, but not probable.

Good point. I'd completely overlooked his age.

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What is this, communist Russia?

I don't agree with you comment, but if you can't get a drug/drunk drivers off the road,i don't really care if they do themselves,only because why should i or anyone family be put in a wheelchair,lose a arm/leg or die and suffer because they don't walk,catch the bus or get a lift from somebody knowing they are wasted.
I would probably do something drastic to the person if i knew he was a coke head and made my life a living hell especially if the guy was still doing the shit.
I don't agree with you comment, but if you can't get a drug/drunk drivers off the road,i don't really care if they do themselves,only because why should i or anyone family be put in a wheelchair,lose a arm/leg or die and suffer because they don't walk,catch the bus or get a lift from somebody knowing they are wasted.
I would probably do something drastic to the person if i knew he was a coke head and made my life a living hell especially if the guy was still doing the shit.

Exactly. This guy has total disregard for anyone else. He only thinks about himself. Why would I sympathise with a guy who has ruined the lives of so many? I empathise with his loved ones. They're the ones who have had their world turned upside down.
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